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The Pharisees typically believed that they were justified in GOD's sight by their own righteous behavior and by their physical descent from Abraham.

Mid-Acts-Dispensationalist's believe that they are justified in GOD's sight by faith/belief/trust in Christ's work of the cross and His resurrection from the dead.

These are mutually exclusive approaches to justification/righteousness.

Mid-Acts-Dispenstionalists honor the Lord Jesus and all His teachings and recognize His earthly ministry to the circumcision, in contrast to His heavenly ministry through the Apostle Paul to the nations.

Mid-Acts-Dispensationalists recognize that some Calvinists perpetuate Replacement Theology but also recognize that Replacement Theology's roots reach much further back in history, long before Calvinism's beginnings.

Mid-Acts-Dispensationalists, like all people, sometimes respond in kind to abusive behavior....some more than others....some not at all.

GOD is the original Zionist.
Mid-Acts-Dispensationalists recognize this in Scripture.

Psa 132:11 The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.
Psa 132:12 If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.
Psa 132:13 For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.
Psa 132:14 This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.



New member
Meshak, don't let yourself be sucked into this vortex of animosity by others with opinions different from yours.

It seems some people don't realize things that are different are not the same.

This forum is not a choir where everyone is singing the same song.

Let your voice be heard.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hello JW:)

ranting makes you getting old quicker.

be happy:)
Old, you muse? Like that face and hat of yours?

Name one person, in the history of mankind, who was/is saved.

"Cousin It" mess-hack won't touch that, being one of the 666 questions addressed to her, this year alone, that she merely subtly(Genesis 3;1 KJV) dismisses, with "What's your point?"


Good day to you, sir mutt.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Nope, claiming to be being faithful, sinless and saved is a lie.

People who claim to be sinless and saved are liars.

How about you EE? Do you claim to be saved too?

Name one person in the history of mankind, who was/is saved. Name(s), and evidence.

Not a peep. She claims no one has ever been saved.

john w

New member
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No one is perfect....
I don't claim to obey Jesus, it is you who claim to obey Him.

Jesus' standard is perfection, dear.

BTW, don't put the words into my mouth. I did not say my works can save me. It is not about me, it is about His Word.


You see, this kind comment makes Jesus' salvation so cheap.

Salvation is not cheap. It costed Him His life.

If we don't appreciate what He has done by saying like "your works cannot save you", odds are we will not be accepted in His kingdom.
Jesus is our Lord, He commands us many things to do.

Jesus gave us many things to do.

Jesus says if you love me, keep My commands.

so it is obvious we ought to obey His commands because without loving Him there is no salvation]...............When you say "your works cannot save you", it is saying "obedience to Jesus will not save you" which is so ungrateful thing to say to the Lord after what He has done for us.

Caught, again, in her continual lie, contradiction that:

- works cannot save us, but works save us,

-she does not claim to "obey Jesus," but everyone must be perfect,"obey Jesus," to be saved, but/so no one, including herself, can be saved, is saved, since "Jesus' standard is perfection," and no one is perfect...........

don't put the words into my mouth

I quoted the perverter's own words.

So tell us, mutt....Just exactly what "good news" are you "preaching?" Eat, drink, and get hammered, on a jug of "Ripple" wine, and then "post?"

Jesus' standard is perfection..

Name one person, in the history of mankind, who met that standard/bar, and was/is saved. Name(s), and evidence.

Let me guess her "response:" What's your point?

Watch the punt-again.

You fraud, clown, perverting mutt.

john w

New member
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You madists don't know Jesus' salvation. You exalt one nation over the rest.

You base your faith is politically motivated.

Zionism is all about political.

there do you get furious over this statement too?

don't let my observation so upset you if it was not true.

You perverts are anti-Semitic, and Jew haters, Cousin It.

So there.

God's Truth

New member
Meshak, don't let yourself be sucked into this vortex of animosity by others with opinions different from yours.

It seems some people don't realize things that are different are not the same.

This forum is not a choir where everyone is singing the same song.

Let your voice be heard.

Are you blind? She is one of the people who starts it.


Meshak, don't let yourself be sucked into this vortex of animosity by others with opinions different from yours.

It seems some people don't realize things that are different are not the same.

This forum is not a choir where everyone is singing the same song.

Let your voice be heard.

thank you my friend:)

I should not put myself down to their level. and it is not so good.

I just let them bark.:)

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Who cares how many views you have when you have a foul mouth and are nothing like Jesus?

Jesus did not speak all day every days like you do.

Made up-Yes, He did.

No, punk, cry baby/wimp, I am exactly like the Lord Jesus Christ, whom you treat with disrespect, referring to Him as "Jesus," in disdain, as one would chat on your cell phone, as I mark/identify/expose/name call, lost, perverters, wolves, serpents, you, exactly as He, and Paul did.

The Lord Jesus Christ, Paul, to children of the devil, like yourself: Vipers...serpents/child of the devil....ravenous wolf....

You: Stop it "Jesus," Paul!!!!!! Stop it!!!!!!!!! You meanies!!!

Get off this sight, and stuff your "wounded soul" routine, devil child.


thank you for your opinion.

anger and hate does not help Christianity, dear.

Peace in Christ.:)

You are calling hate... but you are on record as denying scripture on this very thread. It is so clear it is painful. Sister, how is it Hate to speak up for the validity in salvation by faith?

You deny this very scripture...

Romans 4:

4 Now the wages of the worker are not credited as a gift, but as an obligation. 5 However, to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness, 6 just as David proclaims the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:

7 “Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven,
whose sins are covered;
8 Blessed is the man
whose sin the Lord will never count against him.”

Because you claim to discern scripture and who is false and true... validate your discernment by helping us understand what this scripture means.

Your scriptural integrity and opinion is being challenged by me.