Muslims burn 43 more to death....because the 40 last week wasn't enough


how 'bout if we just nuke the ones who are killing others?

would that be ok?
Oh, my !!!

Wouldn't it be easy to simply declare those people over here are good and well-intentioned and those over there are evil?

That way all that needed to be done would be to kill and destroy all those evil ones and peace could break out.

But the line between good and evil actually runs down the center of every human heart. No one is willing to destroy a piece of one's heart.

Didn't George Bush try to "destroy the evil-doers" so that America could be secure?

And how well has that worked out?


Oh, my !!!

Wouldn't it be easy to simply declare those people over here are good and well-intentioned and those over there are evil?

That way all that needed to be done would be to kill and destroy all those evil ones and peace could break out.

But the line between good and evil actually runs down the center of every human heart. No one is willing to destroy a piece of one's heart.

Didn't George Bush try to "destroy the evil-doers" so that America could be secure?

And how well has that worked out?

(looks to see how many airliners have been flown into office buildings killing thousands in america lately)

looks like it's worked out pretty good :thumb:


New member
We've demanded the entire planet grovel at our feet for a long time, and you want another compliment? Now that right there pretty much sums up the issue. Not every discussion about America has to mention how awesome or exceptional or wonderful or great we are. Believe it or not it's possible to discuss one's country without breaking out an obligatory "God save the so-and-so, and play ball!"

You can't even bear to hear the slightest bit of criticism without getting completely unhinged. I'm not the one with the problem, sweetheart.

I'm doing just fine you spoiled brat!
Did you hear of The Marshall Plan?
You are of that generation of indulged American brats who grew up hating their own country.
Get the HELL out of here and try somewhere else!
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i've read through the whole thread and i don't see any evidence of anybody advocating killing innocent people :idunno:
Sorry to be blunt, but that's what people and nations do. And of course both sides have their "good reasons" for doing so.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm doing just fine you spoiled brat!


Yeah, sure seems like it.

Did you hear of The Marshall Plan?

Uh, yeah. What of it? (Imagine if we ever spent that kind of money on fixing our own problems. Just a thought.)

You are of that generation of indulged American brats who grew up hating their own country.

No, no, no. Time out. You don't get to use that asinine old chestnut. You confuse criticism of one's country with hatred, which is, simply put, completely and utterly stupid. If my generation (assuming you know which one it is) is more willing to criticize our country than others, yours seems completely incapable of ever even entertaining the concept.

Get the HELL out of here and try somewhere else!

Right; because, as we all know, the solution to all problems is to run away from them.:rolleyes:


You're getting more unhinged the more you talk. Typical rah-rah nonsense. You've been programmed extremely well.


Unstable, full of sectarian violence, Islamist factions vying for their own piece of power - Iran expanding its influence.

It was just barely less bloody than 2006, which was the bloodiest year (an estimated 22,586 – 24,159 civilian deaths in 2007).

Here's a body count graph:


Queue reflexive Bush defense and Obama bashing in 3, 2, 1...

sorry i missed this before - a great example of what i was talking about

it shows clearly the beginning fail of bush and the results of the surge of 2007 which ushered in a relatively peaceful era which is going in the toilet through the neglect of bammy


(looks to see how many airliners have been flown into office buildings killing thousands in america lately)

looks like it's worked out pretty good :thumb:
To those who grew up not always taking family values seriously, it shouldn't take much to realize that every person killed in a war has a mother and father and often has friends, brothers, sisters and grandchildren.

Given the thirst for revenge (if we were hit as children we first became acquainted with that emotion) everyone in a war feels it. Avenging the pain, suffering and violence is a normal response in human beings.

The revenge dynamic can affect whole nations, as Germany did in World War II and America has done after 9/11.


war is the natural state of civilization
Actually it's not. The countries who have undergone nonviolent revolutions (some two dozen in the years 1989-90) show that it is not only easier, it takes less time than preparing for and waging war.

Nonviolence means that at a deep level, we realize our connectedness instead of our separateness.

This is just one example from countless other examples:


New member

Yeah, sure seems like it.

Uh, yeah. What of it? (Imagine if we ever spent that kind of money on fixing our own problems. Just a thought.)

No, no, no. Time out. You don't get to use that asinine old chestnut. You confuse criticism of one's country with hatred, which is, simply put, completely and utterly stupid. If my generation (assuming you know which one it is) is more willing to criticize our country than others, yours seems completely incapable of ever even entertaining the concept.

Right; because, as we all know, the solution to all problems is to run away from them.:rolleyes:


You're getting more unhinged the more you talk. Typical rah-rah nonsense. You've been programmed extremely well.



New member
This ranks up there with "how do you really know if the sky is blue," as debated by fifth graders.:yawn:
I am well aware of multiple books and broadcasts that say the sky is blue, so no citation is needed for that.

I am not aware of any historic document or broadcast where the President of the United States of America ever demanded that anyone grovel at our feet.

Since you believe there is such a document or broadcast, you should have no problem providing it.


New member
Hall of Fame
I am well aware of multiple books and broadcasts that say the sky is blue, so no citation is needed for that.

I am not aware of any historic document or broadcast where the President of the United States of America ever demanded that anyone grovel at our feet.

Since you believe there is such a document or broadcast, you should have no problem providing it.

Are you being a bigger pedantic dork than usual today or are you in a real special mood? Since you're such a fan of running to the dictionary to prove a point look up "hyperbole" or "figure of speech." I'll wait.:yawn:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Oh gee, that's a tough one. Let's about a course of action that doesn't actually involve nukes and doesn't put the whole world at potential risk?


Total insanity.

Better solution? I don't find nuking innocent people to be a solution at all.
Many innocent people would die and still many of the bad guys would not.

Any solution would be better than that.

But feel free to continue with your fantasy of a mass abortion via nuke.

Still waiting for ya'lls solution.
What ya got?
Let's hear it.