Cruc not only doesn't know what he's talking about, he doesn't want to.Men getting screwed in court,
I've explained the operation of law and restraints before and will again if needed or if anyone is curious.
I'm sure some are, as I'm sure some women are, but as a rule, no.screwed out of their house and home,
Well, no, again. The strong trend in courts, absent a showing of cause for another course, is for joint custody. If there is a primary physical custodian then the non primary will have to pay their share of child support.losing kids and money,
Same answer. In any system that can and will happen to someone. As a rule it doesn't. As a rule, you go to jail for causing a harm. Mostly because absent proof (injuries that are objectively observable, from bruises and lacerations to broken bones or worse) it's hard to convict someone of battery.going to jail for barely touching them
The FBI believes that around 8% of rape allegations are falsified. Most studies I've seen that survive scrutiny have the figure even lower, from 2 to 5%. In any event that leaves an overwhelming majority outside of that concern.false rape accusations
You don't and aren't arguing...arguments require logic that can be tested and/or factual support from verifiable authority. By way of:and most relevant to this argument right here
Archambault, J. (2005, Winter). So how many rapes are false? STOPNewsletter. Retrieved from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
Belknap, J. (2010). Rape: Too hard to report and too easy todiscredit victims. Violence Against Women, 16, 1335-1344.doi:10.1177/1077801210387749
And so on. . .