LYSOL Issues WARNING after President suggests INJECTION of DISINFECTANTS for COVID-19

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
antibody study as many as 2.7 million may have been infected

Preliminary results from New York's first coronavirus antibody study show nearly 14 percent tested positive, meaning they had the virus at some point and recovered, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday. That equates to 2.7 million infections statewide -- more than 10 times the state's confirmed cases.

... which would mean a far lower morbidity rate than believed.

not only a far lower morbidity rate, but a much greater prevalence of infected subjects who exhibited symptoms of low severity - low or none


New member
Why would the Reckitt Benckiser Group, the manufacturer of Lysol and Dettol, issue an "Improper use of Disinfectants" warning to their customers following Thursday's White House briefing if they weren't concerned that some of their customers would take the suggestions of this President literally and start injecting disinfectant products into themselves and their families?

Because their lawyers decided to as a CYA in case anyone would start injecting Lysol.

Why might someone inject Lysol? Because the TDS media said that Trump said to do so.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Because their lawyers decided to as a CYA in case anyone would start injecting Lysol.

Why might someone inject Lysol? Because the TDS media said that Trump said to do so.

Yeah, Trump never mentioned Lysol by name.

And I have yet to see anything, anywhere, to suggest that there were people getting ready to do that

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Because their lawyers decided to as a CYA in case anyone would start injecting Lysol.

Why might someone inject Lysol? Because the TDS media said that Trump said to do so.

C'mon SUTG. You gotta admit that his briefing was bat crazy. Even Trump himself has had to take measures to attempt to downplay this fiasco.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Neither Reckitt Benckiser Group (Lysol, Dettol) nor the Clorox Company are members of the media so their misgivings about the President's comments can't be summarily dismissed as TDS or "fake news!"

yeah, i never said that

but you're too retarded to understand anything past orangemanbad

As prominent manufacturers of disinfectants, both were obviously alarmed by what they witnessed during Thursday's White House briefing and felt compelled to set the record straight!

except they didn't act directly after Thursday's White House briefing, they acted after the mockingbird media spread the lie that Trump had recommended injecting disinfectant in your veins

but you'll reject this, because you're too retarded to understand anything past orangemanbad

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Why might someone inject Lysol? Because the TDS media said that Trump said to do so.

Trump did mention treating coronavirus patients by shining high-intensity ultraviolet light on them. Do you think that is a good idea?


Well-known member
The jokes flying around WhatsApp have flourished somewhat.
They are stretching it a bit, though, for instance....

There's a picture of that lady adviser with head in hands and a balloon saying ,'Mr President! You can't send astronauts to the sun, they would burn!' and he is answering, ' What if we send them at night?'

The World has erupted at his silly remarks, but at least it is giving locked down countries a brief smile.

Gary K

New member
Trump did mention treating coronavirus patients by shining high-intensity ultraviolet light on them. Do you think that is a good idea?

Oh, wow. Trump mentioned that and not lysol or bleach. How insane is that?

Did you know UV is a proven way to kill germs and viruses? It's a proven method of disinfection. There are also current ongoing scientific studies investigating this. Wow. The scientists are just as insane as Trump.... Trump mentions current scientific studies on ways to kill the coronavirus and you guys go nuts saying he's an idiot and out to lunch, while praising science. The mental disconnect going on in your minds is incredible.\\

Just how crazy would you go if Trump had mentioned ozone generators?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... The World has erupted at his silly remarks ...

like monkeys in a monkey house

retarded monkeys

who latched on to his off the cuff comments at that briefing and totally ignored the important scientific information that was being shared

this is why I unplugged - I got tired of being constantly reminded that I share this world with a cage full of retarded monkeys

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Just how crazy would you go if Trump had mentioned ozone generators?

if Noah Trevor could find a way to use it to ridicule Trump?

they'd be hooting and shrieking, banging on the bars, flinging their poo

like the retarded monkeys they are


Well-known member
like monkeys in a monkey house

retarded monkeys

who latched on to his off the cuff comments at that briefing and totally ignored the important scientific information that was being shared

this is why I unplugged - I got tired of being constantly reminded that I share this world with a cage full of retarded monkeys

The WhatsApp messages are flying in all directions. I have just received a video of an entire choir singing a special version of the Lion King, the lion sleeps tonight..... But adapted to the present Trump announcement.

I wonder who the real monkeys are

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Just how crazy would you go if Trump had mentioned ozone generators?

It is fairly common knowledge that ozone is used widely in hospitals.

Trump did mention treating coronavirus patients by shining high-intensity ultraviolet light on them. Do you think that is a good idea?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

[h=1]A spike in New Yorkers ingesting household cleaners following Trump’s controversial coronavirus comments[/h] An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.


None of the people who reached out died or required hospitalization, the spokesman said.

But compared to last year, the number of cases was worthy of a double-take.

According to data obtained by The News, the Poison Control Center only handled 13 similar cases in the same 18-hour period last year.

Moreover, out of the cases reported between Thursday and Friday, nine were specifically about possible exposure to Lysol. Ten were in regards to bleach and 11 about household cleaners in general, the spokesman said.

In last year’s 18-hour period, there were no cases reported about Lysol exposure and only two were specifically in regards to bleach, the data shows.

During Thursday night’s coronavirus briefing at the White House, Trump suggested doctors may be able to cure coronavirus by injecting disinfectants like bleach directly into the lungs of their patients.

"Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs so it’d be interesting to check that … It sounds interesting to me,” Trump said, turning to his health advisers and asking them to look into the matter.

On Friday afternoon, following widespread pushback from medical experts, Trump claimed his dangerous suggestion was a joke.

"I said it sarcastically,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office.

Despite Trump’s sarcasm defense, health and emergency agencies took his comments seriously and warned people against listening to the president.

“To be clear, disinfectants are not intended for ingestion either by mouth, by ears, by breathing them in any way, shape or form,” New York City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot tweeted. “Doing so can put people at great risk.”

A White House spokesman demurred Friday night when asked for comment on the Big Apple’s spike in possible cases of household product poisoning in the aftermath of Trump’s comments.

“The media has lost control with their mischaracterizations and outlandish headlines about what the president said, and completely ignore that he has consistently emphasized that Americans should consult with their doctors regarding coronavirus treatment,” said the spokesman, Judd Deere.

so, a quick look at this shows a misleading (read: dishonest) headline

and as a former professional statistician, the 18 hour period of comparison jumps out at me - that's called "fine-tuning the data", closely akin to "cherry-picking" - did it all the time when I got paid to

and as a medical professional, this: "None of the people who reached out ... required hospitalization" translates into this: "None of the people who reached out had actually ingested anything dangerous"

Still, it's the headline that counts and the Trump haters won't read past that :sigh:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hogwash. The entire conversation was about light. Specifically sunlight and it's ability to disinfect what it touches. Oh, and by the way sunlight is a proven way to kill germs and viruses when used for water purification. Exposing water for 6 hours to sunlight purifies it from germs and viruses.

No one mentioned disinfectants such as bleach, lysol, etc.... Show from the original conversation that those words were used. Post your evidence rather than just posting assertions. Nothing you've posted actually demonstrates what they assert. Nothing.

He mentioned disinfectant after his comments about light and the possibility of injection with it. Have you even seen this briefing? Here's the salient part again:

I suppose you think he was just being sarcastic as he subsequently and feebly tried to claim as well?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He mentioned disinfectant after his comments about light and the possibility of injection with it. Have you even seen this briefing? Here's the salient part again:

I suppose you think he was just being sarcastic as he subsequently and feebly tried to claim as well?


rage on, artie

the media has told you this was important and so, for you, it's the only thing that's important

rage on, puppet :sigh:


Well-known member
retarded, inherently
Yeah yeah, like half your county-folks and all of mine.........All retarded.

hoot away, silly monkey, hoot away
And now we're all monkeys........
........... but the jokes just don't stop coming.

The World is laughing it's head off at your leader who you love, admire and trust so much.
Some people think he's a bit slow, you know.


Well-known member
He mentioned disinfectant after his comments about light and the possibility of injection with it. Have you even seen this briefing? Here's the salient part again:

I suppose you think he was just being sarcastic as he subsequently and feebly tried to claim as well?


They don't watch television, Arthur.
They believe that you and all who watch television have been brainwashed by double-think etc, but their books, computers, mobiles, radios, these are all safe to use. I wonder what their wives think....... hmmmm.... that causes me to wonder.