I don't take orders from anyone.
Pffffttttt ... and to think I was going to make you my second in command when I become dictator ...
I don't take orders from anyone.
I don't take orders from anyone.
If you actually paid attention to anything I said, you would need any clarification from me.
Pffffttttt ... and to think I was going to make you my second in command when I become dictator ...
Yeah, like when she spoke to the women of the Ku Klux Klan (and was invited to speak at numerous other meetings).
I can talk all day long about the racist/eugenicist/Jew hating Margaret Sanger anna, but the question is, can you spend the day defending her?
I've already given you Sanger's quotes placed back into their proper context, so yes, I can defend her from your intentional misrepresentation, but no, I don't have all day. Sorry to disappoint.
I hope that TOL's homosexualists will be supportive of Art and encourage him to standup for LGBTQ rights!
As a friend, I will always support AB. He is a standup guy ... as well as one of the nicest and most moral people posting on this forum. Anything else you would like to focus on OTHER than the thread OP?
The Bible also says Jacob arranged the marriage of his daughter Dinah to the man who raped her.
Genesis 34
Betrothed: : the person that someone has promised to marry
The Bible says that a man who rapes his fiancée should be executed; it sounds to me like God takes sex forced on a woman pretty serious.
Not that I don't want to spend the morning with people who compare vanilla and chocolate ice cream to homosexuality, but it's time to:
Matthew 18:20
I've invited homosexualist/child indoctrinator Art Brain to answer one of the three different scenarios that I presented last night, but this time in the thread that has been exposing the homosexual lifestyle and agenda for several years now.
I hope that TOL's homosexualists will be supportive of Art and encourage him to standup for LGBTQ rights!
Well, that's not reality so they'll just have to deal with it the same as a man has to deal with not looking susceptible when walking through dubious neighborhoods.
Tired of this fantasy mindset calling me a misogynist. I'm a realist, and you all need to get real
I'm not going to pay a price so that women can perceive the world as their glass palace.
Well, that's not reality so they'll just have to deal with it the same as a man has to deal with not looking susceptible when walking through dubious neighborhoods.
Tired of this fantasy mindset calling me a misogynist. I'm a realist, and you all need to get real
I'm not going to pay a price so that women can perceive the world as their glass palace.
What price are you paying ? Having your libido on high level with no release?
While your refusal to tell children that homosexuality is not only immoral but extremely unhealthy in this thread should be enough evidence, I did go back to the table of contents in Part 3 looking for the posts in question.
It appears that those posts were in the now deleted Part 1 or Part 2.
So that it can be seen by all how LGBTQ activists such as yourself indoctrinate children to the ways of homosexuality, I'll invite you to return to my WHMBR! Part 4 thread using the 3 different scenarios that you refused to answer in this thread.
Thanks for your cooperation in this matter Art; I know that I can always depend on you to defend that absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior and the child indoctrinating agenda that the homosexual movement proudly embraces.
Men getting screwed in court, screwed out of their house and home, losing kids and money, going to jail for barely touching them, false rape accusations, and most relevant to this argument right here- being made to hold to myth and divination produced by feminists and the feminist minded.
You're purposeful ignorance on the matter is just you being either a manipulating woman or a manipulated man.
:chuckle:What price are you paying ? Having your libido on high level with no release?
Exactly, aCW likes to come up with absurd scenarios with a sickening twist in it. Pay him no mind :thumb:Ah, well why didn't you just say so yesterday then instead of your convoluted deflection? I'm not interested in going through your silly little hypothetical scenarios where Sunday school teachers start going on about the CDC et al. If I happened to be the custodian of a child then any conversation that ensued would be steered away from sex altogether, homosexual or otherwise.
I will go on record for saying that I would not tell any child that homosexuality itself is some sort of evil incarnate in itself which is pretty much your dog in this race anyway.
Happy now you stuffed shirt?