MMR Vaccine NOT Linked to Autism, Large Study Concludes


Well-known member
Where did the notion that vaccines cause autism come from in the first place? What evidence was there that there was such a link?

I did find this review article.

Anybody know more about this?


Well-known member

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I ran the analysis on frequency of autism with percentage of kids immunized with MMR.

The regression equation is: y=92.843 - 0.015x. In other words, the fewer kids immunized, the more autism we had.

The correlation coefficient is:
r= -0.9257

Again, a very good relationship, but a negative one. So we can be very confident of the results.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
MMR vaccination rates of autistic children were similar to those of the entire study population. Also, investigators did not observe a clustering of autism diagnoses relative to the time that children received MMR vaccine, nor did they observe a difference in age at autism diagnosis between those vaccinated and not vaccinated or between those vaccinated before or after 18 months of age. These authors also found no differences in autism rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children when they extended their analysis to include a longer time after MMR exposure or a second dose of MMR. --


like marbles on glass

Natural News (formerly Newstarget) is a website founded and operated by Mike Adams. It is based in Cedar Creek, Texas.[2]
It is dedicated to the sale of various dietary supplements, promotion of alternative medicine, controversial nutrition and health claims,[3] and various conspiracy theories,[4] such as "chemtrails", the purported dangers of fluoride in drinking water[5] (as well as those of monosodium glutamate[6] and aspartame), and purported health problems caused by allegedly "toxic" ingredients in vaccines,[3] including the now-discredited link to autism.[7]

Characterized as a "conspiracy-minded alternative medicine website", Natural News has approximately 7 million unique visitors per month.[8] Founder Mike Adams has been accused of using sockpuppet accounts to fraudulently increase the vote count in his self-nomination for a Shorty Award. The journal Vaccine accused Adams of spreading "irresponsible health information" through Natural News.[9] He has also been accused of using "pseudoscience to sell his lies".[10]

Its founder, Michael Allen "Mike" Adams is an AIDS denialist, a 9/11 truther, a birther,[11] and has endorsed conspiracy theories surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[12]


like marbles on glass
I ran the analysis on frequency of autism with percentage of kids immunized with MMR.

The regression equation is: y=92.843 - 0.015x. In other words, the fewer kids immunized, the more autism we had.

The correlation coefficient is:
r= -0.9257

Again, a very good relationship, but a negative one. So we can be very confident of the results.

Nice Pearson's r. It doesn't get much closer than that.


Well-known member
Natural News (formerly Newstarget) is a website founded and operated by Mike Adams. It is based in Cedar Creek, Texas.[2]
It is dedicated to the sale of various dietary supplements, promotion of alternative medicine, controversial nutrition and health claims,[3] and various conspiracy theories,[4] such as "chemtrails", the purported dangers of fluoride in drinking water[5] (as well as those of monosodium glutamate[6] and aspartame), and purported health problems caused by allegedly "toxic" ingredients in vaccines,[3] including the now-discredited link to autism.[7]

Characterized as a "conspiracy-minded alternative medicine website", Natural News has approximately 7 million unique visitors per month.[8] Founder Mike Adams has been accused of using sockpuppet accounts to fraudulently increase the vote count in his self-nomination for a Shorty Award. The journal Vaccine accused Adams of spreading "irresponsible health information" through Natural News.[9] He has also been accused of using "pseudoscience to sell his lies".[10]

Its founder, Michael Allen "Mike" Adams is an AIDS denialist, a 9/11 truther, a birther,[11] and has endorsed conspiracy theories surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[12]

Okay, well, when you get ready to address the facts let me know, until then point out the shoddy shoes of the messenger if that helps you to sleep. Or you could look for a messenger who shoes you find more preferable but I suspect those upon they that carry the news of what the CDC has done will not meet your fancy regardless of their quality.


like marbles on glass
Okay, well when you get ready to address the facts let me know, until then point out the shoddy shoes of the messenger if that helps you to sleep. Or you could look for a messenger who shoes you find more preferable but I suspect that carry the news of what the CDC has done will not meet your fancy.

Not interested in anything from Natural News.

The source is important. Sometimes people will hide behind the shooting the messenger fallacy as a way of defending an inferior source.


Well-known member
Not interested in anything from Natural News.

The source is important. Sometimes people will hide behind the shooting the messenger fallacy as a way of defending an inferior source.

And sometimes evil people will hide behind the"legitimacy" of government approved pharma backed agencies and payed for studies with their political shills whose members hop back and forth between the two freely in order to have the privilege of sticking their cup under the fountain of money created by the mandatory vaccinations laws multiplying yearly ... dead and harmed kids be damned.


New member
The vaccine's pros and cons aren't the issue with the mandatory vaccine debate. It's whether or not the government can force you to inject chemicals into your body.


Well-known member
The vaccine's pros and cons aren't the issue with the mandatory vaccine debate. It's whether or not the government can force you to inject chemicals into your body.

The answer is apparently yes if you're a kid in California ... and they will make your parent pay for it.


like marbles on glass
And sometimes evil people will hide behind the"legitimacy" of government approved pharma backed agencies and payed for studies with their political shills whose members hop back and forth between the two freely in order to have the privilege of sticking their cup under the fountain of money created by the mandatory vaccinations laws multiplying yearly ... dead and harmed kids be damned.

From Natural News:

(NaturalNews) Here at Natural News, we have a reputation for asking intelligent questions about things that don't add up. There are a lot of mysteries out there, and they deserve to be explored and questioned: Why is there still mercury in vaccines? Why did the WTC 7 building implode and fall when no airplane hit it? If the government can create money from nothing, why are we still paying taxes?

And today, I'm adding to that list this commonsense question: Why has no surveillance footage been released from the Sandy Hook shooting, showing Adam Lanza blasting away with an AR-15?

Here's why the non-release of this video footage is so interesting:

Every time a school shooting takes place, one of the very first things that gets released to the media is the school surveillance footage depicting the gun and the shooter. The purpose of this is to associate the pain and anguish of the massacre to the image of a scary-looking rifle.

In mere days after the Columbine shooting in 1998, for example, the media received footage from the massacre and began playing it over and over again, hammering home the images of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold with their guns. The same is true with numerous other school shootings as you'll see below.

But with the Sandy Hook school shooting, no video footage has been released. A reasonable person has to ask the question: WHY?

You see, the release of footage of Adam Lanza murdering children with an AR-15 -- if such a thing even happened -- would strongly support the mainstream media's call for banning so-called "assault rifles." It would also:

• Amp up the emotional impact of the fear mongering being carried out by the media.

• Provide visual support for the gun-grabber's plea to ban all rifles.

• Provide a wealth of images to be used by newspapers and magazines to further demonize the image of rifles.

... and yet, for some reason, we see no surveillance footage from Sandy Hook.

Why is that?

This, fzappa, is your source.


Well-known member
From Natural News:

(NaturalNews) Here at Natural News, we have a reputation for asking intelligent questions about things that don't add up. There are a lot of mysteries out there, and they deserve to be explored and questioned: Why is there still mercury in vaccines? Why did the WTC 7 building implode and fall when no airplane hit it? If the government can create money from nothing, why are we still paying taxes?

And today, I'm adding to that list this commonsense question: Why has no surveillance footage been released from the Sandy Hook shooting, showing Adam Lanza blasting away with an AR-15?

Here's why the non-release of this video footage is so interesting:

Every time a school shooting takes place, one of the very first things that gets released to the media is the school surveillance footage depicting the gun and the shooter. The purpose of this is to associate the pain and anguish of the massacre to the image of a scary-looking rifle.

In mere days after the Columbine shooting in 1998, for example, the media received footage from the massacre and began playing it over and over again, hammering home the images of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold with their guns. The same is true with numerous other school shootings as you'll see below.

But with the Sandy Hook school shooting, no video footage has been released. A reasonable person has to ask the question: WHY?

You see, the release of footage of Adam Lanza murdering children with an AR-15 -- if such a thing even happened -- would strongly support the mainstream media's call for banning so-called "assault rifles." It would also:

• Amp up the emotional impact of the fear mongering being carried out by the media.

• Provide visual support for the gun-grabber's plea to ban all rifles.

• Provide a wealth of images to be used by newspapers and magazines to further demonize the image of rifles.

... and yet, for some reason, we see no surveillance footage from Sandy Hook.

Why is that?

This, fzappa, is your source.

No dear, the first link that you completely ignored contained the source. A CDC whistle blower named William Thompson, A Senior Scientist for the CDC. You are intellectually dishonest as it concerns this subject. Why, I don't know but I suspect there is a story there to be told.


Well-known member
What is really funny is that, with media shills all over anything thing that might possibly be construed as racial disharmony they won't touch this tar baby with a ten foot pole. I wonder why?


Well-known member
Again: What is the evidence that vaccines do cause Autism? There is little point in finding defects in the studies that show that they do not cause Autism, if the evidence that they do isn't there.


like marbles on glass
No dear, the first link that you completely ignored contained the source. A CDC whistle blower named William Thompson, A Senior Scientist for the CDC. You are intellectually dishonest as it concerns this subject. Why, I don't know but I suspect there is a story there to be told.

I don't really care what you think about me. I care that people know some background about Natural News. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable.