Yorzhik said:
If it's you snowy I see you still try to pick fights with dogs at least 50 times your size. Watch out though, the truth always plays to the death while that Labrador probably didn't kill you because it thought you were a toy.
Oh my, was this a threat? Would you perhaps want to add a side of 'eternal hellfire' to that? Since you're just playing around with empty, unsubstantiated threats, that might just fit.
Come on, do you have any argument to bring to the party, or just barking hard pretending to sound like a, what.. Labrador?
snowy, if your explanation doesn't just border on preposterous, but jumps squarely across that border to the middle of insanity, ..
So that's all you got, just name calling -- shouting that all these dumb scientists paying attention to the theory of evolution are in fact all
insane? Great "argument", indeed. Believe me, "flattery" won't get you anywhere

. And hey, it seems to me that many of the good Christians out there also believe in at least a "guided" macroevolution -- now tell me, is it nice to call your brothers nuts? (..Bad Labrador, bad..

..then you don't hold on to the explanation until another one comes along. You reject that ridiculous notion and refrain from replacing it.
And go with what, instead? Chanting
Maranatha and just faking some vague interest for the inner workings of
this life?! How is that motivating anyone toward the true exploration of
this world, if they are so focused on grabbing a good seat in the next one?
And beyond that, you can both reject evo because of the SLoT and you can accept an intelligent designer because of epistemology.
(sorry, I'm new here, what's that SLuT again?). And did you by any chance mean "accept an intelligent designer because of.."
the demise of epistemology, in the blessed wake of intellectual resignation?
Well, show me the evidence for your truth and we'll go from there. Blind faith in some aloof designer is just not my style so far.