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Greatest poster ever
Did Alex Jones commit a crime? Yes or No?

So you agree that Alex Jones did nothing for which he should/could be punished, and that the wealth confiscation imposed upon him by the court is thus not a punishment? Or, instead, do you want to tell us that, on the contrary, this action of the court against him is, in fact, a punishment? (In which case, you will have told us that it is a punishment without a crime.)
Defamation is the act of communicating to a third party false statements about a person that result in damage to that person's reputation. It can be oral (slander) or written (libel). It constitutes a tort or a crime. The legal definition of defamation and related acts as well as the ways they are dealt with can vary greatly between countries and jurisdictions (what exactly they must consist of, whether they constitute crimes or not, to what extent proving the alleged facts is a valid defence).



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Defamation is the act of communicating to a third party false statements about a person that result in damage to that person's reputation. It can be oral (slander) or written (libel). It constitutes a tort or a crime. The legal definition of defamation and related acts as well as the ways they are dealt with can vary greatly between countries and jurisdictions (what exactly they must consist of, whether they constitute crimes or not, to what extent proving the alleged facts is a valid defence).

You already, and so recently, answered "No" to the question I asked you, "Did Alex Jones commit a crime?" Yet now you want to change your story by contradicting your "No" answer, telling me that what Alex Jones did constitutes a crime. You have serious issues when it comes to agreeing with yourself.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
You already, and so recently, answered "No" to the question I asked you, "Did Alex Jones commit a crime?" Yet now you want to change your story by contradicting your "No" answer, telling me that what Alex Jones did constitutes a crime. You have serious issues when it comes to agreeing with yourself.
That's right. Upon further investigation on my part, it appears that defamation could be considered a crime in some sense, or in some jurisdictions. Generally, in the United States, defamation is treated as a "tort" or a "civil wrong" rather than a criminal one:

"A tort is a civil wrong that causes a claimant to suffer loss or harm, resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortious act. Tort law can be contrasted with criminal law, which deals with criminal wrongs that are punishable by the state. While criminal law aims to punish individuals who commit crimes, tort law aims to compensate individuals who suffer harm as a result of the actions of others."



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"A tort is a civil wrong that causes a claimant to suffer loss or harm, resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortious act. Tort law can be contrasted with criminal law, which deals with criminal wrongs that are punishable by the state. While criminal law aims to punish individuals who commit crimes, tort law aims to compensate individuals who suffer harm as a result of the actions of others."

So, the difference between what you call a "civil wrong" and what you call a "criminal wrong" is that the latter "are punishable by the state", whereas the former aren't? Are the former punishable? Yes or No? If Yes, then by whom/what are they punishable?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
So, the difference between what you call a "civil wrong" and what you call a "criminal wrong" is that the latter "are punishable by the state", whereas the former aren't? Are the former punishable? Yes or No? If Yes, then by whom/what are they punishable?
Good question. Look it up for yourself and report your finding here. I'm interested to know more.


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Good question. Look it up for yourself and report your finding here. I'm interested to know more. can I "look up for myself" the answers to questions I asked YOU about about what (if anything) YOU mean by what YOU choose to say? Anywhere I go to "look it up for myself," they're just gonna tell me what I already know: "Ha! User Name, eh! That idiot would even need to tell you to 'go look it up for yourself' if you so much as asked him whether or not he likes ice cream, and if so what is his favorite flavor."

The main takeaway from your failure, your having walked yourself into a dead end of your own construction, is that you have thereby conceded that you cannot answer the question I asked you in post #280:

So you agree that Alex Jones did nothing for which he should/could be punished, and that the wealth confiscation imposed upon him by the court is thus not a punishment? Or, instead, do you want to tell us that, on the contrary, this action of the court against him is, in fact, a punishment? (In which case, you will have told us that it is a punishment without a crime.)

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Banned can I "look up for myself" the answers to questions I asked YOU about about what (if anything) YOU mean by what YOU choose to say? Anywhere I go to "look it up for myself," they're just gonna tell me what I already know: "Ha! User Name, eh! That idiot would even need to tell you to 'go look it up for yourself' if you so much as asked him whether or not he likes ice cream, and if so what is his favorite flavor."

The main takeaway from your failure, your having walked yourself into a dead end of your own construction, is that you have thereby conceded that you cannot answer the question I asked you in post #280:
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah?


Well-known member
No on both counts. Shirley, you must be intelligent enough to understand the difference between a civil lawsuit over defamation vs. a crime for which a person faces jail time.
Of course. Democrats slander republicans without consequence but if a republican even mildly criticizes a democrat for a fault the innocent republican faces jail time in a DC dungeon.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
In a democrat court with a democrat prosecutor, a card-carrying democrat cultist judge, and an all-democrat jury with a flaming Marxist foreman?
The Republicans have a massive mistake which was made with good intentions by the National Review in linking together Republicans with libertarian ideology, which Republicans simply do not agree with. Republicans are not like those anarchist libertarians. We believe in government, in big powerful government, like governments that can hold together a nation which is tearing apart, and governments that can help win world wars. Libertarians don't believe in those governments, Republicans are not libertarians. In fact, Democrats are more akin to libertarians than Republicans. If it wasn't for the National Review we wouldn't have this ideological problem.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Wasn't soooo long ago where suspected 'communists' were vilified and persecuted in America.

;) Yanno....I was thinking about pointing out that it's not 1963 any more or even 1983 for that matter; but I didn't. I guess I should listen to my instincts more.

Okay, so nobody with any sense wants to admit to being either as both are risible

*meh* Only because most people really don't know what it is they really fear. Like I pointed out it's just an economic system. It's not until you add authoritarianism to the mix that things get really bad. Hell, there are people here and there actually peddling a form of "communism" which feature private property...Seriously...It's just the "means of production" which is held in common. Nobody is explaining, of course, where my "private property" ends and our "means of production" begin but it sounds awesome on paper.

The same as a system which will confiscate your "private property" if you don't pay a yearly tax for services you don't use or have any use for. :sneaky:

but what's baffling to me is why there's those who give tacit support to not only a communist dictator in Russia but yet still think the term "commie" is a legitimate insult to those on the "left".
But it's not; is it?...It's not a legitimate insult and that's the point! :LOL:

I'd like to take this opportunity to also point out that the more you point your finger at Russia, the larger China looms in the background.

Just sayin'....


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
The Republicans have a massive mistake which was made with good intentions by the National Review in linking together Republicans with libertarian ideology, which Republicans simply do not agree with.

:LOL: Your "party" would have been ground into the dirt 30-40 years ago if that "end big government" link wasn't established. This is just stupid.

Republicans are not like those anarchist libertarians. We believe in government, in big powerful government,
Libertarians are not anarchist, they are minarchist..That's why they suck. They are too much like Republicans claim to be.

I'm glad you are coming out of the closet though...It will make it easier to kiss and make up with all the people you are calling RINO's now as they agree with you wholeheartedly. :rolleyes:

like governments that can hold together a nation which is tearing apart, and governments that can help win world wars.

:p Governments which present false dichotomies to divide a nation and ensure the present power structure it created, and governments which start World Wars to send the children of those nations to die for the concerns of the wealthy.

Libertarians don't believe in those governments, Republicans are not libertarians. In fact, Democrats are more akin to libertarians than Republicans.

:unsure: I agree...In fact Republicans are more akin to Democrats than Libertarians. I have been saying this for years.

Would you like to see the new guillotine designs I have drawn up? 🤭

If it wasn't for the National Review we wouldn't have this ideological problem.

If it wasn't for the National Review the Republican Party would have ideologically shipwrecked itself a generation ago. This is just stupid. :sneaky:


Staff member
Super Moderator
:) That's true they are two different things. Racism and capitalism are two different things as well.

Your opinion? :unsure: Let's try this out...We both go on national TV and declare our allegiances. I'll go in the View and declare myself a Communist (I'll do it too, it's just an economic system and as long as it's voluntary it ain't too bad.). You, the following week, go on the View and declare yourself a Racist.

Which one of us has just ostracized ourselves from society?

I mean, if you want to keep up this intellectual vacancy it's up to you...



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That's not only leftists when their "argument" is debunked, but it's also leftists while they are presenting their "argument". Although, on the other hand, leftists presenting their "argument" is pretty much the same thing as leftists' "argument" being debunked, so I guess the simplest way to accurately state matters is that that is leftists qua leftists.

Looks especially like Elizabeth Warren wearing a fedora, I would add.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
;) Yanno....I was thinking about pointing out that it's not 1963 any more or even 1983 for that matter; but I didn't. I guess I should listen to my instincts more.

*meh* Only because most people really don't know what it is they really fear. Like I pointed out it's just an economic system. It's not until you add authoritarianism to the mix that things get really bad. Hell, there are people here and there actually peddling a form of "communism" which feature private property...Seriously...It's just the "means of production" which is held in common. Nobody is explaining, of course, where my "private property" ends and our "means of production" begin but it sounds awesome on paper.

The same as a system which will confiscate your "private property" if you don't pay a yearly tax for services you don't use or have any use for. :sneaky:

But it's not; is it?...It's not a legitimate insult and that's the point! :LOL:

I'd like to take this opportunity to also point out that the more you point your finger at Russia, the larger China looms in the background.

Just sayin'....
Unfortunately there are some who still seem to 'live' back in those eras...

Frankly, I think people get screwed over with systems in place now where it comes to property rights etc although they can't be neatly compartmentalized under any given "ism". It's a farce over here in the UK in regards to the economy after yet another clown show with political "leadership" that's resulted in the pound almost matching the dollar and banks in complete turmoil. Not good for folk with mortgages and it's a national embarrassment...

There's solely Russia to blame (or more precisely the vile regime) for what's happened in Ukraine although of course that's not to say that China wasn't already a concern and ongoing.

way 2 go

Well-known member
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