Millions of Muslims fleeing to Christians nations


Well-known member
Sure, there will be lots of terrorist. That is why I think they should be helped in their own nation.

But they need a clever way to get to Europe to turn it into Eurabia.

Any Euro country that does not demand a legally binding commitment to religious pluralism from them is toast.


New member
I guess swamping the boat and drowning everyone at the same time, seems like a good liberal idea.

Believe it or not, that is their way of doing things. Perhaps it has to do with a poor education, I don't know. Some may say that it is an act of desperation. Any way, who would set sail on the sea with a boat about to sink?


Well-known member
Seeking refuge in hypocrisy

The refugee crisis in Syria has been an ongoing humanitarian disaster for many years, one which has practically overwhelmed neighboring nations and depleted many already scarce resources. According to United Nations statistics, Lebanon alone has had to accommodate more than 1 million Syrians; the real figure is much higher. States neighboring Syria have been left to shoulder this heavy burden by themselves for several years, effectively unaided by the wider international community. But now European publics have started to take an interest in these matters, though they do so for singularly transient reasons and in spite of their previous opposition to actions that might have prevented the terror in the first instance.


New member
Muslim refugees are not only a threat to European Christianity, but also to the well being of the European nations. It is not the main group of refugees, but the radical Muslims among them. That is the problem. It only takes one bad apple to make a mess of things. Billions of dollars are spent every year to prevent Muslim attacks. That is money that could have went to make life better where you live. Islam cost trillions of dollars on a regular bases.


New member
Many people speak of a one world religion. Could that religion be Muslim?

Since the Christian religion is declining world wide, my guess would be yes.


like marbles on glass
It is estimated that three hundred million Muslims are trying to enter Europe. That estimate is a best guess. Anyway, hundreds of millions. That is how Islam has established its self over the hundreds of years, by migration.

Many people speak of a one world religion. Could that religion be Muslim?

Since the Christian religion is declining world wide, my guess would be yes.

CherubRam and iamaberean sound (and look) very similar.


New member
CherubRam and iamaberean sound (and look) very similar.

All we have to do is look through the Old Testament to see how God feels about his people turning to the ways of the world.

They were put in captivity by the uncivilized!

Pro 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.



New member
Hall of Fame
Many people speak of a one world religion. Could that religion be Muslim?

Since the Christian religion is declining world wide, my guess would be yes.

I think it will be primarily catholic and muslims will come on board - Jesus and Mary are in their writings.

I think that the pope will be the false prophet.


New member
In the news this night world governments reassure the peoples that the Muslims will make good citizens.

I just would like to state, that every where the Muslims have went, there has been trouble. You can count on it. The Quran says that Muslims are to kill infidels. An infidel is any person who is not a Muslim.

Lazy afternoon

In the news this night world governments reassure the peoples that the Muslims will make good citizens.

I just would like to state, that every where the Muslims have went, there has been trouble. You can count on it. The Quran says that Muslims are to kill infidels. An infidel is any person who is not a Muslim.

A Muslim fanatic is no different to a christian fanatic like yourself, because you want to use Gods word to kill people according to your own judgment on them.



New member
Here are the good Muslim citizens praying in the streets of NYC at rush hour. It is their way of getting people to pay tribute to Allah. When told that Allah was a Pagan god worshipped by the Pagan Arabs, they are in disbelief. They are told that everything we say against the Quran is a lie.



Here are the good Muslim citizens praying in the streets of NYC at rush hour. It is their way of getting people to pay tribute to Allah. When told that Allah was a Pagan god worshipped by the Pagan Arabs, they are in disbelief. They are told that everything we say against the Quran is a lie.


Dear CherubRam,

I don't necessarily mind the influx, but I sure hope we don't let in a member of ISIS!! Or more than one. And, Muslims will probably convert to Christianity, I would guess, since it's the only religion they have left. Islam has destroyed their homes and jobs, etc. The Muslims kill the Muslims. I really don't think they like that at all. I think they are seeking out Jesus, to be honest. Well, I'll shut up for now. Thanks for listening!!

Much Love, In Christ,



New member
Dear CherubRam,

I don't necessarily mind the influx, but I sure hope we don't let in a member of ISIS!! Or more than one. And, Muslims will probably convert to Christianity, I would guess, since it's the only religion they have left. Islam has destroyed their homes and jobs, etc. The Muslims kill the Muslims. I really don't think they like that at all. I think they are seeking out Jesus, to be honest. Well, I'll shut up for now. Thanks for listening!!

Much Love, In Christ,


There are some Muslim converts, but not many. They are also told that the bible is a book full of lies. You can blame the Catholics tamperings for that.


Well-known member
Here are the good Muslim citizens praying in the streets of NYC at rush hour. It is their way of getting people to pay tribute to Allah. When told that Allah was a Pagan god worshipped by the Pagan Arabs, they are in disbelief. They are told that everything we say against the Quran is a lie.

And if it were Christians having outdoor prayers?