Marijuana legalization: LESS government?




Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I mentioned to my stalker biggest fan a couple of pages ago:

The Founding Fathers didn't write our founding documents for a secular humanist nation (which we have today). Ted Cruz is a constitutional scholar and knows that allowing the respective states to deal with immoral issues such as homosexuality and recreational drug use is much better than having federal rulings like Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas/Obergefell v Hodges.

I'm speaking from prior experience. As a teen I would smoke with friends every month or so. Occasional smoking won't do a damn thing. It's when it becomes a habit that it can mess things up.

So you quit smoking dope? (strange that he did, it's such a harmless drug I'm told). Yet another hypocrite.

So you agree to leave it up to the states, correct?

The candidate I strongly support for POTUS seems to believe that immoral issues like dope smoking and homosexuality should be left up to the respective states to decide.

That being said:

If I were King....


So you didn't read the link,then? It figures; he used long words.

"...imagine being seated at a table with two bowls, one containing peanuts, the other the illegal drug MDMA (ecstasy). Which is safer to give to a stranger? Why, the ecstasy of course."

"I quoted these words in the Eve Saville lecture at King’s College London in July. This example plus other comments I have made – such as horse riding is more harmful than ecstasy..."

Again: Druggies are real "nut" cases.


New member
"...imagine being seated at a table with two bowls, one containing peanuts, the other the illegal drug MDMA (ecstasy). Which is safer to give to a stranger? Why, the ecstasy of course."

"I quoted these words in the Eve Saville lecture at King’s College London in July. This example plus other comments I have made – such as horse riding is more harmful than ecstasy..."

Again: Druggies are real "nut" cases.

Have you not heard of anaphylaxis caused by nut allergy? It can easily be fatal.

You are a complete idiot. :kookoo:


Cannabis is currently listed in Schedule I, alongside heroin, PCP and LSD as dangerous drugs of abuse with no medical benefit.

You might want to go troll in another thread Sandy, you're embarrassing yourself here.

The scheduling is a political prices, not a medical one. :idunno:

So if they reschedule it, it will be ok with you?

Man you really don't know your history do you? Go back and look at why it's on that list

You boyz might want to contact the baby murdering sodomite Marxist that oversees the DEA and have him make an Executive Order which would remove that so-called "harmless drug" (shagster once compared smoking dope to drinking water) from Schedule 1.

Speaking of the baby murdering sodomite Marxist: I see that he's setting a bunch of druggies free so that they can prey on society once again.

In ‘Fairness,’ Obama Commutes Sentences for 95, Mostly Drug Offenders

Dec. 15, 2015

President Obama ended a tumultuous year in the nation’s capital by commuting the sentences of 95 federal prisoners and granting two pardons on Friday, building on his push to reorient the nation’s criminal justice system with a holiday season stroke of his pen.

The set of commutations was the largest of Mr. Obama’s presidency, and it more than doubled the number he has granted since taking office. Most of those who will be freed are nonviolent drug offenders given long sentences during an earlier crackdown on crime. Forty of them will be spared life terms.


You compound erroneous comments with naked 'but they are different from me' bigotry and an inability to answer questions.

You are the best argument anyone could make against Christianity. You are a joke and a fool.

Knowing what you are, I take that as a compliment gc.

On that note: I'm had enough dealings with the drug crowd for now, it's back to exposing the LGBTQueer-child molesting movement. Please come visit.


Hall of Fame
You compound erroneous comments with naked 'but they are different from me' bigotry and an inability to answer questions.

You are the best argument anyone could make against Christianity. You are a joke and a fool.

Perhaps he viewed "Reefer Madness" as a documentary. :think:


Perhaps he viewed "Reefer Madness" as a documentary. :think:

I don't need to view a video to know how harmful recreational drug use is Sandy, I deal with these pathetic losers daily.

Since we're on the topic of you promoting the culture of death (be it recreational drug use or homosexuality), have you ever thought about accepting Christ into your life and starting anew?

I know a very good Christian website (this one) where people can help you leave the miserable pagan/secular humanist lifestyle that you're currently entrapped in.


Hall of Fame
I don't need to view a video to know how harmful recreational drug use is Sandy, I deal with these pathetic losers daily.

Oh ... interestingly enough, the pathetic losers that take out a family of five while driving drunk is less of an issue for you.

Or the pathetic loser that has an alcohol related black out and murders or physically assaults someone is less of an issue as well.

Since we're on the topic of you promoting the culture of death (be it recreational drug use or homosexuality), have you ever thought about accepting Christ into your life and starting anew?

Anything that is happening in my spiritual life (in regards to Christianity) would not be discussed on TOL. Sorry, but considering the joy certain folks take in seeing others harmed (see the rape threads), any questions or interest I have will remain private.

I know a very good Christian website (this one) where people can help you leave the miserable pagan/secular humanist lifestyle that you're currently entrapped in.

Oh, you assume too much about what goes on in my real life. While I know it will burst your bubble, I do not do ANY drugs nor am I promiscuous. The biggest risk I take is viewing "The Walking Dead" on Sunday nights.

Greg Jennings

New member
So you quit smoking dope? (strange that he did, it's such a harmless drug I'm told). Yet another hypocrite.

Hold on, now. You're saying I'm a hypocrite for saying people should be able to smoke marijuana even though I don't smoke it anymore, and you're not a hypocrite for saying that marijuana should be illegal while the far deadlier drug of alcohol should remain legal?

This is why you can't have nice things


New member
I know a very good Christian website (this one) where people can help you leave the miserable pagan/secular humanist lifestyle that you're currently entrapped in.

ToL works against you r interests. It is a nice, closed, back slapping and self-reinforcing site for those whose minds are closed, but for those less committed ToL reminds them of how many bigots your toxic brand of 'Christianity' breeds. It must turn many people away from your miserable obsessions. Thankfully.