MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Maga kids and the wannabe communists started bickering with each other..

the video evidence doesn't show that

and Phillips came in with his magic Native drum to calm it down.

that's his claim

seems unlikely to me - wouldn't you want to be between the two opposing groups, or closer to the one that was actively acting violent?

instead, he finds himself nowhere near the site of the conflict

but don't listen to me - listen to what the lying old fraud said himself: "..they (his associates) said, "Let's go hit the drum, let's go sing, let's reclaim our space here" because this was the Indigenous Peoples March rally..."

... some old guy.

a professional activist who was there to protest the wall (i'm not making this up) and who has a history of being less than accurate when dealing with factual matter

aka a liar

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Maga kids and the wannabe communists started bickering with each other...

fool provided the long video - tell me exactly where, in that linked video, you see the CovCath kids "bickering" with the "black hebrew israelites" (not sure where you're getting "communists" :freak: )

here - i'll bump it up:

where exactly are the CavCath kids bickering with the BHI?


MEasily-Triggered Left AGA Hats And The

Where was the adult supervision?

Irrespective of who's right or wrong, where were those adults who were supposedly escorting these students to Washington!

The last thing any escorted trip wants is to allow their clients to be placed in "harms way," become part of a confrontation and/or become the centre of a "media firestorm."

This incident should never have taken place or defused as quickly as possible with the students being moved to another location.


Well-known member


Well-known member
MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left

Where was the adult supervision?

Irrespective of who triggered this unfortunate situation, where were those adults who were supposedly escorting these students to Washington!

The last thing any escorted trip wants is to allow their clients to be placed in "harms way," become part of a confrontation and/or become the centre of a "media firestorm."

They were waiting for their bus. What were the chaperones supposed to do agains seasoned political activists. Haven't you watched how these people work?


They were waiting for their bus. What were the chaperones supposed to do agains seasoned political activists. Haven't you watched how these people work?
At the very least the chaperones should have positioned themselves between the students and the other group to act as a buffer!

I find it hard to believe that "seasoned political activists" think that they can advance their cause by deliberately target students - the media usually takes a dim view of adults harassing children!


Well-known member
The incident itself was stupid. Whatever the fallout was is after the fact.

You need to get over yourself- you've already hit my reputation thing twice today and are trying to drill into me as much as you can with slander. Consider your post reported, I'm not going to be called names simply because I don't agree with you all's echo chamber nonsense.

Then you should stop provoking others as you've been doing with your idiot claims. You keep ignoring the proof that is right before your eyes, and then you continue to run your mouth. That's provoking. Consider yourself reported.


Well-known member
Take the students to another location and leave on adult to direct the bus to the new pickup point - at he very least they could have positioned themselves between the students and the other group to act as a buffer!

Sounds like a plan, but you obviously think these protesters are reasonable adults. The kid did the only thing that had a chance of working. Stand there and smile.


Well-known member
None of them can. They already drank the kool aid.

Especially ironic since Jones was a very well connected socialist Democrat in good standing.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... where were those adults who were supposedly escorting these students to Washington!

i'm watching the long video right now - there's clearly two and maybe a third adult doing the job that the lying indian claimed to be doing - they're in between the kids and the abusive negroes keeping them apart

This incident should never have taken place or defused as quickly as possible with the students being moved to another location.
what other location? they were at the bus stop waiting for the buses

if anything, the cops should have tazered the abusive, racist BHI morons

and the lying indian should have stayed out of it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I just read a post on Facebook posted by a young woman I know that had quite a diatribe about what she sees when she looks at a MAGA hat. Everything from her own rape and abuse to the desecration of the planet. She blames every evil in the world on MAGA. Incredible, is it not?

she's insane and should be institutionalized

instead, she's probably a registered democrat :doh:


Well-known member
The Maga kids and the wannabe communists started bickering with each other, and Phillips came in with his magic Native drum to calm it down.

Not that I'm going to discuss this any further, just revealing a bit how you all are trying to draw some alternate reality based on your hatred and doxxing of some old guy.

Notice the completely perverted thought process:

1. Posits alternate reality totally contradictory to the known facts, maintaining the original false narrative
2. Insists the villain is the hero, and the innocents are guilty
3. "So there, you're wrong, I can't hear you, nyah nyah."

Anyone this thoroughly dishonest is either a deliberate troll or mentally retarded. In either case should be treated as such.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh Smack!

on Today, today:

"What i've always said is i've never stepped foot in south vietnam"


... now, Phillips has been shown claiming outright that he served in the Vietnam War in a video posted to the Native Youth Alliance Facebook page last January.

“I’m a Vietnam vet, you know, I served in the Marine Corps, ’72 to ’76," Phillips said in the video. "I got discharged May 5th 1976, you know. One of the — I got honorable discharge — and one of the boxes in there, it shows if it was peacetime, or what my box says is that I was in theater. I don't talk much about my Vietnam times, you know. I usually say I don't recollect, I don't recall, you know, those years."

three lies in one clip! :thumb:

see for yourself:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
this doesn't seem to be getting a single tiny bit of attention from the msm:

Basilica confirms Nathan Phillips protest attempted Mass disruption

Washington D.C., Jan 23, 2019 / 04:15 pm (CNA).- The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception has confirmed that protesters led by the Native American activist Nathan Phillips attempted to disrupt the celebration of Mass on the evening of Jan. 19.
