MMR Vaccine NOT Linked to Autism, Large Study Concludes


like marbles on glass
What is really funny is that, with media shills all over anything thing that might possibly be construed as racial disharmony they won't touch this tar baby with a ten foot pole. I wonder why?

Is there a connection between conspiracy theorist and racists? I hadn't thought about it before, but maybe there's a connection.

Anyway, your use of the racially-charged "tar baby" in the same sentence as "racial disharmony" leaves you no room to pretend you meant anything other than to be offensive.

You've discredited yourself.


Well-known member
Is there a connection between conspiracy theorist and racists? I hadn't thought about it before, but maybe there's a connection.

Anyway, your use of the racially-charged "tar baby" in the same sentence as "racial disharmony" leaves you no room to pretend you meant anything other than to be offensive.

You've discredited yourself.

First, you don't know what a tar baby is. Google it if you must or go to the source ... which is a book. Second, beware the dialectic.


like marbles on glass
First, you don't know what a tar baby is. Google it if you must or go to the source ... which is a book. Second, beware the dialectic.

I don't need to google anything.

I knew you'd play that card, which is why I said "your use of the racially-charged 'tar baby' in the same sentence as 'racial disharmony' leaves you no room to pretend."

Pretending that you meant the inoffensive definition is disingenuous game playing.

Like I said: you've discredited yourself.


Well-known member
I don't need to google anything.

I knew you'd play that card, which is why I said "your use of the racially-charged 'tar baby' in the same sentence as 'racial disharmony' leaves you no room to pretend."

Pretending that you meant the inoffensive definition is disingenuous game playing.

Like I said: you've discredited yourself.

Again you are being intellectually dishonest. This time by remaining willfully ignorant of a term whose meaning you don't know. Why?


Well-known member
I don't need to google anything.

I knew you'd play that card, which is why I said "your use of the racially-charged 'tar baby' in the same sentence as 'racial disharmony' leaves you no room to pretend."

Pretending that you meant the inoffensive definition is disingenuous game playing.

Like I said: you've discredited yourself.

I am one half of an inter-racial couple and have been for ten years ... do you have any idea how silly you sound?