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seeing themselves as saved
I am saved.

and righteous
Correction: by the righteousness of Christ alone.

Romans 5:18 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.​

His righteousness, not mine.


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still barking Mads?
Still hissing, Meshak?


Well-known member
I am saved.

Correction: by the righteousness of Christ alone.

Romans 5:18 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.​

His righteousness, not mine.
If they had the righteousness of Christ, then they would have his heart and they wouldn't be proud and look down on others and insult them they way they do!


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Meshak, Marhig and GT all believe that God Himself can't save them unless they help Him do it. That's why the idea of simply believing and resting on what He said is repulsive to them. That's why they (Meshak especially) hate Paul.

Galatians 3:3 KJV
(3) Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?


New member
The Pharisees typically believed that they were justified in GOD's sight by their own righteous behavior and by their physical descent from Abraham.

Mid-Acts-Dispensationalist's believe that they are justified in GOD's sight by faith/belief/trust in Christ's work of the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

These are mutually exclusive approaches to justification/righteousness.

Mid-Acts-Dispenstionalists honor the Lord Jesus and all His teachings and recognize His earthly ministry to the circumcision, in contrast to His heavenly ministry through the Apostle Paul to the nations.

Mid-Acts-Dispensationalists recognize that some Calvinists perpetuate Replacement Theology but also recognize that Replacement Theology's roots reach much further back in history, long before Calvinism's beginnings.

Mid-Acts-Dispensationalists, like all people, sometimes respond in kind to abusive behavior....some more than others....some not at all.

GOD is the original Zionist.
Mid-Acts-Dispensationalists recognize this in Scripture.

Psa 132:11 The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.
Psa 132:12 If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.
Psa 132:13 For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.
Psa 132:14 This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.


God is the original Zionist? LOL

That is what He thought too until jews rejected Him...

and His way...

and well then Jews finally His Son too...and because He had His Father's way in mind...


Well-known member
Meshak, Marhig and GT all believe that God Himself can't save them unless they help Him do it. That's why the idea of simply believing and resting on what He said is repulsive to them. That's why they (Meshak especially) hate Paul.

Insults again? What's new!

I can't do anything without God and Christ. Without them I'm dead in my sins!

And I don't believe in a do nothing gospel. Seeing as Jesus and his apostles including Paul taught that we are to live it out. This is taught right through the new testament.

As God works within our heart, then those who are born of God live it out and do the works of God outwardly, bringing forth the fruits of the spirit. And jnsulting others who love God and Christ, isn't a fruit of the spirit!

In fact Paul said that revilers won't inherit the kingdom of God. Gods true people don't need to persecute others.

Also you bring up meshak saying that she doesn't believe in Paul, well rather than pull her to pieces, wouldn't it be better to show her why it's right to believe Paul? I know Paul is a strong apostle of God, and I hope that meshak realises this one day. But she will never listen when those who say they follow him keep pulling her to pieces! Even acting like children in a playground mocking her hat. That is just childish and sad!


Well-known member
Insults again? What's new!

I uttered no insult. I made observations based solely upon everything the three of you post.

I can't do anything without God and Christ. Without them I'm dead in my sins!

First, no one is so "dead in sin" that he/she can't hear and believe the Word of God, which is itself the living power of God unto salvation. That's the reason God can justly condemn those who won't believe -- because they DID hear and COULD have believed but REFUSED to. Your nonexistent Calvinsitic "dead" people who can't hear or believe God without His enabling them gives a false excuse to those who won't believe -- it lets them say that God didn't choose them. You help damn them when you post lies like that.

Second, you are not Christ's unless you have His Spirit. You do not have His Spirit unless and until you have believed the Gospel of the grace of God, which is condensed for us in 1 Cor 15:3-4 by the apostle who received it. That Gospel is completely WITHOUT works of any kind to be forgiven and justified.

You, like GT and Meshak, reject the idea that forgiveness and justification can be received without your own works helping obtain and/or keep them.

That means you've rejected Paul's Gospel in favor of a false one.

That means you are lost and headed for the Lake of Fire lest you repent [change your mind, believe the saving Gospel you currently despise].

And I don't believe in a do nothing gospel.

We know.

Seeing as Jesus and his apostles including Paul taught that we are to live it out.

Let's get something straight.

SHOULD salvation result in a changed life? YES!

Will it AUTOMATICALLY do so? NO! The Corinthians are proof of that, even though Paul called them saints and could not say ANY of them were unsaved...not even the man fornicating with his own mother, and if there was anyone in the whole NT Paul could say wasn't saved on the basis of bad behavior, he was the one. Paul may have been unsure that man wasn't saved but he never came out with a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit and SAID the man isn't saved.

Do you know why he didn't?

Because that's what happens when salvation is SOLELY on the basis of grace through faith, and is not earned, kept or proved by works (good works OR bad works). God alone truly knows those who are in Christ. Works -- good or bad -- reveal NOTHING about that.


I uttered no insult. I made observations based solely upon everything the three of you post.

First, no one is so "dead in sin" that he/she can't hear and believe the Word of God, which is itself the living power of God unto salvation. That's the reason God can justly condemn those who won't believe -- because they DID hear and COULD have believed but REFUSED to. Your nonexistent Calvinsitic "dead" people who can't hear or believe God without His enabling them gives a false excuse to those who won't believe -- it lets them say that God didn't choose them. You help damn them when you post lies like that.

Second, you are not Christ's unless you have His Spirit. You do not have His Spirit unless and until you have believed the Gospel of the grace of God, which is condensed for us in 1 Cor 15:3-4 by the apostle who received it. That Gospel is completely WITHOUT works of any kind to be forgiven and justified.

You, like GT and Meshak, reject the idea that forgiveness and justification can be received without your own works helping obtain and/or keep them.

That means you've rejected Paul's Gospel in favor of a false one.

That means you are lost and headed for the Lake of Fire lest you repent [change your mind, believe the saving Gospel you currently despise].

We know.

Let's get something straight.

SHOULD salvation result in a changed life? YES!

Will it AUTOMATICALLY do so? NO! The Corinthians are proof of that, even though Paul called them saints and could not say ANY of them were unsaved...not even the man fornicating with his own mother, and if there was anyone in the whole NT Paul could say wasn't saved on the basis of bad behavior, he was the one. Paul may have been unsure that man wasn't saved but he never came out with a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit and SAID the man isn't saved.

Do you know why he didn't?

Because that's what happens when salvation is SOLELY on the basis of grace through faith, and is not earned, kept or proved by works (good works OR bad works). God alone truly knows those who are in Christ. Works -- good or bad -- reveal NOTHING about that.


This post made me have to pretend I had something in my eye! It may have been directed towards 3 people that will brick wall it... but to many who read it... it is pure gospel gold...

My only complaint is that I was reading it in a Brit accent for some reason.

Jolly good though! Jolly good indeed! I'm saving this one in my blog section!