New member
It's not too hard to do a brainstorming on this:
Blanket ban on Muslims (except diplomats and country representatives) entering the country for 2 or 3 generations.
Blanket ban on Muslims obtaining firearms.
Amend the law/constitution to define Islam as not a religion, i.e. not benefitting from protections accorded to other religions.
Keep close tracks on on all Muslims having entered the country this generation. (This would perhaps have deterred the possibly lying father of the Florida terrorist from bringing up his son as a good Muslim to beat up his wife and hate America.)
No Muslim charities.
Etc., etc. I am sure you could think of more. Muslims need to be taught that when they comeinto our countries to live, they all aspects of their culture behind them that are incompatible with our own values. There will be no Sharia law practised in our countries, no honour killings or forced female circumcision for starters and no woman should be permitted to wear a full face cover.
It's not difficult to come up with suggestions when you are not inhibited by idealism.
Excellent ideas. Some will say it is unamerican. I say that when a subset of the population is prone to cause terror, that subset loses some freedoms despite the innocence of many, especially those found to have connections with terror and those espousing hate on the internet and those sympathetic to terror figures.