More Americans Are Comfortable With A Gay Presidential Candidate Than With An Evangel


New member
More Americans Are Comfortable With A Gay Presidential Candidate Than With An Evangelical One

"The results revealed that Americans are actually quite open to having a gay presidential candidate. Sixty-one percent said they would be either enthusiastic about or comfortable with a gay or lesbian candidate, while only 37 percent said they would have reservations or be uncomfortable.

By comparison, respondents were a little less comfortable with the prospect of a candidate who is an evangelical Christian. Fifty-two percent said they'd be enthusiastic about or comfortable with an evangelical Christian running for president, while 44 percent expressed some degree of hesitancy about the idea. (Two percent of respondents said they were not sure about a gay or lesbian candidate, while four percent were not sure about an evangelical.)"


New member
Hall of Fame
1 Timothy 4:1 But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons

The Berean

Well-known member
Could you elaborate?

Homosexuals have taken the place of black people as the new celebrated "minority", the group that we must kow-tow to and never criticize or disagree with or else be called either "racist" or "homophobic". I'm disappointed that my minority group, Chicanos, has never been given such an honor. Well, maybe parts of California and Texas. I feel so cheated! :p It's ironic because I am rather dark, darker than many black people, and have been called nig*er and darkie quite a few a times in my life (ironically only by other Chicanos, go figure).

But I suspect homosexuals will not be at the top for long as it seems that "transgendered" folks will be the new black people in a few years.


New member
More Americans Are Comfortable With A Gay Presidential Candidate Than With An Evangelical One

"The results revealed that Americans are actually quite open to having a gay presidential candidate. Sixty-one percent said they would be either enthusiastic about or comfortable with a gay or lesbian candidate, while only 37 percent said they would have reservations or be uncomfortable.

By comparison, respondents were a little less comfortable with the prospect of a candidate who is an evangelical Christian. Fifty-two percent said they'd be enthusiastic about or comfortable with an evangelical Christian running for president, while 44 percent expressed some degree of hesitancy about the idea. (Two percent of respondents said they were not sure about a gay or lesbian candidate, while four percent were not sure about an evangelical.)"

well, this is far from surprising.

I have listened to a lot of anti-Catholics.. I know how illogical and ridiculous they can sound

so yeh... its no wonder a lot of people don't trust Protestants

and it is also no wonder many distrust Catholics. I am one of them. I am Catholic but I don't trust Catholics.. They have to prove themselves to me first, which i guess goes w/o saying.. catholic or not..



New member
Homosexuals are the new black people. :p

which is really stupid

Black people, as long as they don't hate Whitey excessively, and as long as they attempt to live by the word of God, are great people

gays (practicing ones) are perverts

I know there are some who call themselves gay but do not engage in homosexual acts b/c they know it is wrong. they have an attraction to the same sex but do not act it out sexually.

well, there is nothing wrong there..

It's somewhat the same w/ yours truly: I am heterosexual but do not act out sexually. I don't listen to my sexual nature.. been celibate for a LONG time.. don't miss. "that" one bit



New member
Homosexuals have taken the place of black people as the new celebrated "minority", the group that we must kow-tow to and never criticize or disagree with or else be called either "racist" or "homophobic". I'm disappointed that my minority group, Chicanos, has never been given such an honor. Well, maybe parts of California and Texas. I feel so cheated! :p It's ironic because I am rather dark, darker than many black people, and have been called nig*er and darkie quite a few a times in my life (ironically only by other Chicanos, go figure).

But I suspect homosexuals will not be at the top for long as it seems that "transgendered" folks will be the new black people in a few years.
You see, the problem is that the criticism received by homosexuals from conservatives isn't critical. That is, the goal is not to provide helpful feedback. The goal seems to be shaming and marginalization. Which is homophobic/bigotry because you don't have any idea who that person is. Your criticism is based solely on the fact they are gay, nothing else.

If there is a gay president and you are critical of their policy proposals, stance on domestic issues, etc; that's fair, right? You are judging and criticizing that individual on what they are doing. That is a fair criticism that isn't rooted in prejudice.


New member
can you blame people for not always liking evangelicals?

I have listened to a lot of anti-Catholic "evangelicals".. I know how illogical and ridiculous they can sound. Then there are the JWs who believe only 144,000 will get to Heaven.. stuff like that.. taking the Bible literally sometimes, not adhering to it at all in other ways.

so yeh... its no wonder a lot of people don't trust Protestants

and it is also no wonder many distrust Catholics. I am one of them. I am Catholic but I don't trust Catholics.. They have to prove themselves to me first, which i guess goes w/o saying.. catholic or not..


New member
When have other evangelical politicians done to earn the country's trust as a whole? I'm sure you can name drop a few ok ones, but as a whole they are no better than any other politician.


New member
Hall of Fame
Couldn't possibly be that some of these would-be ayatollahs scare anyone with a pulse...right?

The Berean

Well-known member
When have other evangelical politicians done to earn the country's trust as a whole? I'm sure you can name drop a few ok ones, but as a whole they are no better than any other politician.

I agree with this. Politicians only pull the "God card" if they think it will further their political goals.


New member
Homosexuals have taken the place of black people as the new celebrated "minority", the group that we must kow-tow to and never criticize or disagree with or else be called either "racist" or "homophobic". I'm disappointed that my minority group, Chicanos, has never been given such an honor. Well, maybe parts of California and Texas. I feel so cheated! :p It's ironic because I am rather dark, darker than many black people, and have been called nig*er and darkie quite a few a times in my life (ironically only by other Chicanos, go figure).

But I suspect homosexuals will not be at the top for long as it seems that "transgendered" folks will be the new black people in a few years.
marganalizing a minority by dehumainzing them or promoting and defending discrimination isn't criticism or disagreeing


Homosexuals have taken the place of black people as the new celebrated "minority", the group that we must kow-tow to and never criticize or disagree with or else be called either "racist" or "homophobic". I'm disappointed that my minority group, Chicanos, has never been given such an honor. Well, maybe parts of California and Texas. I feel so cheated! :p It's ironic because I am rather dark, darker than many black people, and have been called nig*er and darkie quite a few a times in my life (ironically only by other Chicanos, go figure).

But I suspect homosexuals will not be at the top for long as it seems that "transgendered" folks will be the new black people in a few years.

:listen: Hint: Treat them equally...they'll get bored and go away. :cheers: No more celebreties.

The Berean

Well-known member
:listen: Hint: Treat them equally...they'll get bored and go away. :cheers: No more celebreties.

They already get treated equally under the law. But homosexuality is already so 2008 anyway. :cheers: Bring on the transdgenders! I wonder who will be the new black people after transgenders? :idunno: