Ii thought the topic was interesting, but the article less in light of what I'd read and posted from the New Yorker.So, no real readers of links these days? How can one hope to comment on an article they haven't even read? :idunno:
Not if that was the conclusion, given what I read and linked to from last year.Seems to me, it is worth at least 3 minutes of a read.
Okay. I've never said that about either. I've noted that being conservative doesn't make you hard hearted (unless you bring that to conservatism on your own) and being liberal doesn't make you an enemy of morality (unless you bring that too).In a nutshell, liberals were saying that conservatives were psychotic/intolerant based on .gov study results (also linked from that page).
Ironic if you believe either, but I don't believe a lot of conservatives believed it. Do you? And I doubt many liberals will believe it reversed.Importantly - The accusation for 5 years from liberals, was vitriol that conservatives were psychotic. Irony?
Because few people are trained or inclined to apply critical analysis and run amok with confirmation bias.Here is a question: Why would one want to immediately go to hand waving information rather than reading it in detail?
The only real question goes to causality. And that doesn't support either contention, which means the moment we start making general proclamations of that sort we have to understand that non-causal rules break down in the particulars. That is to say, you can't logically assume it to be true for anyone who identifies as liberal. You may have more reason to suspect the correlation exists, but that has to be tempered by the understanding that the notions still aren't causally linked.I believe, from my own studies, that the study was done satisfactorily but that the results were the reported problem, not the study itself. As far as data I've seen, it hold up true to form across board. A liberal might not like the idea, but they tend to be fiercely independent and pro-independent concerning fringe values rather than familial core values (true, like it or not, imho - fact).
So it's better to get to know someone and figure them out that way.
I don't think that's true. Rather, liberals have a progressive agenda, for good or ill, that tends to challenge the status quo and conservatives tend to safeguard tradition, for good or ill, preserving it.In that sense, TOL does hold up, Look what the conservative is 'against' and conversely 'for' and it is exactly that: Liberals are interested in fringe values, conservatives are interested in core values.
To me that's just your bias kicking in. They think, but they're wrong. The other guy. These days he's either ignorant, stupid, or dishonest. And that's why rhetoric keeps heating up and the chasm keeps widening.Liberals will 'think' they serve core values, but they even do disservice to their own families by their overt fringe concerns.
Who decides what's fringe? Abolitionists were on the periphery of the social order once. Maybe some traditions need to be damaged. But the problem is, to my mind, largely among zealots who can't find value or see the sense when proffered from another ideological disposition. They'll cut off the nation's nose to spite its face.You cannot be fringe, without overtly doing damage to your core.
Which values? And there's no "the media" Lon. That's an invention of the hard right and the ones who invented it don't even believe it, because they work for Fox News. You want a peek at the divorce rates among conservatives and Christians?There are only so many resources. An overt attention to fringe is always time NEEDED toward family values. Media, et al, is against the natural family structure. Of course, families are against it as well at 50% divorce rate across board, but at least the conservative doesn't wish to call it 'good' and 'natural.' Rather, they are ashamed of the inconsistency. Liberals call it 'normal' and 'good.' Well, that is exactly what the study says:
According to Barna, Non Christians divorce at a rate of 38%, Born Again Christians 33%, Atheists 30% and Catholics 28%.
Sorry, but that's just not true. Why by necessity? Why at all? Being liberal doesn't mean rejecting all tradition. It means rejecting those traditions that liberals feel are contrary to their notion of what constitutes the best social compact.Some of this is no-brainer. Why? Because it is the definition of 'conservative.' Of course conservatives carry 'conservative' traits better than liberals. That cannot be questioned. Who is more truthful? Conservatives, by necessity.
Hostile in what way, by what definition and to whom or what? Perspective tends to provide that answer and it looks different, shoe wise, depending on which you're standing in.Who is less-hostile? Conservatives, again, they are interested in families.
Families are certainly great training grounds for cooperative learning and action. So are other social vehicles, many of them liberal in nature. And liberals have families. In fact, I bet you could be introduced to any number of families and without asking pointed philosophical questions have no idea about what sort they were...and some would leave little doubt. The little doubt crowd tends to be largely comprised of people who can't wait to tell you about their philosophical underpinnings, of course...or who have tell-tale bumper stickers and window decals.Who is more cooperative? Families, because they are doing family things.
I'm not a liberal, but if you want reasoned opposition on a good bit of that I'm your Huckleberry.Imho - Fact. I don't think any liberal can actual argue that point effectively simply because the make-up of conservative vs liberal is exactly this and has to be.
Well, for a bit. Finished early this week, but I'll be mostly out for the next couple of weeks. :cheers: