Mexicans are Dumb and Will Destroy America?


Speaking of IQ, it doesn't take a genius to recognize that Trad's been fixated on race disparities since he's been here, even if he's not as over-the-top Nazi about it as when he called himself Apologist.

I would like to point out that the thread that you've linked us to is from March 2006. That was roughly 7 years ago. If memory serves, I was still in high school (senior year). I didn't start college until August of that year.

The Heritage Foundation must be livid about whole thing. I'm surprised they didn't drag the guy out to the parking lot and beat the hell out of him, or at least hired some cheap Mexican laborers to do it... They probably could have found a few who'd have loved to take the job.

It was from a Harvard dissertation. I don't think you fully understand what is involved in writing a doctoral dissertation. For starters, you get assigned a professor to oversee the writing process. When you finish, you have like 3 or 4 professors who have to read it and hold a public doctoral dissertation defense. They grill you on the dissertation in front of a public audience. The amount of research that goes into a dissertation usually tends to be...well, let's just say that it's a whole lot.


Active member
It was from a Harvard dissertation. I don't think you fully understand what is involved in writing a doctoral dissertation. For starters, you get assigned a professor to oversee the writing process. When you finish, you have like 3 or 4 professors who have to read it and hold a public doctoral dissertation defense. They grill you on the dissertation in front of a public audience. The amount of research that goes into a dissertation usually tends to be...well, let's just say that it's a whole lot.

I get it; dissertations are super-hard. You know what else is super-hard? Probably attempting to evade poverty and who-knows-what-else by immigrating to the United States only to hear that some people think you're too stupid to even justify letting you in. See how it might rile some people who aren't the one person who wrote it up? You seem only to care because you can see yourself in his shoes


Trad, I've been thinking about this all day, since I first posted on your thread this morning. It's been on my mind particularly because there are people in my closer extended family who are of Mexican heritage, so this hits home to me on a personal level as well as a rational and more importantly, a moral level.

With all due respect, AnnaBenedetti, I don't think that anything that I've said in the course of this thread should be offensive to your family members. Unless their parents/grandparents/etc. were unskilled, had low IQs and/or were poor. And even then, they really shouldn't be offended. At no point did I say that Mexicans are inferior as human beings because of this. :idunno:

You're wrong. Completely wrong, and your kind of bigotry, if you still hold it as you did as Apologist, is sinful and goes against the Catholic teaching you hold so closely in other ways, and in fact makes a mockery of the whole idea of the sanctity of human dignity.

I am aware of this. This is why you don't see me talking like that any more. :idunno:

I'm horrified by what you wrote back then, and I can only assume you still hold those thoughts if you still consider yourself racist as you said the other day.

The "racism" that I referenced in the other thread simply isn't the racism that I espoused under the screen name "Apologist." Back then, I expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler, the Nazis and the holocaust and hatred for the Jews.

It's really not like that nowadays. I've renounced that. Today, it's more of a practical racism. I probably shouldn't do this, but I tend to use racial slurs in private...mainly because I find it personally amusing, and it tends to get an amusing reaction from friends of mine. Not to mention that I tend to avoid certain people. If I see a poorly dressed black person or hispanic (you know the kind of dress I'm talking about) headed my way...I'm crossing the street.

And when I see a black person or a Mexican (or even an Asian) doing his/her job poorly, failing to speak English properly (or worse, not speaking English), displaying a marked lack of intelligence (which is pretty often), or when I see a billboard or other sales labels in a non-English language, etc...suffice to say, I feel a marked frustration that I have to share this country with so many people who aren't of my culture/ethnicity. For obvious reasons. Obvious practical reasons.

Is much (if not all of this) a fault on my part? Probably. But we all have our crosses to bear, and so much more reason for you to pray for me.


Probably attempting to evade poverty and who-knows-what-else by immigrating to the United States only to hear that some people think you're too stupid to even justify letting you in.

I didn't say that they shouldn't be let in. But is it false that a large poor, uneducated/unskilled and (for lack of a better term) dumb population is likely adversely to affect society?

If that's the only point, namely, that Mexican immigration, as it is now, is likely to had bad consequences for our society, then this might not be false. I think that we should at least give this due consideration and look into it.

Of course, from this, the conclusion that we shouldn't let Mexicans into the country doesn't follow, at least, not strictly speaking. Any number of practical conclusions are possible.


Active member
It's really not like that nowadays. I've renounced that. Today, it's more of a practical racism. I probably shouldn't do this, but I tend to use racial slurs in private...mainly because I find it personally amusing, and it tends to get an amusing reaction from friends of mine. Not to mention that I tend to avoid certain people. If I see a poorly dressed black person or hispanic (you know the kind of dress I'm talking about) headed my way...I'm crossing the street.

And when I see a black person or a Mexican (or even an Asian) doing his/her job poorly, failing to speak English properly (or worse, not speaking English), displaying a marked lack of intelligence (which is pretty often), or when I see a billboard or other sales labels in a non-English language, etc...suffice to say, I feel a marked frustration that I have to share this country with so many people who aren't of my culture/ethnicity. For obvious reasons. Obvious practical reasons.

I typed a very long response to these two ignorant paragraphs but deleted it because it would only hurt your feelings. Hope these two sentences can suffice


I typed a very long response to these two ignorant paragraphs but deleted it because it would only hurt your feelings. Hope these two sentences can suffice

I am a caucasian who grew up speaking English. Why? Because in America, that's the de facto official language. And yet there are certain parts of this country where you will see a billboard in a language other than English. For example, Spanish. Not a bilingual advertisement. Nope: just Spanish (except for the English that's on the actual product packaging).

Are you telling me that this shouldn't be frustrating for me?

Again, we live in America. In America, we speak English. And yet there are some places where you can go in America, and if you start speaking English, say, to the mail room clerk or to the fast food cashier, communication actually might be a problem. English actually might not be an effective medium of communication. He might not even understand what you're saying.

Are you telling me that this shouldn't be frustrating for me?

I'm sorry if you're offended. But it's not in my interest for the demographics of this country to change a whole lot. I am a white guy. I speak English. I don't speak Spanish. I don't want to learn Spanish. I have a reasonable expectation that people will live according to the social customs which are common to the America that I've grown up in.

It's simply not convenient for me if those foreigners start coming in and bringing their foreign culture with them.

Am I saying that they shouldn't be able to come over? No.

I'm just saying that I personally don't like it, and it proves practically frustrating/inconvenient for me.

It's just not pleasant to have to deal with people who are radically different from me. I just don't like it, and I don't want to have to deal with it.


Well-known member
Before my time. I had to stop reading, it made me sick to my stomach.

Well, I do think he's changed a lot and I'll give him that. I've thought about it a lot over the years, and I continue to.

But I do still see it, that need for superiority, whether a race issue like this thread, or his need to make philosophy greater, more important than other disciplines, even his need to to make everyone listen to his own favorite band. Just the fact alone that he can't have any conversation without talking about the vast importance of his own accomplishments... It's insane. We've listened for year after year to Trad talking about himself and the importance of what he does.

And sometimes for me, a thread like this from him just epitomizes what I hate about all of that... It's got him talking about Mexicans having low IQs wrapped up in his pompousness regarding education.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
It's just not pleasant to have to deal with people who are radically different from me. I just don't like it, and I don't want to have to deal with it.

:chuckle: This amuses me.


Have you met Drake Shelton? I think you two would get along well together. :plain:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And you didn't get my point that wave upon wave of immigrants came to America for the CHANCE to make a better life for themselves and their children. By the third generation they did just that!
When the waves of Irish immigrants hit our shores they were treated like dogs. Notre Dame University came into being because the posh eastern colleges wouldn't allow Irish students any access to their hallowed halls.
Bright people, given the opportunity will rise to the top.

Look at " The Berean" he is a math wiz, not anyone stupid can pass that higher math


:chuckle: This amuses me.

And don't even get my started on black people. :nono:

Seriously. Why is it that black people can't keep their pop-culture to themselves? Why is it that rap and hiphop have become the de facto party music? GRRRRRR! :madmad:

And "r" is NOT pronounced "r-uh." It's just "r."


Active member
I am a caucasian who grew up speaking English. Why? Because in America, that's the de facto official language. And yet there are certain parts of this country where you will see a billboard in a language other than English. For example, Spanish. Not a bilingual advertisement. Nope: just Spanish (except for the English that's on the actual product packaging).

Are you telling me that this shouldn't be frustrating for me?

Again, we live in America. In America, we speak English. And yet there are some places where you can go in America, and if you start speaking English, say, to the mail room clerk or to the fast food cashier, communication actually might be a problem. English actually might not be an effective medium of communication. He might not even understand what you're saying.

Are you telling me that this shouldn't be frustrating for me?

I'm sorry if you're offended. But it's not in my interest for the demographics of this country to change a whole lot. I am a white guy. I speak English. I don't speak Spanish. I don't want to learn Spanish. I have a reasonable expectation that people will live according to the social customs which are common to the America that I've grown up in.

It's simply not convenient for me if those foreigners start coming in and bringing their foreign culture with them.

Am I saying that they shouldn't be able to come over? No.

I'm just saying that I personally don't like it, and it proves practically frustrating/inconvenient for me.

It's just not pleasant to have to deal with people who are radically different from me. I just don't like it, and I don't want to have to deal with it.

You know black people grow up speaking English too? And that dialects of English vary from place to place, a person who lived their whole lives in New York may have a similar culture shock in the Mississippi backwoods. White people immigrated to this country too, and hey, maybe some Native Americans will agree with your viewpoint. And, maybe, just maybe, there should be a greater arbiter of the value of things than 'how much Traditio feels in his comfort zone around it'. See, my girlfriend is the daughter of Vietnamese immigrants, and my newly appointed god son is a beautiful Mexican baby, so that's why I continue to respond to your posts.


Well-known member
I would like to point out that the thread that you've linked us to is from March 2006. That was roughly 7 years ago. If memory serves, I was still in high school (senior year). I didn't start college until August of that year.

Sure, that's what I was pointing out. Your race issue has managed to be persistent here over the years, even though it's not as over-the-top as it used to be, when you posted as Apologist.

An aside, I can't help notice that managed to turn what I'd said into an opportunity to tell us all yet again again that you went to college. It's remarkable. You know, just a thought, but you might consider taking this new opportunity now to mention grad school.

It was from a Harvard dissertation. I don't think you fully understand what is involved in writing a doctoral dissertation. For starters, you get assigned a professor to oversee the writing process. When you finish, you have like 3 or 4 professors who have to read it and hold a public doctoral dissertation defense. They grill you on the dissertation in front of a public audience. The amount of research that goes into a dissertation usually tends to be...well, let's just say that it's a whole lot.

Well, I don't think you fully understand how your condescending pompousness gets in the way of discussion, and in the way of taking you seriously.

So I guess we both think the other doesn't fully understand something. :)


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Sound like the professor who wrote this has a low IQ. Racism is :dunce: I've met plenty of very smart Hispanics.


Active member
And don't even get my started on black people. :nono:

Seriously. Why is it that black people can't keep their pop-culture to themselves? Why is it that rap and hiphop have become the de facto party music? GRRRRRR! :madmad:

And "r" is NOT pronounced "r-uh." It's just "r."

I figured it out: you're trolling me. And I almost fell for it!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's just not pleasant to have to deal with people who are radically different from me. I just don't like it, and I don't want to have to deal with it.
I think black people in the south are nicer than in Oakland, or Chicago, so, it has to be the place, a confounding variable, to a significant extent, I cannot say, having not researched it.

It is not as C. Murray argued, the low IQ predicts a lower station, rather a lower station offers less opportunity and that means less educated, less oppertunity, leading to lower tests scores


You know black people grow up speaking English too?

I'm complaining predominately about Hispanics and Asians immigrants. Learn the language BEFORE you get a job that involves using our language, dang it.

At least you can talk to black people in English...sort of.

And, maybe, just maybe, there should be a greater arbiter of the value of things than 'how much Traditio feels in his comfort zone around it'.

That would be awesome. :plain:

And it's other stuff too. I actually have to deal with this stuff. Apparently, young Italian Americans and hispanics really like to drink and party. When their roommate is trying to sleep.

I might be overgeneralizing.

See, my girlfriend is the daughter of Vietnamese immigrants, and my newly appointed god son is a beautiful Mexican baby, so that's why I continue to respond to your posts.

Look, I wish the best to all of those people. I just don't think I should be blamed for finding interaction with those kinds of people frustrating. Do those Vietnamese immigrants speak fluent English? Do they have jobs that potentially might involve me having to talk to them?

If the answer to the former is "no," and the latter is "yes," then you shouldn't be surprised that I might get annoyed with them. :idunno:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
my newly appointed god son is a beautiful Mexican baby,

My daughter in law is Mexican also...Which makes my Grandson low IQ'ed I guess. :think:

Someone forgot to tell him that though; at 18 mos. of age he's a little whiz at finding what he wants on his Mama's Ipad. :chuckle:


I'll give another example of how black people have managed to get on my bad side:

Once, I applied for a state job. The interviewer was a black lady. One of the exam questions was as follows: "What would you do if someone used a racial slur?" My answer: ", if someone else used a racial slur at me?" Apparently, it's possible that a poor black person might use a racial slur against a white guy. I left that interview wondering what kind of racial slur a black person could possibly use at me which wouldn't reduce me to giggles.

I didn't get that job. :noid:


Active member
False. Those things actually get on my nerves. The latter is more of a pet peeve.

Trad, instead of responding to your points, I'm going to say that I can admire your bluntness and that you have developed a thick skin, in a good way.

Because what you're saying is pretentious