My contention with Nicky boy

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
(((( INSANE ))))???? -- Just because I'm not the FOOL You Are, I'm INSANE?? -- That's the same kind of Dung SATAN Would say in his LIE Also!!!

Just Stay Where you Are, that will be just FINE For ME!!!!!

Paul, David -- 070914

Take a shave and get a haircut soon! People are starting to talk!

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Your reference to him as "Nicky boy," demonstrates that you lack confidence in yourself, on TOL, and are merely acting as a "tuff gal," Dora. I'd bet that Nick the Great, could beat you up, right after he pulled off your fake pig tails.

I know, I know....I'm just trying to gyp you out of your Twinkies.....Back to Pentecost!!!! Puh-rays Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!

Tuffness in evangelical Christianity is purely an American right wing thing which NObody else understands. Deciding eternal issues on the basis of who is quickest on the draw, who is the most bravest, doggone gutsiest gunslinger of them all.

Or said another way "Might is right"


New member
Take a shave and get a haircut soon! People are starting to talk!

YES!!!, Satan's (( PEOPLE ))!!!
(( Leviticus 19:27 KJV )) – 27- “(( Ye shall not round the corners of your heads )), (( Neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard ))”. --&--
(( Acts 18:18 KJV )) -- 18 And Paul after this tarried there yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren, and sailed thence into Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila; ((((( Having ( “Shorn his Head” ))))) in Cenchrea: (( for he had a “VOW” )) --//-----!!

Where’s your Long Hair and Beard??? -- (( Both Jesus and Paul )) Had beards and LONG HAIR!!! -- ((( What’s you “VOW” ??))), – (((((( You Heavenly Cursed ( Hebrews 12:8 KJV ))))))??????????

How do you get away with ((( SOOO MUCH “DISRUPTING” AND CURSING of Others ))???? - Others get ( BANNED FOR IT ), But NOT YOUUUU!!!! – Or do FOOLS Like You not know what ( CURSING ) IS??????? --- (( Hebrews 12:8 KJV )) is not Cursing, but it is such as you – GOD AND ( I ) “CALL TO HELL”!!!

Paul, David – 071014

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Your reference to him as "Nicky boy," demonstrates that you lack confidence in yourself, on TOL, and are merely acting as a "tuff gal," Dora. I'd bet that Nick the Great, could beat you up, right after he pulled off your fake pig tails.

I know, I know....I'm just trying to gyp you out of your Twinkies.....Back to Pentecost!!!! Puh-rays Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!

My reference to Nick as Nicky boy actually is an affectionate term :chuckle: I have never hated Nick even when he was negging me as an evil witch and snake woman etc.

I also recognise the similarity between rightwing American evangelicalism and the hard nosed Puritanism which took over from the softer more gentle Puritanism of the 16th century. It DOES have some things going for it, but we pine to see softness and gentleness.


New member
(( Just Look At This BUNCH Of Phony SO Called -- ~((( ~"Christians"!!!!! )))!!!, - Every One of you Christ Hating Fools are Nothing but a Pile of DUNG!!! -- ?Christians"!!!!!, -- Yes, just like Satan, the Lying (( Hebrews 12:8 KJV ))!!!! -- MAN, What a Bunch of phony Fools!!!!

None of you Fools can use anything like Christ / The Word of God to DEFEND Yourselves, -- (( Never ))!!!!

Paul, David -- 070914

I Posted this "Post" in - "Politics".

I have told you all for years now, in the Back Alley, on my Thread, (( “Judgment without the End” )), that you were Losing Your Country and World!!. – And you Just Laughed and called me Names.
The Leader You All voted for, and that ( Ugly ) America “Woman”, has Now conquered your Country; --- or to say, you all fell in ~“love” with one another, And You all / America “Married” HIM to be Free from the evil of your world.
(( John 8:36 KJV )) – 35- “(( And the servant abideth not in the house for ever )): (( but the Son abideth ever )).36- ((( If the Son ((( “THEREFORE” ))) shall make you Free, ye shall be Free indeed ))). --//----- You all missed His Coming!!!

Countries and Nations are called – (( “SHE” )), thus, America, - She has ( Married ) the Antichrist through (( Willful Spiritual Sex )), just Like God said “She” would!! – Your Father the Devil, and your Mother, - the Nation / Family / ((( “HOUSE” ))) is America, and many other Wives of your Nation’s Husband, and You all’s ( Father )!! – Read it!!
(( John 8:41-44 KJV )) – 41- “Ye do the deeds of your father. ( Then said they to him ), ((( We be not born of fornication ))); ( we have one Father, even God ). 42- ((( Jesus said unto them ))), ( If God were your Father, ye would love me ): for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but He sent me. 43- Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44- (( Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do )). He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in him”. --//-----

Paul – 061414

How do any of you Fools think you are going to get Away With Your foolish ( "Antichrist" ) Garbage?? -- ((( YOU ALL )))>> - ( THE Body, / House, / Family, - or "Churches of THE Antichrist, IS Made of Many, Many Members; - who all are "antichrists" / "ANTITRUTH"!!

((( Now your "World" IS IN REAL TROUBLE )))!!!!

Have fun, when you depart your - "~fleshly ~bodies"!! --- OOOOHHHHH I WILL, - I will "LAUGH"!!!

Paul, David -- 071014


Well-known member
…and your name is Richard Cranium?
:doh: He was kidding you on this particular about using 'creepy.' is all.

These two used it all the time:


Beaver Cleaver "Leave It To Beaver" < > Ernie Douglas "My Three Sons"

For Theodore "Beaver" Clever - Eddie Haskel, the local hoodlum was 'creepy.'

For Ernie Douglas, his brother's liking girls was 'kinda creepy.'

John actually, in a rare moment, was self-depracatory assuming the role of Eddie Haskel for you.
Heh, Sam....just call me Eddie Haskell!

Maybe he deserved if from a previous post, but this one was actually kind of nice.

No WONDER he's so mean! I feel your pain, John. Dang even when you are nice, you're mean!
Nice just don't pay none :nono:

Before you go on to another thread though, give me your best "Good Morning Mrs. Clever," line.


Well-known member
Your reference to him as "Nicky boy," demonstrates that you lack confidence in yourself, on TOL, and are merely acting as a "tuff gal," Dora. I'd bet that Nick the Great, could beat you up, right after he pulled off your fake pig tails.

I know, I know....I'm just trying to gyp you out of your Twinkies.....Back to Pentecost!!!! Puh-rays Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!

Yeah, for some reason, these holier-than-thous think their cute little name calling is so much higher than what the other guy does. Cleaner rats. :chuckle:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
My reference to Nick as Nicky boy actually is an affectionate term :chuckle: I have never hated Nick even when he was negging me as an evil witch and snake woman etc.

I also recognise the similarity between rightwing American evangelicalism and the hard nosed Puritanism which took over from the softer more gentle Puritanism of the 16th century. It DOES have some things going for it, but we pine to see softness and gentleness.

"Nicky boy actually is an affectionate term"-Dora the Explorer

And Nick the Great, and I, just walked off the proverbial turnip truck from Italy, England.....

To whom do you think yout talking? Your "Awnt" Bessy?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
:doh: He was kidding you on this particular about using 'creepy.' is all.

These two used it all the time:


Beaver Cleaver "Leave It To Beaver" < > Ernie Douglas "My Three Sons"

For Theodore "Beaver" Clever - Eddie Haskel, the local hoodlum was 'creepy.'

For Ernie Douglas, his brother's liking girls was 'kinda creepy.'

John actually, in a rare moment, was self-depracatory assuming the role of Eddie Haskel for you.


Maybe he deserved if from a previous post, but this one was actually kind of nice.

No WONDER he's so mean! I feel your pain, John. Dang even when you are nice, you're mean!
Nice just don't pay none :nono:

Before you go on to another thread though, give me your best "Good Morning Mrs. Clever," line.

Thanks, Lonster! Being a stock trader(besides being a super hero, and part time Calvin Klein underwear model on weekends), it's a good thing that I thrive on rejection....


Well-known member
Thanks, Lonster! Being a stock trader(besides being a super hero, and part time Calvin Klein underwear model on weekends), it's a good thing that I thrive on rejection....
:( Golly. Look STP, he's so crushed he's compensating. :*( Poor boy don't even know.

Jeepers, John.