MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"emotions are the only thing that are real in this world" :kookoo:

Most people outgrow that belief before high school


New member
The "leftist/liberal/feminist/progressive blogs, articles, websites, twitter feeds, etc" are trying to follow Georg Lukács in his call for "Aufhebung der Kultur."

Lukács was a founder of Transformational Marxism and the Frankfurt School. "Aufhebung der Kultur" is German for "Abolishment of the culture," meaning to abolish that Western Culture which came out of the Northern Renaissance and especially out of the Reformation. In the history of the U.S. it was the Protestant Great Awakening Revivals of the 18th century which gave us our version of Reformation Theology. Reformation theology, stresses being born again (John 3: 1-6), becoming transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12: 2), becoming a new creature or creation (II Corinthians 5: 17 and Galatians 6: 15), having Christ in you, which is the hope of glory (Colossians 1: 27) and becoming part of the Body of Christ (Ephesians 2: 16) which is also the same as becoming part of the Israel of God (Galatians 6: 15-16).

Lukács saw that it was this focus upon the transformation of the individual in Reformation theology which gave that Culture of Western Europe and of the United States its special ability to resist being taken over by Transformational Marxism, which is also Marxist Antonio Gramsci's "Long March Through the Institutions." Later Theodore W. Adorno of the Frankfurt School talked about how both Christianity and the Family were the cause of Fascism or Nazism and both must be abolished. Guess what the Left is now trying to abolish?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
an offshoot from here:

As the Nathan Phillips / Nate Sandmann controversy has developed, i've run across way too many leftist/liberal/feminist/progressive blogs, articles, websites, twitter feeds, etc - way too much social media and other internet based opinion centers that justify their naked hatred for these catholic kids - justify their desire to see them hurt, regardless of the veracity of the original story.

One common theme is that these kids were at a pro-life rally, and the extreme leftist/liberal/feminist/progressives, from the relative anonymity of the internet, wish death on anybody with that viewpoint

the other common theme that has taken the forefront these past couple days is their choice of apparel.

MAGA hats, as it turns out, have the power to make the left (already insane) violently insane

it's being proposed in the other thread that the students should have known this and should have respected the weakness of those easily triggered by the magical power of the MAGA hats and foregone their choice of apparel

the corollary is, of course, that having made the choice to wear those pernicious MAGA hats, the violence and hatred directed toward them is their own fault :dizzy:

Doesn't take much these days to set off the socialist left, their current rant against MAGA hats is one of their more nonsensical attacks on the first amendment rights of others in my estimation. All you can do is laugh at them anymore as the move further left into the absurd. :chuckle:


New member
You have no proof, and you made the first claim.
False, you (Crucifer) made the first claim.
You made the false claim that it wasn't aggression for the idiot with the drum to change direction and get in the face of the innocent bystanders.
You made the false claim that the students that were standing there waiting for a bus were not innocent bystanders because they just stood there.
It wasn't aggression, and frankly it's annoying that I even have to sit here and argue something that is so plain. Everybody is acting stupid about it and it's gotten old- time to face reality here.
Those kids weren't just innocent bystanders

I have common sensibility on my side
So far, your posts prove that you don't have any common sense.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Covington Student Nicholas Sandmann and Family Hire Attorney to Sue Media for Libel

In an exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann said he "had every right" to stand in front of Nathan Phillips, but now wishes he and his classmates "would have walked away and avoided the whole thing."

In a major warning to purveyors of fake news, Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann and his family have hired a high-powered attorney who specializes in suing the media for libel and slander.

The Sandmann family have hired RunSwitch PR, Kentucky’s largest public relations firm, to help them deal with media appearances, but the family has also now hired aggressive Georgia attorney, L. Lin Wood, WCPO-TV reported.

The Sandmann family attorney, Todd McMurtry, noted that Wood is “committed to bringing justice to 16-year-old Nick Sandmann and his family.”

Wood has represented several notable people faced with media slander including former GOP candidate for president Herman Cain, the family of murdered child JonBenet Ramsey, and Richard Jewell who was falsely accused of being the Olympics bomber.

The 16-year-old Sandmann has become the subject of repeated fake news reports after he was recorded standing smiling as a Native American man beat a drum in the teen’s face during a visit to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.

Media reports quickly branded Sandmann and his schoolmates as MAGA hat-wearing racists who “surrounded” Native American Nathan Phillips and “taunted” him. But further video of the incident proved that the school kids remained in a fixed place while a group of radical black activists hurled vile insults at them followed by Phillips and his group of Native Americans approaching the teens and aggressively beating their drums in the teen’s faces.

Early reports also claimed that the kids yelled “build the wall” at the Native American group, but no video shows any such taunting.

Subsequent reports found that Phillips has a violent criminal record, lied about being a Vietnam veteran, and even recently tried to disrupt a Catholic Church service with his troupe of drum-beating activists.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"emotions are the only thing that are real in this world" :kookoo:

Most people outgrow that belief before high school

an opinion page from the wapo, presumably written by an adult, on being triggered into a sixth grader's emotional response by Sandmann's smile:

Time to take on the Covington ‘smirk’

When it comes to matters of difference, I always try very hard to meet people where they are. That’s why I can see why Sandmann thought nothing of his actions or his expression. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started demanding that others try to meet me where I am. And when it comes to “the smirk,” Sandmann, the Covington kids and their defenders must understand why my reaction and the reaction of untold others was so strong.

Ask just about anyone who is not straight, white and male what they see in that smirk and you’ll most likely open up a world of hurt. Memories of continual bullying and other abuse at the hands of entitled men and boys who weren’t or never feared being held accountable.

For my friend Jeff Krehely, executive vice president of the Roosevelt Institute and an openly gay white man whom I consider one of the generals of the LGBTQ civil rights movement, ‘the smirk” was too much.

... Krehely wrote on Medium on Jan. 23. “Last night I realized that his face is one I saw a lot in sixth grade, toward the end of the school year when I became the boy most of the other boys decided was a fag.”

Sandmann doesn’t think he has anything to apologize for, nor does he believe he did anything wrong. Fine. I can understand why. But until folks like him bother — for even just a minute — to see how their own actions are perceived and compound pain, these racial Rorschach tests will keep happening. More smirks, more confrontations, more division.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

... until folks like him (Sandmann) bother — for even just a minute — to see how their own actions are perceived and compound pain ...

iow - the real lesson here is that "folks like him" - white, male, straight - should be aware that easily triggered insane people are apt to act insane and that if they do, its the fault of the white, male straight person :dizzy:

wouldn't it have been nice if an editor at wapo had said - "Jonathon (the author), that's the reasoning of a ten year old - you can do better"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
just more proof, i'm afraid, that the left is truly retarded - emotionally, psychologically, mentally - their growth is stunted and they have the emotional responses and reasoning skills of children :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Covington Student Nicholas Sandmann and Family Hire Attorney to Sue Media for Libel

i hope some discussion comes out of this about the media's lack of judgement in continually running pictures of children as young as 14 in a controversy that never was about anything more serious than perceived "disrespect"

of course, we all know what was driving the coverage

the hats

and in their blind rage to smear trump, they were willing to destroy anybody they could use, regardless of their age


New member

Long Term, How Do We Live With the Sorts of People Smearing Covington Catholic Teen Nick Sandmann?

every American has a right to expect equal treatment under the law and from government agencies. There’s also a fundamental American belief in fair play. That means whatever rules we come up with get applied to everyone equally. It means that right is right even if you don’t agree with the person who benefits from that. It means that it is immoral to lie about someone even if you disagree with him. It means that at the end of the day, we put the good of the country ahead of our own petty political disagreements.

Those are the sorts of foundational customs and mores that allow people with wildly divergent viewpoints to live together in a functional society. The very fact that the Left has rapidly moved away from those principles is why our society has become increasingly dysfunctional. This is a tendency liberals have not just here, but everywhere. As Margaret Thatcher said,

Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seems to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag.​

Conservatives have long since tired of being smeared in the very schools where they send their kids to be educated, in mainstream media outlets that have become little more than open propaganda outlets for the Democratic Party, and by vacuous celebrities and professional athletes who know about as much about constitutional governance as they do about quantum physics. We have noted with dismay that it has become mainstream on the Left to vilify conservatives merely for our being white, male, or Christian. It became even more dismaying to see Obama’s IRS targeting Tea Party groups and Obama’s FBI showing political partisanship in 2016 because if those two DANGEROUS government agencies can’t be trusted to be evenhanded, then it is a long-term threat to the stability of our republic.

But, what we’ve seen in the Kavanaugh hearings and with the Covington Catholic High School debacle is even more disturbing.

How do you live with people who are happily willing to brand a man as a sexual predator with no evidence against him merely because it benefits them politically? When you reach a point where a large percentage of liberals are willing to ruin a man’s life work and brand him as a rapist, not because of their honest appraisal of his guilt or innocence, but because he’s in the wrong political party, how do you live with them?

As disgusting as the Kavanaugh hearings were, what has been done to Nick Sandmann is even worse.

, while SOME liberals did at least admit that they got the story wrong, most of them doubled down and continued portraying an innocent 17-year-old kid as a racist and a Nazi. When the pushback on that came, the basic response came down to, “He’s a smiling white kid wearing a MAGA hat, therefore he deserves everything he gets.”

It would be nice to make it into a joke by calling it what it really is, a “hat crime,” but it’s not funny. If you’re willing to falsely brand a kid as a racist, a Nazi, and a horrible person because he stood there and smiled while some weirdo beat a drum in his face, where do we go from there? Do we declare every person who wore an “I’m With Her” shirt to be a pedophile? If Joe Biden wins the Democratic nomination in 2020, is it acceptable to try to destroy the lives of random liberal teenagers for wearing “I’m With Joe” shirts?

This is the world liberals are dragging us into with their myopic vision, unquenchable hatred for people who disagree with them, and their raging intolerance.

Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann is guilty of a “hat crime”? :chuckle:

But seriously, are any of us safe from this kind of persecution?