My Religion

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And another thing is this. Your religion and your God only exists in your head. Isn't that a dangerous place for a God to exist?

It is factual that everything we experience is in our heads brother Kode.


The thing is this. In the world there's tons of theories about God. And if someone wants to learn more of someone's beliefs that person can read something about their beliefs on a book or on the internet. But there's nothing to study about your religion unless you share your thoughts.

Do plan or have you written a sacred book about your religion?

No I don’t. But, because of people like you maybe someday I will. Right now, I take this life one day at a time....and even one moment at a time. If God wishes me to do something other than what I’m doing right now, fine with me. If not, I do the best I can do to make it through this place in love. Then, as I take my last breath...I’ll be seeing God and my questions will be answered.

Or else, there will be nothing. Either way....I’m good with it.


Active member
Of course. Where else would it be?
It's k0de. Spelling is important it can make my program malfunction. And we don't want any errors like the Bible. Lol

Anyhow your religion, your God and yourself are the subjects in question on this thread. So please help me understand your beliefs better.

I was reading on gotquestion org about anthropomorphism and I learned that anthropomorphism is in theological terms, making God in some way into the form of man. Mostly, it is the process of assigning human characteristics to God like in all the existing sacred text.

But everything about your religion and the God in subject are abstract. Why is that?

And if any what are your anthropomorphism about your God in your religion?

Here's the link to anthropomorphism.


kOde, you ask good questions.

You say my beliefs are vague and abstract but you’d like to understand them better. You bring up anthropomorphism which is very relevant.

First let’s begin by saying that anthropomorphism is not limited to theology. It is a term that can be applied to beyond what we think of God, and include the world around us and the things in it. It is an easy thing for people to fall into, to think that everything or somethings can be like us because we are like us. It is something to be aware of because it’s a logical mistake that people can fall into.

You see kOde, things can’t be like us because they have no brain. A rock, mountain, sky or stream cannot become tired, lazy, impatient, pleased or displeased because they have no mechanisms of thought....but we do.

Everything we experience or know comes through the filter of our own brains. Our brains are really quite amazing, they are like supercomputers because of the speed at which they function and the amount of information they process.

There may be a real world existing around us, but we only know it because of our brains. Take the brain away and existence or non existence becomes meaningless.

That is the beginning.


Now, let’s speak of my abstract beliefs.

Let’s think of what it’s like to grasp the wind. Grasping for the wind is a vanity because it cannot be captured with your hands, yet we know that wind exists. More than that, we know what wind is any why it is. Wind is the movement of Earths atmosphere and it’s caused by differential heating. Solomon didn’t know this (most likely) but we do, thanks to science and the scientific method which did not exist at that time.

Anyway, attempting to define God, or name His attributes is like grasping for the wind. One may try to do it, but one will always end up with the same thing one started with. Therefore, God as we understand him is based upon our thoughts and experiences which all happen inside our heads. God cannot be known externally or independently from what we think.

That is why my beliefs are vague and abstract. When one abandons all beliefs, there is no fear of wrong believing. I believe that is the starting point for truth, and it’s the hardest point to get to, as I see it.

But that is what I have endeavored to do kOde. Now, as I move forward through this life and decide what to believe, I do so cautiously with truth as my foundation. I hope that explains it a little better, and I will add more as time permits.


Imagine you are a king of a very large country. You are always honest, fair, just, and treat
everyone the same way. You do not make a difference in how you treat the powerful or the
lowly people in your realm. Then one day you are attacked by the number 3 guy in your
your government in a very subtle, very hard to define way. His basic accusation is that
you are unfair and unjust, but he phrases it in a way that makes it seem as if he is supporting
you while he is, in fact, slandering your character. Now, as king you have the power and
authority to kill him, outlaw him, send him to prison, kick him out of your government, etc...
however a whole lot of your subjects and members of your government believe the slanders
and if you take legal or punitive action against him it will seem as if you are verifying his
accusations against you. That is something you wish to do at all costs.

I wonder if it’s an anthropomorphic projection to equate a king (human ruler) to God, the Maker of All Things. Probably is.

But, if I were to offer a similar analogy to express my beliefs and how they differ from most would be like this.

Imagine a king, a great ruler even greater than Alexander the Great. Let’s say this king did not die young and conquered not only all the known world, but the entire planet. A one world ruler. That makes every human being on the planet whether they know it or not, his subjects. All people are subjects of his kingdom.

Now, imagine all the differences in human beings all over the planet. One king is master of them all. So, that’s how I see God.

I see God as an indescribable and unknowable being of the highest order who allowed material existence to be. Therefore, everything that exists is his. There is no some his some not like Christians believe. All people are his.

That’s why I don’t believe in Christianity. Well, one of the reasons. It’s because Christians believe some people are Gods people and some are not. They are wrong.



Active member
I see God as an indescribable and unknowable being of the highest order who allowed material existence to be. Therefore, everything that exists is his. There is no some his some not like Christians believe. All people are his.
Sunnism to it's finest.

Assignment of physical attributes to God, forbidden by the Quran according to orthodox Muslims. Because God is utterly unique, there can be no similarity between Him and created entities.

Why not Islam instead of your religion?


Sunnism to it's finest.

Assignment of physical attributes to God, forbidden by the Quran according to orthodox Muslims. Because God is utterly unique, there can be no similarity between Him and created entities.

Why not Islam instead of your religion?

I have not studied Islam in great detail. So, I can’t comment on it much. I’m sure there are probably some positive principles there as there are in all religions. That’s not why I reject religion. Religion has good things to say, but so does Shakespeare.

But to be honest, at this point I’m not actively searching for anything other than what I’m already learning. I believe one can bloom where one is planted.


Active member
kOde, you ask good questions.

You say my beliefs are vague and abstract but you’d like to understand them better. You bring up anthropomorphism which is very relevant.
Yes, it is very confusing from my perspective to understand what your beliefs are about.

First let’s begin by saying that anthropomorphism is not limited to theology. It is a term that can be applied to beyond what we think of God, and include the world around us and the things in it. It is an easy thing for people to fall into, to think that everything or somethings can be like us because we are like us. It is something to be aware of because it’s a logical mistake that people can fall into.
What you stated here clearly shows that you are not an atheist. Do you consider yourself agnostic?

You see kOde, things can’t be like us because they have no brain. A rock, mountain, sky or stream cannot become tired, lazy, impatient, pleased or displeased because they have no mechanisms of thought....but we do.
Thank God for that.

Everything we experience or know comes through the filter of our own brains. Our brains are really quite amazing, they are like supercomputers because of the speed at which they function and the amount of information they process.

There may be a real world existing around us, but we only know it because of our brains. Take the brain away and existence or non existence becomes meaningless.

That is the beginning.
I'm trying to grasp what you are saying here. But I can't put my finger on it. Can you please rephrase?


Active member
Now, let’s speak of my abstract beliefs.
Yes please.

Let’s think of what it’s like to grasp the wind. Grasping for the wind is a vanity because it cannot be captured with your hands, yet we know that wind exists. More than that, we know what wind is any why it is. Wind is the movement of Earths atmosphere and it’s caused by differential heating. Solomon didn’t know this (most likely) but we do, thanks to science and the scientific method which did not exist at that time.
This is where I disagree. Let me put it this way. I believe science and beliefs have existed in parallel since the day that our brains received the ability to reason. And overtime both science and religion in parallel have evolve along with our understanding by the permission of a God or supreme being to what religion and science have become today.

Anyway, attempting to define God, or name His attributes is like grasping for the wind. One may try to do it, but one will always end up with the same thing one started with. Therefore, God as we understand him is based upon our thoughts and experiences which all happen inside our heads. God cannot be known externally or independently from what we think.
I believe we know somethings about Him by his allowance.

That is why my beliefs are vague and abstract. When one abandons all beliefs, there is no fear of wrong believing. I believe that is the starting point for truth, and it’s the hardest point to get to, as I see it.

But that is what I have endeavored to do kOde. Now, as I move forward through this life and decide what to believe, I do so cautiously with truth as my foundation. I hope that explains it a little better, and I will add more as time permits.
According to the Bible you are showing strong signs of reprobation here. Is that something that you have considered?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That’s why I don’t believe in Christianity. Well, one of the reasons. It’s because Christians believe some people are Gods people and some are not. They are wrong.

That isn't the authorized belief of the authentic Christian faith though. There are Christians who believe like that, but among all the different traditions the authentic one is Catholicism, and Catholicism believes that all Catholics, all non-Catholic Christians, and all non-Christians, all possess the same human rights, and Catholicism believes that laws that are right and just, are those laws that defend all our rights, and where we are all equal under the law.


What you stated here clearly shows that you are not an atheist. Do you consider yourself agnostic?

No, since I claim belief in God that makes me more of a Theist than an Agnostic.

I'm trying to grasp what you are saying here. But I can't put my finger on it. Can you please rephrase?

Yes, what I am expressing is that all of your experiences are a result of your brain. Everything you think, feel and do is based on the fact that your body is controlled by your brain.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Sorry to see you are banned. I can’t answer your question unless you get more specific. Hope to hear from you again.
There have just been many people throughout history, in both the West and in the East, who have pondered deeply the things you too are plumbing right now, and who were not Christian, or those who were Christian but nonetheless whose religious opinions didn't impact their conclusions. This is just philosophy. So I'm wondering what philosophy you've investigated. And I mentioned Eastern philosophy is typically religious or spiritual, but it is handling the same topics you are.
. . . all of your experiences are a result of your brain. Everything you think, feel and do is based on the fact that your body is controlled by your brain.
This is a great example, and immediately brings to mind thinkers like Descartes and Kant and even Plato. People thought about things just like this, centuries and centuries ago. You can just 'youtube' philosophy and get quickly familiarized with some of it, if you haven't yet.


There have just been many people throughout history, in both the West and in the East, who have pondered deeply the things you too are plumbing right now, and who were not Christian, or those who were Christian but nonetheless whose religious opinions didn't impact their conclusions. This is just philosophy. So I'm wondering what philosophy you've investigated. And I mentioned Eastern philosophy is typically religious or spiritual, but it is handling the same topics you are.
This is a great example, and immediately brings to mind thinkers like Descartes and Kant and even Plato. People thought about things just like this, centuries and centuries ago. You can just 'youtube' philosophy and get quickly familiarized with some of it, if you haven't yet.

I have studied Descartes and Plato to some degree and I have a high level of respect for their work, and I even appreciate Solomon and would include him in that number. Thanks for your recommendation, I think that is something I would be interested in.


Active member
No, since I claim belief in God that makes me more of a Theist than an Agnostic.

Yes, what I am expressing is that all of your experiences are a result of your brain. Everything you think, feel and do is based on the fact that your body is controlled by your brain.
Thanks for the explanation. But you didn't answer my question of reprobation. Since there's no one else but yourself interested in following this religion.

Have you considered that maybe you are suffering from a reprobate mind?


Thanks for the explanation. But you didn't answer my question of reprobation. Since there's no one else but yourself interested in following this religion.

Have you considered that maybe you are suffering from a reprobate mind?

Talk about reprobate kOde. What do you think reprobate means, and how is it observed or understood?


Active member
Talk about reprobate kOde. What do you think reprobate means, and how is it observed or understood?
According to and the Bible.

Reprobation, in Christian theology,
Isn’t teaching that because of their wicked actions that God will not save them, but it’s teaching that God has withdrawn his offer of salvation and he gives them over to a seared conscience and now they can do vile actions. The vile actions and the many different things are evidence of a reprobate mind.

Have you taken some time to think or considered self analysis of reprobation?


According to and the Bible.

Reprobation, in Christian theology,
Isn’t teaching that because of their wicked actions that God will not save them, but it’s teaching that God has withdrawn his offer of salvation and he gives them over to a seared conscience and now they can do vile actions. The vile actions and the many different things are evidence of a reprobate mind.

Have you taken some time to think or considered self analysis of reprobation?

Please define vile actions.
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