way 2 go

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Elon Musk’s Job Cuts Decimated Twitter Team Tackling Child Sexual Abuse

Jillian Deutsch November 29, 2022, 4:54 AM PST
Elon Musk has dramatically reduced the size of the Twitter Inc. team devoted to tackling child sexual exploitation on the platform, cutting the global team of experts in half and leaving behind an overwhelmed skeleton crew, people familiar with the matter said.
The team now has fewer than 10 specialists to review and escalate reports of child sexual exploitation, three people familiar with the matter said, asking not to be identified for fear of retaliation. At the beginning of the year, Twitter had a team of about 20, they said.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Jefferson (or someone he approves of) wants to be the one deciding who gets banned, who gets to vote. He was all about not banning anyone based on their political views and then Elon ups and bans Kanye and Jefferson goes into Divert! Divert! Divert! mode. He's almost as bad as marke.
Where did I say I was in favor of Elon banning Kanye? I don't think Elon should have done that.


like marbles on glass

Elon Brings One of America's Most Prominent Nazis Back to Twitter

Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin has been reinstated to Twitter under Elon Musk’s new policies for the platform. The founder of the white supremacist website The Daily Stormer had been banned from Twitter since 2013.

Anglin has publicly indicated that the goal of his operation and adherence to white nationalist ideology is to “ethnically cleanse White nations of non-Whites and establish an authoritarian government. Many people also believe that the Jews should be exterminated.” Anglin is a staunch supporter of Nazi ideology and regularly espouses Holocaust denail. In 2018, Anglin wrote that he “[hates] women. I think they deserve to be beaten, raped and locked in cages.”

Almost immediately upon having his account reinstated, Anglin tweeted a response to rapper Ye praising Hitler and denying the Holocaust on Alex Jones’ show. “Saying you love Hitler is not even a big deal,” Anglin wrote, “no one cares about that. The man died 80 years ago.”

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Elon Brings One of America's Most Prominent Nazis Back to Twitter

Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin has been reinstated to Twitter under Elon Musk’s new policies for the platform. The founder of the white supremacist website The Daily Stormer had been banned from Twitter since 2013.

Anglin has publicly indicated that the goal of his operation and adherence to white nationalist ideology is to “ethnically cleanse White nations of non-Whites and establish an authoritarian government. Many people also believe that the Jews should be exterminated.” Anglin is a staunch supporter of Nazi ideology and regularly espouses Holocaust denail. In 2018, Anglin wrote that he “[hates] women. I think they deserve to be beaten, raped and locked in cages.”

Almost immediately upon having his account reinstated, Anglin tweeted a response to rapper Ye praising Hitler and denying the Holocaust on Alex Jones’ show. “Saying you love Hitler is not even a big deal,” Anglin wrote, “no one cares about that. The man died 80 years ago.”
Good. ALL voices should be heard, especially those from despicable people.

For instance, TOL management allows YOU a voice here. 😁

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're the one who posted that tweet including "Content moderation around the issues of child exploitation has gotten better under Elon musk, not worse and now Twitter has the data to back that up". In response to anna's post also no less. What was the point of that if you didn't agree with it?

Or was your gif a case of confession through projection?


Staff member
Super Moderator
It took you long enough to criticize him for it...

Should any sort of extremist rhetoric be barred from social media platforms in your opinion?
I think the only speech that should be allowed is speech that is approved of by Democrats and only by the Republicans whom Democrats approve of. Don't you?

User Name

Greatest poster ever

“Twitter files [are] underwhelming so far. Just revealing what we already knew: Twitter was staffed by democrats who did the bidding of Democrats,” Free Beacon reporter Joe Simonson wrote.

Far-right Twitter rival Gab went a step further by attacking Musk. “Elon dropped this total nothingburger Hunter Biden story, which revealed nothing new whatsoever beyond what we have all known for years now,” the company wrote on Telegram, “to distract from the fact that he suspended the biggest cultural superstar of a generation for going on a podcast to say he loves everyone.”



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I think the only speech that should be allowed is speech that is approved of by Democrats and only by the Republicans whom Democrats approve of. Don't you?
You cannot go wrong if you have your legal counsel examine the pertinent case law and set your policy directly according to it, because case law has intricately delimited the fine line between protected and non-protected speech. Libel and slander, and falsely yelling Fire in a crowded theater, and bomb threats, and menacing, intimidating, and threatening, and other things made explicit in case law in this country, are not protected, so indisputable cases of those things should be censored if you're not an irresponsible business. You cannot go wrong with such a policy, since you know ahead of time the result of any legal dispute which comes before a law court will be in your favor.

It isn't like this is unknowable. On the other hand, what about your advertisers? Will they approve of your policy, if all it does is toe the line drawn clearly in case law? Or are they woke, and they demand you censor other things too, and not just the things that cross the line into ambiguous irresponsibility? Do they stop doing business with you, or will they not even consider, as a matter of policy, doing business with you? because your censorship policy is wrong (in their eyes)? If your policy is just openly (as in, publish it) toeing the line drawn clearly in case law, then your advertisers are just subject to the law, rather than you being subject to their bizarre, amateur, juvenile, and un-Constitutional political ideologies.

Your legal counsel should examine this proposal and tell you whether it makes sense, then you just don't have to worry about woke advertisers because you only care about the actual law, and that's a very easy to defend position, no matter who you're dealing with, if you're dealing with someone who says they believe in the rule of law. If they believe in the rule of law, they'll respect your policy when it's 100% based on the actual law.
