LYIN' TED: Liar and Fraud


New member
I don't want a king. I just want someone in place of the godless Secular Humanists( Obama/Clinton) who are on verge of destroying this country. Either Clinton or Trump will be the next president.
-In the primary, when I had a choice, I voted for Carson.
i would take my chances with Trump over Clinton. The fork in the road occurs in Nov.


New member
For me the concept of hero worship is totally foreign. We are in a real religious war with godless Secular Humanists who kill unborn babies and attack Christian values.
The election of Clinton would be the worst possible outcome for the USA. With all his faults, I do not fear attacks on Christians from Trump.
I expect the end of religious liberty for anyone who is not a Secular Humanist.


For me the concept of hero worship is totally foreign. We are in a real religious war with godless Secular Humanists who kill unborn babies and attack Christian values.

Do you need videos and quotes showing Donald Trump giving accolades to Planned Parenthood?

The election of Clinton would be the worst possible outcome for the USA. With all his faults, I do not fear attacks on Christians from Trump.
I expect the end of religious liberty for anyone who is not a Secular Humanist.

Yet as I've mentioned to you in other threads, Donald Trump hasn't defended any religious (i.e. Christian) liberty legislation, in fact he's even denounced North Carolina's so-called "bathroom bill" as a "bad business decision".

You're obviously a Trump troll, as you don't listen to the facts, you just keep writing the same old thing over and over again.


New member
You are big on labels. I don't think you listen to anyone else either.
The issue is not the merits of Trump.He has many demerits. The issue is the evil , godless secular Humanists led by Obama/ Clinton who would destroy the USA.
I did not get my first or second choice. But, the danger of Clinton as president should not be overlooked.
We have different points of view, and it is probably time to table the 'discussion' and wait for the nation's verdict in Nov.
I fear for the nation and our grandchildren.


You are big on labels. I don't think you listen to anyone else either.

Yes, for instance when a Republican Presidential candidate says that "Planned Parenthood does great things", knowing full well that Planned Parenthood is our nations leading abortion provider, I "label" Donald Trump as pro abortion.

The issue is not the merits of Trump.He has many demerits. The issue is the evil , godless secular Humanists led by Obama/ Clinton who would destroy the USA.

Yes, the "issue" is electing someone who won't even acknowledge that he stands by the pro life/pro traditional family Republican Party Platform.

I did not get my first or second choice. But, the danger of Clinton as president should not be overlooked.
We have different points of view, and it is probably time to table the 'discussion' and wait for the nation's verdict in Nov.
I fear for the nation and our grandchildren.

Your point of view is based on blinded ignorance, mine is based on hours and hours of study.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ridiculous. I really do not like Cruz or Trump, but for someone to suggest that Cruz should endorse Trump based on a loyalty agreement is foolish.

Been a long time. They act as if the president is king. If Trump wins, then Democrats will run on congress, same, if Clinton wins, Republicans will make a run on congress.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


I thought he was a patriot. Last night, he proved he isn’t.
July 21, 2016 Don Feder

I’m ashamed that I voted for Ted Cruz in the Massachusetts’ Republican Primary.

I thought he was a man of integrity. Last night he proved -- beyond a shadow of a doubt -- that he isn’t. He made a solemn pledge to support the Republican nominee. And he broke that crucial promise.

I thought he was a patriot. Last night, he proved he isn’t. However bitter and angry he is at Donald Trump, he knows that Trump is the only person standing between Hillary Clinton (a liar, a fraud, a thief and a traitor) and the presidency. And yet – after meticulously laying out the case against another 4 to 8 years of leftist tyranny -- he refused to endorse the one man who can put an end to our long national nightmare.

Cruz wasn’t driven by principle, but by ego. He can’t accept the fact that the party chose Trump over him.

Ted Cruz made the worst mistake of his political career. Millions of us will never forget or forgive his betrayal. He will never be his party’s nominee for president. He will never hold the highest office in the land.

Ted Cruz is a very small man.


Translation: You'd hope to be be a butt-hurt whiner who couldn't handle a little name-calling in the rough-and-tumble of national politics and instead decide to act like a weasel like Cruz.


Well I would have forgiven trump. But many Christians lack the maturity to do that.

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