ECT MAD is a lie and is proved to be a lie from scripture !

God's Truth

New member
The standard to enter into life is perfection. No one is righteous, even though you intentionally just said the righteous sin. No, they don't. That is why one is righteous.

You are missing are forgetting are forgetting that the JEWS were God's are forgetting that YOU said they are a special people...a special people STILL...a special people for nothing more than for being blood related to someone they don't even know...


Well-known member
BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT DEAD IN THEIR SINS---they did the purification/ceremonial works of the flesh.

The Gentiles were DEAD in their SINS AND IN THE UNcircumcision of their flesh.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

But notice that us vs we does not exist in Paul, even in this passage. You are doing the same limiting of a passage that D'ism does in favor of Israel or Jews. It is not what he or it meant.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT DEAD IN THEIR SINS---they did the purification/ceremonial works of the flesh.

The Gentiles were DEAD in their SINS AND IN THE UNcircumcision of their flesh.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,
Doing a purification/ceremonial work is not sinning.
So again, how does sinning make them righteous????


New member
The standard to enter into life is perfection. No one is righteous, even though you intentionally just said the righteous sin. No, they don't. That is why one is righteous.

Folks sin after being saved it is just not credited to them if they are in Christ Jesus. Individuals have the imputed righteousness of Jesus.

Rom 4:24
But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

Only Jesus was , is , and will forever be perfect.

God's Truth

New member

You have a serious problem, because you do not have enough knowledge to follow through with all your teaching.

Paul says he acted LIKE ONE NOT UNDER THE LAW TO WIN THOSE NOT under the law.

Do you really think that Paul was going to keep preaching in a way to put himself above others to win them over?

The Jews were over the Gentiles for centuries, and Paul was speaking to the Gentiles now as if he was as they were.

1 Corinthians 9:21To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law.

Think about it some more!

Why do you think Paul says to the Gentiles that their is none righteous, but then the whole Bible speaks about the Jews who were made righteous by the purification/ceremonial works.

God's Truth

New member
Folks sin after being saved it is just not credited to them if they are in Christ Jesus. Individuals have the imputed righteousness of Jesus.

Rom 4:24
But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;

Only Jesus was , is , and will forever be perfect.

All have to repent of sins...repent of sins to get saved...and repent of sins to stay saved.


New member
...but are you saying you believe that the earthly Israel given to the Jews by America, while living in threat of war constantly, is the peace Jesus was speaking of?


They are back in their land due to their own brand of terrorist acts back in the 1940s against the people who ended up with that land after Rome killed some one million of them; leveled much of Jerusalem; and enslaved those who had not gotten the heck out of there when the getting had still been good.

And that happened to them for their rebellion against Rome; after their rebellion against the God of their fathers.

They were under Rome to begin with, as part of their punishment by God; see Daniel 2 and 9.

They had no business rebelling neither against the LORD and His Christ; nor against the foreign power God had put them under, until He said otherwise.

When He turned from them in His wrath; the stage was basically set for Rome to be able to one day not only wipe the floor with them; but to get away with it; free of the Lord's Prophesied but delayed return to deliver them from their enemy.

The whole thing over there now, was propped up by all sorts of political corruption; espionage; mob money, you name it.

They are not there now because God returned them there.

They are back there once more, of their own will and against His.

Tel Aviv alone is the vacation paradise of the Homosexual world.

The land is not only not getting her Sabbaths; but is polluted like it never has been before.

Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Obviously said political times - of Gentiles as Foreign Powers that even that false Israel over there now has to deal with - is still the case at this very moment.

They have no business back in their land, yet.

God's Truth

New member

They are back in their land due to their own brand of terrorist acts back in the 1940s against the people who ended up with that land after Rome killed some one million of them; leveled much of Jerusalem; and enslaved those who had not gotten the heck out of there when the getting had still been good.

And that happened to them for their rebellion against Rome; after their rebellion against the God of their fathers.

They were under Rome to begin with, as part of their punishment by God; see Daniel 2 and 9.

They had no business rebelling neither against the LORD and His Christ; nor against the foreign power God had put them under, until He said otherwise.

When He turned from them in His wrath; the stage was basically set for Rome to be able to one day not only wipe the floor with them; but to get away with it; free of the Lord's Prophesied but delayed return to deliver them from their enemy.

The whole thing over there now, was propped up by all sorts of political corruption; espionage; mob money, you name it.

They are not there now because God returned them there.

They are back there once more, of their own will and against His.

Tel Aviv alone is the vacation paradise of the Homosexual world.

The land is not only not getting her Sabbaths; but is polluted like it never has been before.

Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Obviously said political times - of Gentiles as Foreign Powers that even that false Israel over there now has to deal with - is still the case at this very moment.

They have no business back in their land, yet.


God is the one who dispersed them.

God is the one who brings us all together through Christ Jesus.


Well-known member

God is the one who dispersed them.

God is the one who brings us all together through Christ Jesus.

most of that is true. Do you mean the exception at the end, the "yet"?

The truth of your last line is why the modern place is void of prophetic meaning.

And, you/we agree on the dispersal. Why did you say that as though you were correcting him?


New member
(Rom 16:20) The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

I know, I know, the word "soon" means 1,900+ years and still counting, to Darby Followers.

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Lol - tell that to dodge, he holds to a Pre-Trib Rapture and the Lord's dealing with Israel again one day, and yet is clueless that Darby had held to that :chuckle:


New member
most of that is true. Do you mean the exception at the end, the "yet"?

The truth of your last line is why the modern place is void of prophetic meaning.

And, you/we agree on the dispersal. Why did you say that as though you were correcting him?

O I don't mind her attempts at correction; she is just going by what she believes is correct.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Only Jesus was , is , and will forever be perfect.

We are perfect before the Father because of what you said in the first half. When he sees me, he does not see my rotten no good self. He sees his perfect Son, Holy, and without blame.

God's Truth

New member
But notice that us vs we does not exist in Paul, even in this passage. You are doing the same limiting of a passage that D'ism does in favor of Israel or Jews. It is not what he or it meant.

Prove what I am doing and not doing.

Your mere opinions and confusion mean nothing.

God's Truth

New member
Doing a purification/ceremonial work is not sinning.

Doing a ceremonial work WHEN IT NO LONGER DOES ANYTHING is sin. It is about rejecting Jesus cleaning us. It is to try to KEEP cleaning oneself by doing the old laws purification works that no longer work.

God's Truth

New member
most of that is true. Do you mean the exception at the end, the "yet"?

You mean your imaginary 'yet'?

Jews have been getting saved since Paul and are still getting saved.

Not every single Jew is going to get saved, just as not every single Gentile is going to get saved.

Is that what you mean?

If many Jews end up believing in Jesus BEFORE he comes again, that is good, but it is not after Jesus comes and it is not a special enabling that no other people on the earth get.

When Jesus comes again, it will be too late.

All have a chance to be saved before the end.

The truth of your last line is why the modern place is void of prophetic meaning.

Just because you are confused doesn't mean I am wrong.
And, you/we agree on the dispersal. Why did you say that as though you were correcting him?

He thinks that the Americans brought them together, as if being brought together is by Americans. Any and all people, whether Jew or Gentile, they are brought together by God, through Jesus Christ, and that is by coming to Jesus in belief and obedience.

Jesus is Israel, and we who are put in him are Israel with him.