For the sake of brevity I'm going to limit response to a few points.
You can put together all sorts of data that isn't causal. Here's a link to a good bit of funny linkage. My favorite? Number of Nicholas Cage films in a given year and swimming pool drownings.
Typically, you need to look at three things: temporal precedence, or does the cause always precede the effect; covariation of cause and effect, or the establishment of an observable relationship; and the absence of possible alternative explanations. And I don't agree that because most conservatives value the family it becomes a conservative value, by which I mean to say dependent upon or springing from conservatism.
Jesus said, rather pointedly, what you do for the least of these you do for me and what you fail to do for them you fail to do for me. Your quote is truncated. He was saying that while there would always be the needy, the poor, he was there among them for a brief time. There was a certain hypocrisy on the part of the accuser of Mary. He almost certainly didn't spend every possible bit of coin on them, make every possible sacrifice and take every possible shortcut to help them, but he was accusing her of wasting money on Christ that could go a greater good. He was being a hypocrite and Christ rarely had anything good to say to or about hypocrites.
Family values are biased values, agreed. They also just happen to be the 'right' values.There is plenty of proof. Causality just happens to conveniently follow the data.
You can put together all sorts of data that isn't causal. Here's a link to a good bit of funny linkage. My favorite? Number of Nicholas Cage films in a given year and swimming pool drownings.
Typically, you need to look at three things: temporal precedence, or does the cause always precede the effect; covariation of cause and effect, or the establishment of an observable relationship; and the absence of possible alternative explanations. And I don't agree that because most conservatives value the family it becomes a conservative value, by which I mean to say dependent upon or springing from conservatism.
No one is popularly elected president by championing fringe groups, Lon. It just can't happen.Obama certainly did not, he championed and talked of fringe groups and fringe interests and gave resources to them. He was NOT a family advocate. He was a 'bleeding heart' liberal, but liberals simply do not understand Jesus teaching: "you will always have the poor and needy among you."
Jesus said, rather pointedly, what you do for the least of these you do for me and what you fail to do for them you fail to do for me. Your quote is truncated. He was saying that while there would always be the needy, the poor, he was there among them for a brief time. There was a certain hypocrisy on the part of the accuser of Mary. He almost certainly didn't spend every possible bit of coin on them, make every possible sacrifice and take every possible shortcut to help them, but he was accusing her of wasting money on Christ that could go a greater good. He was being a hypocrite and Christ rarely had anything good to say to or about hypocrites.
Sure. Life is often about understanding relationships in obligation.He also said clearly, you do not take bread from the mouths of your own children.
You shouldn't give what you need or be required to give everything that you literally don't need, but no one in this country is remotely asked to do that.In this, He was talking about our political action as well. You cannot overtly give without harming your base and America's base, frankly, is Christian families.
Here, arguably. But you could argue that in France, by way of example, the opposite is true, since liberals have seen to it that the needs of the poor are met by their compact. Some, sadly, that still aren't met by our own.There are only so many resources for abused animals and those chronically needy and poor. Whatever the percentages, THAT is their share of resources. We can and do give of our resources after that BUT it is voluntary and Conservatives definitely do outgive, by far, our liberal counterparts.
As per my last, there's no liberal exception to the tax code. They give their own too.Bleeding heart liberals give 'other people's money.'
I really don't recall saying they weren't. . . What the latest Gallup polling indicates is that conservatives are 36% and liberals at 25%. In the 90s the gap was a 22% edge for conservatives and it was 14% just a couple of years ago.Nope. Gallup poll confirms that conservatives are the largest group.
Sorry, but 36% of anything isn't going to run roughshod even if galvanized unless the rest don't care.If we had reason for showing up every election, there would be no such thing as democrats in federal and many state offices.
Did that need a demonstration?It was and is important, what the 'gotcha' was, to this OP, as much as the data itself, because it already shows a true polarization.
From here it looks like that's about how either side is attempting to use it. But they both have the same problem, a want of demonstrable causality.IOW, they were just trying to say we were hypocrites rather than espousing those values themselves potentially.
It's not the converse if you measure the two groups differently. The last time I saw it, the division (using the same comparative groups) was around 49% of Republicans qualified for the very religious category and 36% of Democrats. In the moderately religious column it went the other way, with that group dividing 38% Republican and 44% Democrat. Of the nonreligious group, the split went heavily to the Democrats, with 29% found in Republican ranks and 52% found in the Democratic side. (Gallup link)These two groups: Liberals and Conservatives, are very different. Of politicians voted in, only 26% of democrats say they are religions, and less than half that number (according to Gallup) would say they are dedicated Christians.Conversely, nearly 30% of republican politicians would say they are deeply dedicated Christians and about 20% ascribe themselves as Christian (about 10% of each Democrat and Republican would say they are not religious at all).
We both know there's a good bit of divergence, which accounts for everything from the largest separation, between Catholic and Protestant, and the lesser divisions on issues that matter enough to spawn the divisions.Between you and I? God.
No government report is going to define family values.Regarding the thread? The .gov report
Liberals marched on Washington to promote human rights, civil rights, the right of everyone to be treated equally before the law. Families rest on those rights. Conservatives have marched on Washington to deny some of those. See, it's all in how and where you focus.AND, I think, even the most casual glance at what the two groups talk about as well as what their platforms are. Conservatives march on Washington to stop abortion (family interests and values). Liberals march on rights for fringe groups and the right of women to get out of the home and not raise their children, not wear bras, etc. To me, even these most cursory glances, make objectives and very contrasted values, clear and plain.
Every Christian would say that moments before tearing into the other one for a dispute on exegesis. Consider your own suspicion of the liberal's faith. You think he's going to agree with your notion of what comprises that "one kind"? Because I suspect he's not, unless you include him.There is only one kind of Christian.
I'd say we're democratic in the sense that we believe in the right of the individual to self-determination, absent important qualifiers that tend to come into play whenever one fellow's rights have to come into balance with another's, to keep your right to travel freely from interfering with my right to the quiet enjoyment of my property, by way of illustration.We as a people, are democratic in the sense that might does make right, by way of vote.
Nah. Communist totalitarians have amply demonstrated the dysfunctionality and failure of communism. Socialism? Depends on the form. It can work and does. Does it work as well as a free market? Not if it's intelligently regulated, to my mind.If Socialist communists have taught us anything, they have taught us that the liberal agenda doesn't work, it wrecks.
My point being that if you empower the individual you empower the group, unless the group is dedicated to the harm of an individual or certain other groups of individuals.But any note to any particular, and he or she, is no longer 'grouped.'
If you want a market economy, that's what will dictate what you see on television. If most people don't buy a thing that thing won't survive long or won't thrive and dominate.70% of programing on TV supporting our values?
Socialist.:nono: 70% of representation in resources?
Everyone has the vote.70% of the ear of Congress and Representatives?
Gallup had the LGBT pop at 3.8% in 2015 (link).1% of us is gay,
:idunno: It's a pretty strong lobby though. No doubt about it.yet they get 60% of programing dedicated to their agenda.
It is, but without the ridiculously prohibitive prices...well, thanks to his grandfather that's not an issue, but it's a wonderful educational tool. It's impacted his spelling and problem solving. We limit the time on it though. Balance with that trampoline in the front yard and reading, etc.Other's will pick up I'm sure, where we leave off. I'm loving the minecraft stuff. It is like legos television.
I had two elders who were on mission and would stop by my apartment when I was in law school. Once a week they'd drop in and we'd talk, have tea. Good kids. I think we can be honest in our difference and amicable in our approach. But if someone wants to take a poke at me I'm going to whack them with the funny stick.A conversation worth a whole other discussion. My mother is a democrat with conservative values. She is interesting in that she doesn't want to shove God, or shove politics on anybody, however. She is a very interesting person in that sense. She will get along with everybody. The other day, the Mormons came to my door. I 'discussed' differences politely. When they came to my mother's door, she baked them banana bread and made them dinner and they never did talk about Mormonism :noway: They came back two days later and gave her a rose and a mother's day card! At times, I envy my mother....Other times, I'm glad I say something, because truth is important.