The Designer Yhvh Elohim Adonai, The Master, The One and Only Who holds your life in His Hands, Made the remedy for your condition a few years ago(about 6000).
Man screwed it up and prevents you from knowing it.
The drug lords (pharmacy industry) hate you, and will tell you everything except the truth. (I learned this working for them after going to their school. Had to leave. The drug lords won't let anyone work for them who tells the truth.)
In 1902, only 1 out of 50 people sought or needed medicine.
The drug lords didn't think that was enough to make enough money.
The drug lords wanted to make a lot more money,
so they thought to themselves (under control of hasatan) "hmmm, what can we do to sell drugs to EVERYBODY? (or at least a lot more)"
Now, in 2008/9, about 1 out of 50 people do not need nor seek drugs.
(the drug lords are trying to force them to take drugs anyway).
Almost everybody, no, everybody taking drugs has been made that way by the enemy of the Messiah.
The enemy of the Messiah does not allow the natural preventions and the natural remedies DESIGNED BY YHWH
to be used.
But they are, for a short time, still available and not totally censored yet.
the drug lords (& every pharmacy commercial, without exception) lie.
the drug lords never tell the truth.
the drug lords are children of hasatan.
and you want??? to trust them or take their advice ???