ECT MAD is defeated by the locked timeframe of Lk 23


Again...speaking of enduring to the end to be saved...

1. Who successfully endured?

Christians prior to 70AD
2. To the end of what did they endure?

The end of the old covenant.

3. When was "the end" of that which Christ said they had to endure?

4. What were they saved from?

5. How were they saved?

They were sealed

6. How do you know the answers to 1-5?

The answers are in the Bible.


Well-known member

They were sealed

The answers are in the Bible.[/QUOTE]

Hi and where is THAT verse where they were SEALED ??



Well-known member
"So, they were saved, but not technically until 70AD."-"expert" stupid Craigie on salvation

How did you get so stupid, little arms boy?

Wow, Craigie!!! Teach us. Please?

Hi John W , so it must be a mystery !!

dan p


So says the great one.... NOT.

The Apostle Paul knew the Day of Redemption was near.

(1 Cor 7:29) What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not;

Why would Paul say "the time is short" if the Day of Redemption was at least 2,000 years away?

C'mon Wrong Divider, quit following Darby, and believe what Paul said.


Well-known member
(Eph 4:30) And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
The Day of Redemption happened in 70AD.

Hi and you are more than 2000 years off , by the CONTEXT OF Eph 4:30 !!

The first verb in Eph 4:30 is in the PRESENT YTENSE in the dispensation of Grace NOT IN 70 AD !!

The second verb is in the AORIST TENSE or PAST TENSE from all that are saved in the AGE of Grace !!

Then it also means that you are NOT pre-Tri , but Post-Tri does not compute !!

The verbs hung you out to DRY !!

dan p


Hi and you are more than 2000 years off , by the CONTEXT OF Eph 4:30 !!

The first verb in Eph 4:30 is in the PRESENT YTENSE in the dispensation of Grace NOT IN 70 AD !!

The second verb is in the AORIST TENSE or PAST TENSE from all that are saved in the AGE of Grace !!

Then it also means that you are NOT pre-Tri , but Post-Tri does not compute !!

The verbs hung you out to DRY !!

dan p

Hey Dan,

The "dispensation of grace" is NOT a time period.

Also, there is no such phrase as "the age of grace" found in the Bible.

Stop using made up phrases invented by John Nelson Darby, and stop turning phrases found in the Bible into time periods invented by John Nelson Darby.


Well-known member
Hey Dan,

The "dispensation of grace" is NOT a time period.

Also, there is no such phrase as "the age of grace" found in the Bible.

Stop using made up phrases invented by John Nelson Darby, and stop turning phrases found in the Bible into time periods invented by John Nelson Darby.

Hi and IF the Dispensation of Grace DOES NOT INCLUDE TIME , then why was the Apostle Paul preaching and in Rome's prison in 2 Tim 4:6 !!

So that means the 1600 years of the Law of Moses did not INCLUDE TIME !! LOL

dan p


Well-known member
(Eph 4:30) And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

The Day of Redemption happened in 70AD.

I think that needs to be qualified Tet. It was true of those who went through the trauma. I'm not sure if it applies to everyone in the widespread audience of the Ephesian circular. I do think Paul thought the whole earth would be changed immediately after the DofJ, but obviously it has not. He would preach the same way now, except for things that pertained to or took place in the DofJ which is the conclusion to old covenant arrangements with Israel.


Well-known member
[Until] The end of the old covenant.
Endure to the end of the OC or perish?

God need not have bothered rolling out the NC, then...enduring to the end of the Old would have saved those Christians, according to Christ (rather, according to you).

Your reasoning is as stupid as ever.


Endure to the end of the OC or perish?

God need not have bothered rolling out the NC, then...enduring to the end of the Old would have saved those Christians, according to Christ (rather, according to you).

Your reasoning is as stupid as ever.

(1 Peter 5:8) Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

(James 4:7) Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

From 30AD to 70AD, Satan prowled the earth looking to devour Christians.

Paul said the following:

(Eph 6:11) Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

(2 Tim 2:26) and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

(1 Thess 2:18) For we wanted to come to you--certainly I, Paul, did, again and again--but Satan blocked our way.

Satan was bound in 70AD, and can no longer deceive the nations.

Also, if you notice, Paul said the same things about Satan to those he preached to as James and Peter did to those they preached to.


No different from liberal "Christianity" that denies there is a Devil.

I believe what Paul said:

(Rom 16:20) The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

Notice Paul said "soon".

Why would Paul use the word "soon" if the event still hasn't taken place?

The KJV uses the word "shortly".

No matter what version you use, Paul wasn't referring to something that was going to take place at least 2,000 years into the future.


(Rev 20:2) And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,


(Matt 12:29) "Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.


Well-known member
I believe what Paul said:

(Rom 16:20) The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

Notice Paul said "soon".

Why would Paul use the word "soon" if the event still hasn't taken place?

The KJV uses the word "shortly".

No matter what version you use, Paul wasn't referring to something that was going to take place at least 2,000 years into the future.

The answer to that is not the events of 70 AD. It is the conception that the whole 2nd coming (DoJ + final judgement) was to take place together in 'immediately after' succession. That is the view Paul had especially, as nothing in Luke (which is transcription of Paul) hints of a delay or prolongation.

So there are two interesting things about their timing of events:
1, the DofJ could have happened anytime after the resurrection in that generation. It eventually did take place toward the end.
2, the final judgement of all nations was thought to be planned for immediately after that, but was allowed to be later. The allowance is in the following:
*there are 4 options to the 'return of the master' in Mk 13
*'only the Father knows' in Mt24B is about the final judgement
*2 Peter 3


Well-known member
I believe what Paul said:

(Rom 16:20) The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

Notice Paul said "soon".

Why would Paul use the word "soon" if the event still hasn't taken place?

The KJV uses the word "shortly".

No matter what version you use, Paul wasn't referring to something that was going to take place at least 2,000 years into the future.

So you believe this current world system is what a crushed Satan looks like.

It's times like this I believe there's no hope for you.