ECT Mystery Babylon


New member
Nothing prophetic happened in 70AD to the preterists's dismay.
That is just not true.
Jerusalem was surrounded by armies and the Temple was destroyed exactly as Jesus prophesied in the Olivet Discourse.

Where Preterists and Futurists get it wrong is in not recognizing that the great tribulation has to do with the exile of the children of Israel from the land, which is a two thousand year long tribulation.


New member
That you have to ask anyone that just betrays your having been spoonfed what you hold to.

You haven't even figured out that the word prophecy means to foretell the future not the past. The preterist/historical method is dumber than a blind squirrel with a busted cheek sack.


New member
I am a classical full gospel Pentecost of many years. I can give anyone a guided tour around the mountain in the wilderness.

So you're a dispensational Christian, thanks. The Jews and Gentiles only come together in the demilitarized zone to build up the wall of separation.


New member
That is just not true.
Jerusalem was surrounded by armies and the Temple was destroyed exactly as Jesus prophesied in the Olivet Discourse.

Where Preterists and Futurists get it wrong is in not recognizing that the great tribulation has to do with the exile of the children of Israel from the land, which is a two thousand year long tribulation.

And Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies again probably the ten horns of the beast when they burn her with fire. Babylon is a code word for Jerusalem in the bible. The story of Belshazzar when he brought out the golden cups from the temple to drink wine in was highly symbolic. The king of Babylon drank wine from the golden cup of the Jewish temple. I think Revelation even talks about the wine of the wrath of her fornication.


New member
You haven't even figured out that the word prophecy means to foretell the future not the past. The preterist/historical method is dumber than a blind squirrel with a busted cheek sack.

No; it carries more than one sense.

Word study it in your KJV, know it all - then comment :doh:

You are just one more example of the difference between those who have not known better and those who remain there even after it is pointed out to them.

Of course, you could do the suggested word study and prove me wrong - this time.

I, for one, would be just fine with that, both with you, and for you.

NEITHER OF US IS...the issue.


New member
No; it carries more than one sense.

Word study it in your KJV, know it all - then comment :doh:

You are just one more example of the difference between those who have not known better and those who remain there even after it is pointed out to them.

Of course, you could do the suggested word study and prove me wrong - this time.

I, for one, would be just fine with that, both with you, and for you.

NEITHER OF US IS...the issue.

The Olivet discourse had an application for 70AD so the Christians would flee the city but the true fulfillment has not happened yet. The great tribulation that will never be equaled is still future. The second coming and the signs that precede the second coming are future. The Olivet discourse ends with the second coming of Christ which is future! You have no rebuttal for that and I've been down this road before.


New member
The Olivet discourse had an application for 70AD so the Christians would flee the city but the true fulfillment has not happened yet. The great tribulation that will never be equaled is still future. The second coming and the signs that precede the second coming are future. The Olivet discourse ends with the second coming of Christ which is future! You have no rebuttal for that and I've been down this road before.

There you go; agreeing with this Dispy (me) in a sense, once more :chuckle:


New member
I have heard people attempt to make America into Mystery Babylon but it just doesn't fit the verses. Rome fits each and every one perfectly.

Mystery Babylon is a city:
Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

It is a "city" not a nation. God knows who He is talking about, and it is a spiritual city who spreads a false gospel. God is concerned with false doctrine, not monetary policy.

She sits on seven mountains:
Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

From the Catholic encyclopedia:
Only one city has for more than 2000 years been known as the city on seven hills. That city is Rome. The Catholic Encyclopedia states: "It is within the city of Rome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican State proper is now confined."

Her colors are purple and scarlet:
Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Also, God calls this Mystery Babylon a "She". She is a harlot. God uses a "chaste virgin" to refer to His true church (2 Cor 11:2)and a harlot to represent a false church, the "anti-church".

I agree. It all fits, down to the colors and the sitting on many waters. Rome is Mystery Babylon, and the harlot is the RCC.


New member
I thought you were a preterist for some reason, my bad. Hard to keep up with all the flavors.

There are some five "flavors" or so, of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism represented here on TOL.

Another three or four "flavors" of Preterism, and likwise as to all other "flavors" represented.

And you are not the first to have "suspected" I might somehow lean towards a Preterism of some sort :chuckle:

I am well rounded in my Mid-Acts understanding. As a result, I often know right off who subscribes to what, from few of their few posts.

Consider that if you have to ask, then your own view is not as well informed as you might think it is.

When I first began posting on TOL, I was right off concluded by one "flavor" of Mid-Acts as one of them.

This, though it was obvious in my posts I was not.

Eventually, just one more piece from me in my words (while in a debate with one from a first "flavor" of Mid-Acts in my defense of some from a third "flavor,") and next thing I knew, I was quietly concluded anathema by said third "flavor" :chuckle:

Later, some other excuse was used as the reason. But such is to be expected. It is the nature of dissimulation.

If you are wise by the time you encounter such things from people, it all makes you a bit more philosophical about the value of such things, once more; you end up enduring once more; being better off for it, once more; and at the benefit that is the sense "how amusing" :chuckle:

So, if a Preterist is what you had suspected me being; and if that will now be replaced by you by some other convinient label; well then have at; I continue to enjoy a good ribbing.

Whether at your expense, or my own.


New member
Yeah, 5 flavors. That makes sense.

And you are so astute; it had to be pointed out to you :chuckle:

While in reality; said supposed five flavors are nothing more than just a few points we each differ in our understanding of within the midst of much that we all agree on.

Some hold to KJVO; some do not.

Some hold to the gifts; some do not.

Some hold to observing the Lord's Supper; some do not.

Some hold that only those who hold to their view are the faithful; some do not.

Some hold only those who hold to their view of sonship will not be cutoff from its inheritance; some do not.

And so it goes; just as with every other school of thought under the banner "Christianity."

One thing almost all from all schools of thought all seem to hold in common is how consistently clueless you are, CR.

:chuckle: you; GT; and Meshak ALWAYS end up, in the end, on EVERYONE'S "what in heaven's name is wrong with this person" list.

Even those on here about as confused as a Jehova's Witness at a Mormon picnic agree, that you are one confused in his own mind individual.

You might as well change your name to Baskin Robbins :rotfl:


New member
You haven't even figured out that the word prophecy means to foretell the future not the past.

The preterist/historical method is dumber than a blind squirrel with a busted cheek sack.
It is preterist and futurist methods that have the most problems.
Some Historical methods of interpreting the prophecies are much better.


New member
And Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies again probably the ten horns of the beast when they burn her with fire.
Zechariah 14 must be fulfilled and it did not happen in 70 CE.

Babylon is a code word for Jerusalem in the bible.
That is pure stupidity, since Jerusalem is the city of the Temple and Babylon is the exile and loss of the Temple.

1 Kings 9:6-9
6 But if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them:
7 Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people:
8 And at this house, which is high, every one that passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why hath the Lord done thus unto this land, and to this house?
9 And they shall answer, Because they forsook the Lord their God, who brought forth their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have taken hold upon other gods, and have worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath the Lord brought upon them all this evil.​

The exile, destruction of the Temple, and desolation of Jerusalem happened twice, once by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the second time by the Romans in 70 CE.

Babylon never refers to Jerusalem and always refers to the exile from the land and the lack of Jerusalem and the Temple.

Jerusalem is the city of the Lord and the Temple in it will be rebuilt according to God's command.

Zechariah 1:16-17
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord; I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies: my house shall be built in it, saith the Lord of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth upon Jerusalem.
17 Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.​



New member
The Olivet discourse had an application for 70AD so the Christians would flee the city but the true fulfillment has not happened yet.
If you mean the great tribulation has not ended yet, you are right.
If you mean that the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the children of Israel will happen again, you are sorely mistaken.

The great tribulation that will never be equaled is still future. The second coming and the signs that precede the second coming are future. The Olivet discourse ends with the second coming of Christ which is future! You have no rebuttal for that and I've been down this road before.
The great tribulation is the current exile of the children of Israel from the land, just like the previous Babylonian exile was decreed upon them.
This great tribulation has been going on for almost 2,000 years.
The second coming is right after the end of the great tribulation, and these events are the ones that are still awaiting fulfillment.
The rebuilding of the Temple is a sign that the great tribulation is ending.

Cross Reference

New member
And you are so astute; it had to be pointed out to you :chuckle:

While in reality; said supposed five flavors are nothing more than just a few points we each differ in our understanding of within the midst of much that we all agree on.

Some hold to KJVO; some do not.

Some hold to the gifts; some do not.

Some hold to observing the Lord's Supper; some do not.

Some hold that only those who hold to their view are the faithful; some do not.

Some hold only those who hold to their view of sonship will not be cutoff from its inheritance; some do not.

And so it goes; just as with every other school of thought under the banner "Christianity."

One thing almost all from all schools of thought all seem to hold in common is how consistently clueless you are, CR.

:chuckle: you; GT; and Meshak ALWAYS end up, in the end, on EVERYONE'S "what in heaven's name is wrong with this person" list.

Even those on here about as confused as a Jehova's Witness at a Mormon picnic agree, that you are one confused in his own mind individual.

You might as well change your name to Baskin Robbins :rotfl:

"heavens name", you say? Pick up your marbles and go home, Juvenile Jimmy.


New member
It is preterist and futurist methods that have the most problems.
Some Historical methods of interpreting the prophecies are much better.

Historicists are full retard while preterists are only semi-retarded. No offense to retarded people. I've actually been accused of being retarded.


New member
That is pure stupidity, since Jerusalem is the city of the Temple and Babylon is the exile and loss of the Temple.

You're inadequate understanding is what is stupid. I do have compassion on your stupidness so I'm going to school you. The two symbolic women of Revelation (Babylon and the expectant woman of chap. 12) are a direct parallel to the allegory of Paul in Galatians 4. Paul used the two wives of Abraham (Hagar and Sarah) as symbols of the old and new covenants and old and new Jerusalem. In Revelation there are two great cities with one being the old or earthly Jerusalem Rev. 11:8 and the other being the new or heavenly Jerusalem or the bride of Christ Rev. 21:10. Babylon or Hagar represents the old covenant and earthly Jerusalem. At the cross Jesus divorced his old covenant people so he could be with his new covenant bride. Needless to say, Babylon the great harlot was not happy about this and at the end of time she will once again come to power and make the world feel her pain.