Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead


Well-known member
Im sorry, what part of " I dont care what you think" did you miss? I also dont care what you call me, what you think about me, etc.

My self esteem comes from the ONE and ONLY God. Im not the one needing safe spaces these days.

Yes, did you miss the scripture I quoted for you? Or can you not recognize that? You're so godly you don't even know what the Bible says about how to treat foreigners and non-Christians?

The principles found in scripture are to love our enemies,

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may [a]be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

that is one of the main things that distinguishes Christianity from Islam. Islam is a religion where retribution is condoned and encouraged in some cases. Apparently that's the religion you want, not Christianity. Whatever god you worship, If you think what you're saying is in line with His principles, it's not the one found in the Bible.


New member
Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead

In response to post #98:

This is how we know the bible is man-made. The authors did not know the one and only true God. They knew the god of the personality. The purity of the virgin points to the universal, unconditional, undivided, unwavering nature of eternal love and infinite salvation without fail in any place, time condition, circumstance or situation no matter what, whether we believe it or not. In contrast, the love and salvation of the personality is conditional and depends on beliefs, historical events, sexual orientation, faith in Jesus, charitable works, reading the Bible, being a good Christian, successfully raising a family, getting a never ends.

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New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, did you miss the scripture I quoted for you? Or can you not recognize that? You're so godly you don't even know what the Bible says about how to treat foreigners and non-Christians?

The principles found in scripture are to love our enemies,

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may [a]be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

that is one of the main things that distinguishes Christianity from Islam. Islam is a religion where retribution is condoned and encouraged in some cases. Apparently that's the religion you want, not Christianity. Whatever god you worship, If you think what you're saying is in line with His principles, it's not the one found in the Bible.

Jesus discriminates.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

I dont hate them (muslims), i want them to get saved. All that other rhetoric of yours is just that. Make up whatever fantasy about what i think that gets you through the day and continue to be wrong. :)


Well-known member
Jesus discriminates.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

I dont hate them, i want them to get saved. All that other rhetoric of yours is just that. Make up whatever fantasy about what i think that gets you through the day. :)

That's not discriminating in public policy, like you're advocating. You don't want to get them saved you want to ban them from entering the country. How are they supposed to learn about Jesus in Afghanistan? If you REALLY wanted to save them, you'd want more Muslims to come here where they have the freedom to convert without being killed. To see and experience the freedom of the USA.

We have a Syrian family in our town. Their youngest son was able to attend church this past Easter, for the first time. Do you think he would have been able to do that in Syria?

Your words are hollow. All of these ban pronouncements are transparently motivated by fear, not any desire to save anyone but yourself. As a Christian, death should not be scary anyway.


Well-known member
Great parallel...nazi germany that is, radical islam embraces the same values as they. You really are making your case poorly.

You're reading poorly. You're advocating the USA becoming Nazi-style bigoted nation. You want to ban ALL Muslims not just the "radical" ones.


New member
Hall of Fame
That's not discriminating in public policy, like you're advocating.

No, its worse, all those who try to enter in by any other way- will be banned from heaven and be eternally separated from God.

You don't want to get them saved you want to ban them from entering the country. How are they supposed to learn about Jesus in Afghanistan? If you REALLY wanted to save them, you'd want more Muslims to come here where they have the freedom to convert without being killed. To see and experience the freedom of the USA.

We have a Syrian family in our town. Their youngest son was able to attend church this past Easter, for the first time. Do you think he would have been able to do that in Syria?

Your words are hollow. All of these ban pronouncements are transparently motivated by fear, not any desire to save anyone but yourself. As a Christian, death should not be scary anyway.

LOL more fantasies of yours about what i think and what i want. Hint - you suck as a clairvoyant, so don't quit your day job.


Well-known member
No, its worse, all those who try to enter in by any other way- will be banned from heaven and be eternally separated from God.
Indeed. But not the topic at hand. We're talking about public policy not eternal status.

LOL more fantasies of yours about what i think and what i want. Hint - you suck as a clairvoyant, so don't quit your day job.
Fantasies? I'm basing what I said on this post you liked.

It's not too hard to do a brainstorming on this:
Blanket ban on Muslims (except diplomats and country representatives) entering the country for 2 or 3 generations.
Blanket ban on Muslims obtaining firearms.
Amend the law/constitution to define Islam as not a religion, i.e. not benefitting from protections accorded to other religions.
Keep close tracks on on all Muslims having entered the country this generation. (This would perhaps have deterred the possibly lying father of the Florida terrorist from bringing up his son as a good Muslim to beat up his wife and hate America.)
No Muslim charities.

Etc., etc. I am sure you could think of more. Muslims need to be taught that when they come into our countries to live, they leave all aspects of their culture behind them that are incompatible with our own values. There will be no Sharia law practised in our countries, no polygamy, no honour killings or forced female circumcision for starters and no woman should be permitted to wear a full face cover.
It's not difficult to come up with suggestions when you are not inhibited by idealism.

Maybe you need to learn to read more effectively or be willing to defend what you said was "well said". No "clairvoyance" on my part.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Was this a terror attack inspired by a belief in a literal understanding of the Koran taught by the imams he grew up with in Afghanistan?
Too early to tell. His parents don't seem to think so. And I'm not suggesting that there aren't any number of radical Islamic extremists who use the Quran to justify their actions. The overwhelming majority of Muslims don't agree with that...the way an overwhelming majority of Christians didn't support ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Serbia.

Do American immigration policies make any distinction between Muslims and other religions when screening for entry?
Wouldn't have had an impact on the event under consideration, but outside of an immigrant seeking asylum for reasons of religious persecution I don't know if religion is a question asked on immigration papers.

Are Muslims much more likely to seek to pursue their aims through terror than other religions in today's world?
It's a loaded question. Most Muslims aren't demonstrably more likely to pursue their aims violently than are Christians. Some Muslims demonstrably are. But approaching all Muslims as though we assume the exception is about on par with treating blacks differently as a rule because they're comparatively more likely to produce violent offenders.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You can fight an idea with a better idea and by refusing to give the other idea power.

Like Neville Chamberlain did so successfully with Hitler? The US Navy can defeat Islam without having to beach one Marine, and without nukes. But you want them to win.

Also McVeigh was a left wing idealog and he learned to make the bomb from Muslims.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Wrong. Muslim. Terrorism. And he had previously declared allegiance to IS and IS afterwards acknowledged him as their member.
Saying something wrong but more slowly doesn't correct the problem I spoke to...if your above is correct on his actions and adoption, then at best you could say he is a Muslim with connections to Islamic extremists. They don't speak for Islam, only for their narrow and violent interpretation and application of it, so my point stands.

No, it wasn't. I was first noting that it didn't apply to the situation at hand. I then went beyond that to note the overwhelming and demonstrable orthodoxy of Islam isn't in line with the extremist practice that poses a threat, addressing the idea of the efficacy in making the distinction you inquired about.

Why do we have to avoid the issue? Why would you be interested in that? Because you don't like to accept the statstics. Your idealism that all religions are equal is not borne out by the facts.
I didn't say or suggest avoiding the issue. I expanded the consideration. That's a call for statistics, not an avoidance of them. And nothing, literally nothing in the quote you answered this way suggests I view all religions as equal...which isn't surprising given I don't. I noted that my faith has in the past, mostly distant but not entirely, struggled with a similar streak of violence.

No such premise.
You assumed two causal relations you failed to demonstrate. I think the premise ran with them, but feel free to clarify/distinguish if you like. I'd be more than happy to read the distinctions.

There's that idealism of yours shining through loud and clear. At some point you have got to stop treating Musim potential immigrants the same as Hindu potential immigrants. Yeah, just do a criminality check, background check on known associates, parents, etc. Ok. Pass. Come on in. It doesn't work. It's not rational at all.
It's irrational to treat the exception as a rule and to make a law that does so is worse than irrational. My idealism is rooted in a respect for the premise of our law, the thing that makes it superior to Sharia, by way of.

Avoiding the issue again.
I'd have to avoid something to begin with. Worse for you, you'd have to actually demonstrate it...and you can't.

To put a fine point on it, you asked "What would happen if Muslim immigration went unchecked?" I noted the problem is the assumption in your premise. NO immigration goes unchecked. Now if you meant the usage to suggest we put an end to allowing those who are of the Muslim faith entrance into this country then I think you have a bigger problem on your hands and one rooted in an irrational hostility or fear.

Which is it?

And the next incident I guess will be the same. And the one after that. And the last one, did you say the same about that?
You don't form good law by conflating the exception with the rule. You can begin a degradation of respect for right and the rule of law founded in respect of it though.

The Horn

Patrick Jane, "The fags got caught with their pants down ?" What a disgusting and despicable thing to say about human beings . An incident like this could have happened to any group of people anywhere in America, including churches .
And remember - WHITE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN EXTREMIST AMERICAN BORN CITIZENS have killed more people on U.S. soil in recent years than Muslim terrorists . And many innocent Muslims in America have been the victims of hate crimes by ignorant bigots who know nothing about Islam and have a mindless fear and hatred of ALL Muslims . Shame on you !!!
And Musterion, the vast majority of the lunatics who commit mass murders are NOT registered Democrats .


Well-known member
Huh? Are you for real?

There are fewer than 200 000 Marines, but 1.5 billion Muslims, of which over 3 million are Americans and 3500 are in the US Military itself.

You must feel very clever spouting such silliness.

If you'd have read more carefully you'd have noticed he said "defeat Islam," not "defeat Muslims." A couple Ticonderoga class cruisers would do.