More from the loony Right


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Heck, the media is still patiently waiting for Sydney Powell's kraken to make an appearance...

Well, okay, no they're not.
Democrats have fooled gullible Americans into thinking that because the left and the media cover up voter fraud and obstruct investigations into voter fraud the lack of evidence resulting from failures in investigations proves the democrats did not commit fraud. The same media claimed looting and burning of buildings and properties were just legitimate peaceful black protests against racism and slavery. Americans should not be fooled by those lies. I believe hundreds of crooks who commit voter fraud and lie about it do so in response to what they perceive as wicked white supremacy and racism. That is also why democrats claim voter security and IDs are racist against blacks.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I believe there are many reasons not to trust anyone completely whether democrat or republican to do what is right in God's eyes except for those who are right with God and are pleasing God by their faith and submission to Him.
The United States Constitution is right in God's eyes.

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Greatest poster ever
The propagandists win another fight against freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech does not include the right to commit defamation, and those who are defamed have the freedom to sue the defamer. Do you mean to tell me you didn't know that?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Freedom of speech does not include the right to commit defamation, and those who are defamed have the freedom to sue the defamer. Do you mean to tell me you didn't know that?
Well, obviously someone doesn't know it as these jokers keep getting snagged in that same stupid and very visible net. :LOL:


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Super Moderator
Freedom of speech does not include the right to commit defamation, and those who are defamed have the freedom to sue the defamer. Do you mean to tell me you didn't know that?
Are you saying you're against leftists calling every conservative a racist?

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Greatest poster ever
I'm interested in morality over lawsuits. So are you saying you're against leftists calling every conservative a racist?
I'm not concerned with what random un-named leftists do. What business is that of mine?

Right-wingers call all Democrats "socialists" or even "communists." We can play that game all day, but why bother?