Liberals Are Psychotic, not Conservatives Like We Thought -Study correction says

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So, no real readers of links these days? How can one hope to comment on an article they haven't even read? :idunno:
Ii thought the topic was interesting, but the article less in light of what I'd read and posted from the New Yorker.

Seems to me, it is worth at least 3 minutes of a read.
Not if that was the conclusion, given what I read and linked to from last year.

In a nutshell, liberals were saying that conservatives were psychotic/intolerant based on .gov study results (also linked from that page).
Okay. I've never said that about either. I've noted that being conservative doesn't make you hard hearted (unless you bring that to conservatism on your own) and being liberal doesn't make you an enemy of morality (unless you bring that too).

Importantly - The accusation for 5 years from liberals, was vitriol that conservatives were psychotic. Irony?
Ironic if you believe either, but I don't believe a lot of conservatives believed it. Do you? And I doubt many liberals will believe it reversed.

Here is a question: Why would one want to immediately go to hand waving information rather than reading it in detail?
Because few people are trained or inclined to apply critical analysis and run amok with confirmation bias.

I believe, from my own studies, that the study was done satisfactorily but that the results were the reported problem, not the study itself. As far as data I've seen, it hold up true to form across board. A liberal might not like the idea, but they tend to be fiercely independent and pro-independent concerning fringe values rather than familial core values (true, like it or not, imho - fact).
The only real question goes to causality. And that doesn't support either contention, which means the moment we start making general proclamations of that sort we have to understand that non-causal rules break down in the particulars. That is to say, you can't logically assume it to be true for anyone who identifies as liberal. You may have more reason to suspect the correlation exists, but that has to be tempered by the understanding that the notions still aren't causally linked.

So it's better to get to know someone and figure them out that way.

In that sense, TOL does hold up, Look what the conservative is 'against' and conversely 'for' and it is exactly that: Liberals are interested in fringe values, conservatives are interested in core values.
I don't think that's true. Rather, liberals have a progressive agenda, for good or ill, that tends to challenge the status quo and conservatives tend to safeguard tradition, for good or ill, preserving it.

Liberals will 'think' they serve core values, but they even do disservice to their own families by their overt fringe concerns.
To me that's just your bias kicking in. They think, but they're wrong. The other guy. These days he's either ignorant, stupid, or dishonest. And that's why rhetoric keeps heating up and the chasm keeps widening.

You cannot be fringe, without overtly doing damage to your core.
Who decides what's fringe? Abolitionists were on the periphery of the social order once. Maybe some traditions need to be damaged. But the problem is, to my mind, largely among zealots who can't find value or see the sense when proffered from another ideological disposition. They'll cut off the nation's nose to spite its face.

There are only so many resources. An overt attention to fringe is always time NEEDED toward family values. Media, et al, is against the natural family structure. Of course, families are against it as well at 50% divorce rate across board, but at least the conservative doesn't wish to call it 'good' and 'natural.' Rather, they are ashamed of the inconsistency. Liberals call it 'normal' and 'good.' Well, that is exactly what the study says:
Which values? And there's no "the media" Lon. That's an invention of the hard right and the ones who invented it don't even believe it, because they work for Fox News. You want a peek at the divorce rates among conservatives and Christians?

According to Barna, Non Christians divorce at a rate of 38%, Born Again Christians 33%, Atheists 30% and Catholics 28%.

Some of this is no-brainer. Why? Because it is the definition of 'conservative.' Of course conservatives carry 'conservative' traits better than liberals. That cannot be questioned. Who is more truthful? Conservatives, by necessity.
Sorry, but that's just not true. Why by necessity? Why at all? Being liberal doesn't mean rejecting all tradition. It means rejecting those traditions that liberals feel are contrary to their notion of what constitutes the best social compact.

Who is less-hostile? Conservatives, again, they are interested in families.
Hostile in what way, by what definition and to whom or what? Perspective tends to provide that answer and it looks different, shoe wise, depending on which you're standing in.

Who is more cooperative? Families, because they are doing family things.
Families are certainly great training grounds for cooperative learning and action. So are other social vehicles, many of them liberal in nature. And liberals have families. In fact, I bet you could be introduced to any number of families and without asking pointed philosophical questions have no idea about what sort they were...and some would leave little doubt. The little doubt crowd tends to be largely comprised of people who can't wait to tell you about their philosophical underpinnings, of course...or who have tell-tale bumper stickers and window decals.

Imho - Fact. I don't think any liberal can actual argue that point effectively simply because the make-up of conservative vs liberal is exactly this and has to be.
I'm not a liberal, but if you want reasoned opposition on a good bit of that I'm your Huckleberry. :)

Well, for a bit. Finished early this week, but I'll be mostly out for the next couple of weeks. :cheers:

Greg Jennings

New member
Again, I don't think you appreciating the topic, but are making a passing comment that doesn't really address the concerns of the study or the problem of liberal commentary. Perhaps read a bit more. -Lon

I've read it. They reversed the results. Are you saying the far right has never done something similar? What about doctoring videos that convinced me, among millions of others, that planned parenthood was potentially selling fetal tissue for profit?

I think both are equally dishonest and damaging. Which brings me back to my original post, in which I decried ignorance, hostility and bias on both political fringes.

I'm not saying this story is a nothing-burger, Lon. Quite the opposite. But the problem is BOTH extremes, not just one of them

The Barbarian

Lon is not citing the study, but rather some website's rather foolish misunderstanding of an actual research paper.

The original studies did not determine that conservatives are more psychotic than other people. Nor did this study suppose that liberals are more psychotic than others. The goof apparently came about by a misunderstanding of the term "psychoticism", which has nothing to do with being psychotic.

Indeed, the title of the study, "correlation but not causation" belies the assumptions the website authors made. The study is claiming that political attitudes of aggession and hostility are well correlated with certain personality types, but are not caused by them.

There are numerous studies, showing that details of brain structure are correlated with certain personality traits and that both of these are good predictors of political attitudes. Neither set of personality traits are necessarily good or bad, and both can be either adaptive or maladaptive in specific circumstances.

An extreme example is the finding that hostility and suspiciousness was correlated with survival in a group of American POWs held during the Korean War. In some other contexts, the behavior would be maladaptive.

Lon didn't get this wrong; the website he linked got it wrong. Laughably so.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How can one hope to comment on an article they haven't even read? :idunno:

The horn replies reflexively, without thought, based on his constructed realities

Much like purex used to, and just as amusing

Greg J is, AFAICT, a typical lazy lib :idunno:

And Artie's a retard :)

The Barbarian

The actual paper is here:

As you can see, it doesn't say what Lon's link says it does.

While there is a link between brain structure and political outlook, it doesn't actually indicate that conservatives are psychotic, or even close to nuts.

The general difference is that conservatives tend to have larger amygdalas, which mediate suspicion, fear, and hostility, while liberals tend to have larger anterior cingulate gyrii, which has other functions:

The most basic form of ACC theory states that the ACC is involved with error detection.[4] Evidence has been derived from studies involving a Stroop task.[5] However, ACC is also active during correct response, and this has been shown using a letter task, whereby participants had to respond to the letter X after an A was presented and ignore all other letter combinations with some letters more competitive than others.[13] They found that for more competitive stimuli ACC activation was greater.

A similar theory poses that the ACC’s primary function is the monitoring of conflict. In Eriksen flanker task, incompatible trials produce the most conflict and the most activation by the ACC. Upon detection of a conflict, the ACC then provides cues to other areas in the brain to cope with the conflicting control systems.

This sounds like a more rigourous and factual version of the old joke:

"Liberals are open and friendly, because they assume other people are just like them. Conservatives are surly and suspicious for the same reason."

Like any generalizaton, it often fails, but there seems to be some truth in it.

Greg Jennings

New member
And barbie, as everyone knows, is a lying troll

And as everyone knows, scientific papers (like the one at the tippy top of his post) are built on the foundation of lying and trolling :rotfl:

Oh doser, you are so much like your Dear Leader. When you can't compete with the information being levied against you, just blindly throw accusations around. Sadly it seems to work on much of the masses


Well-known member
Ii thought the topic was interesting, but the article less in light of what I'd read and posted from the New Yorker.

Not if that was the conclusion, given what I read and linked to from last year.

Okay. I've never said that about either. I've noted that being conservative doesn't make you hard hearted (unless you bring that to conservatism on your own) and being liberal doesn't make you an enemy of morality (unless you bring that too).
It may be this area, but conservatives also tend to be conservative Christians (or rather likely vise versa by importance). The liberals in my extended family, are also liberal theologians. I believe the connect is strong. Do I question their love of God? Yes, I've lived around these liberal churches. I greatly question their values. God-first, else: serving two masters by word rather than deed.

Ironic if you believe either, but I don't believe a lot of conservatives believed it. Do you? And I doubt many liberals will believe it reversed.
I actually do believe it more consistently true. Bias? I'd have to be convinced it is anything but observation in my short life on this earth. I deem it consistently true and would have to be biblically convinced otherwise. I'm not seeing it (at least it isn't the rule but the exception as in your case as a moderate). Importantly, it needs to be said that I acquiesce, but only in my experience, as exceptions to those rules. Perhaps that is part of the narrow road as well and perhaps you have a point about conservatives being inconsistent to their First-Love as well. The rift, imho, is a spiritual one and pushes us back to 'in the world, but not of it, be not unequally yoked, and cannot serve two masters."

Because few people are trained or inclined to apply critical analysis and run amok with confirmation bias.
Agreed on this too, HOWEVER, it is always odd to me because I am analytical by character. Jumping bandwagons has always seemed crowd-following to me. I am too analytical for that. I rarely do bandwagons or fads. I am, however, to some degree, 'with' fundamental conservative evangelicals and sometimes not as critical/analytical by admission.

The only real question goes to causality. And that doesn't support either contention, which means the moment we start making general proclamations of that sort we have to understand that non-causal rules break down in the particulars. That is to say, you can't logically assume it to be true for anyone who identifies as liberal. You may have more reason to suspect the correlation exists, but that has to be tempered by the understanding that the notions still aren't causally linked.
As far as I understand the data, there is indeed a 'natural' inclination of truth to the study. Liberals tend to spend more time compartmentalized in their interests. Conservatives tend to think "how is this good for my family" first and foremost. Not to overtly conflate Conservative politics with Conservative theology, but there is a connection and it shows with elections, like this past one. We Conservatives did not see expression of much of any conservative values. The problem, simply, was we had no voice. Two terms of dumping conservative values completely and assault on us, and we are the majority group, shows up. "If" we were so motivated, we'd never have another Democrat in office and we could do it, so motivated. This is actually who we are. That is why liberals and conservative rifts are there. It is the dysfunctional families and redefined families, that are Liberal and fringe. Families ARE conservative by and large.

So it's better to get to know someone and figure them out that way.
Always. I agree and I'm talking by percentages as well. When we disallow a Liberal with family values, we've lost the conversation and become duplicitous.

I don't think that's true. Rather, liberals have a progressive agenda, for good or ill, that tends to challenge the status quo and conservatives tend to safeguard tradition, for good or ill, preserving it.
Then, imho, you've acquiesced it as true, despite the conscientious objection. IOW, I think you've said "I don't think that is true" while supporting that it actually is. One who supports the basic family unit IS by definition, Conservative, even if they are inconsistent in their political lives. It really is by and large, the actual observation and truth of it.

To me that's just your bias kicking in. They think, but they're wrong. The other guy. These days he's either ignorant, stupid, or dishonest. And that's why rhetoric keeps heating up and the chasm keeps widening.
Not what I'm saying. Rather, I'm saying what the Liberals said, was all along, against themselves without realizing it. "Yeah, that's just like those backward conservatives! They are so unyielding, stubborn and contentious and don't play nice with others" using the statistics to 'prove' their point. The problem was, the statistics, were true, whatever the inconsistent comment and vitriol AND the stats they used were the ones about 'them.' By the study, Conservatives are better at taking on social concerns. Why? Imho, because it isn't as much political and contrived, it is organic and family driven. Now, that is an observation that can be challenged, and I welcome it, BUT when we are talking about rights for contrived relationships (not organic), then these interests aren't part of conservative values and by definition, the difference imho, is readily evident.

Who decides what's fringe? Abolitionists were on the periphery of the social order once. Maybe some traditions need to be damaged. But the problem is, to my mind, largely among zealots who can't find value or see the sense when proffered from another ideological disposition. They'll cut off the nation's nose to spite its face.
Because I'm a Christian, and because I'm a father in an organic family, I say I am the one to say what is fringe. We simply ARE families. That's organic and natural and not something twice removed from most people. Look at the liberal agenda, it is nearly always about individual rights instead of group and societal thinking. It is true that we'd then ignore some groups by emphasis, but we are ever inviting those into our neighborhoods and culture. Lest I become too conservative, I am aware that Christ supersedes dysfunctional families but I'm crossing theological and natural concerns in a political section. For me, politics tends to be something not as natural to our values as living in functional family units. Somehow, I'm to be in the world, but not of it. Rather, I'm interested in getting the world to come to Him. That said, I am IN the world and so need to cause positive effect. I think 'conservative' means preserving that which indeed is the best in and of us. Those values cannot change else we attack the very core of our necessary values that are genuinely in need of conservation.

Which values? And there's no "the media" Lon. That's an invention of the hard right and the ones who invented it don't even believe it, because they work for Fox News. You want a peek at the divorce rates among conservatives and Christians?
Yes: Wrong Urban Legend Look here too, political Conservatives also have a lower divorce rate than their Liberal counterparts AND this is the connection I'm saying necessarily is true and a part of these observations of our differences, naturally. A lot of what I'm saying is naturally, and obviously true. Conservatives, must necessarily be more family oriented and interested than Liberals (again, as a general but applicable rule).

According to Barna, Non Christians divorce at a rate of 38%, Born Again Christians 33%, Atheists 30% and Catholics 28%.
I've read these. First of all, only 65% of atheists get married. The other 35% cohabitate. While the data is solid, I'm finding I disagree more often that Barna is doing a good job on reporting those statistics accurately. As the links above suggest, committed bible-readers and couples who pray together, rarely get divorced.

Sorry, but that's just not true. Why by necessity? Why at all? Being liberal doesn't mean rejecting all tradition. It means rejecting those traditions that liberals feel are contrary to their notion of what constitutes the best social compact.
Because family values ARE conservative values. Look again at those links and regarding the one that shows a much lower rate among political conservatives vs. Liberal politicians. It IS true.

Hostile in what way, by what definition and to whom or what? Perspective tends to provide that answer and it looks different, shoe wise, depending on which you're standing in.
Conservatives, as families, aren't the ones marching in streets. When we do? We bring our strollers. It is different and observably so.

Families are certainly great training grounds for cooperative learning and action. So are other social vehicles, many of them liberal in nature. And liberals have families. In fact, I bet you could be introduced to any number of families and without asking pointed philosophical questions have no idea about what sort they were...and some would leave little doubt. The little doubt crowd tends to be largely comprised of people who can't wait to tell you about their philosophical underpinnings, of course...or who have tell-tale bumper stickers and window decals.
I disagree. Families are organic and nature. Anything else? Artificial. Between you and I, we understand that the church is organic, as well as our faith. This won't be seen as organic to others in this political thread. It is 'why' imho, you are not a liberal. I honestly believe it would be very difficult for you to be a political liberal, as a family man and Christian man.

I'm not a liberal, but if you want reasoned opposition on a good bit of that I'm your Huckleberry. :)
And perhaps the only one who actually can, imo. I don't know of many liberals on this site that could be honest as you will be concerning the conversation, and I welcome it. They couldn't ask for a better representative when it comes to trying to discuss something in a meaningful way. On top of that, I think you also understand your wife well. It makes you a strong candidate for huckleberry imho.

Well, for a bit. Finished early this week, but I'll be mostly out for the next couple of weeks. :cheers:
Well, yes, there is that too. Sometimes, as I remember, you can use some of this to help with some of your school work. It'd be worth a couple of threads, I think, to occasionally have feedback in discussion and debate regarding school-politics etc. -Lon

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It may be this area, but conservatives also tend to be conservative Christians (or rather likely vise versa by importance). The liberals in my extended family, are also liberal theologians. I believe the connect is strong. Do I question their love of God? Yes, I've lived around these liberal churches. I greatly question their values. God-first, else: serving two masters by word rather than deed.
And maybe you're right. But maybe you're only right some of the time and maybe you're wrong. It's a dilemma best solved by emulating Christ, being honest, loving, and patient. The only time he leaves that path is to condemn those who are empowered to lead those seeking God and doing a willfully hypocritical job of it.

I actually do believe it more consistently true.
About THEM. Right. And they about you, once upon. And so the problem and nature of bias and how we respond to the other, the need to understand the lack of causality and the implications of that in our estimations and rhetorical advances.

Bias? I'd have to be convinced it is anything but observation in my short life on this earth. I deem it consistently true and would have to be biblically convinced otherwise. I'm not seeing it (at least it isn't the rule but the exception as in your case as a moderate). Importantly, it needs to be said that I acquiesce, but only in my experience, as exceptions to those rules. Perhaps that is part of the narrow road as well and perhaps you have a point about conservatives being inconsistent to their First-Love as well. The rift, imho, is a spiritual one and pushes us back to 'in the world, but not of it, be not unequally yoked, and cannot serve two masters."
You don't establish rules of causality without proof of causality and you don't establish rules by anecdote, only illustrate the rules arrived at by a better methodology. That you believe in the superiority of your position is no more surprising than the other fellow, who disagrees, believing the same about you and yours.

As far as I understand the data, there is indeed a 'natural' inclination of truth to the study.
Read the New Yorker piece and see if that tempers your inclination.

Liberals tend to spend more time compartmentalized in their interests.
I hear that about conservative Christians from liberals. "They talk about Jesus and loving their neighbor while they're trying to cut healthcare for that neighbor," and so on.

We Conservatives did not see expression of much of any conservative values. The problem, simply, was we had no voice. Two terms of dumping conservative values completely and assault on us, and we are the majority group, shows up. "If" we were so motivated, we'd never have another Democrat in office and we could do it, so motivated. This is actually who we are. That is why liberals and conservative rifts are there. It is the dysfunctional families and redefined families, that are Liberal and fringe. Families ARE conservative by and large.
See, to me that's mostly confirmation bias and anecdote conflated with a rule of thumb. The problem from either side of the coin is that it's too easy to find examples of people who strongly identify with either ideology who aren't run contrary to the belief. Calling them exceptional, true or not, ignores the want of that causality, again. A thing that should have us approaching individuals as individuals instead of overlaying a notion we know isn't necessarily so.

To do otherwise is to play into the politics of division, contempt, and isolation. It plays into the hands of fanatics, zealots who would destroy the nation to "purify" it for their cause.

IOW, I think you've said "I don't think that is true" while supporting that it actually is.
I not only don't agree, I don't believe you can make the case. Certainly not with my words.

One who supports the basic family unit IS by definition, Conservative, even if they are inconsistent in their political lives. It really is by and large, the actual observation and truth of it.
I believe you believe it. I don't believe it to be true. It's a bit like you're answering my "Why?" with "Because it's true." The dispute was never about your believing it, but why you do and why I should.

I'm saying what the Liberals said, was all along, against themselves without realizing it. "Yeah, that's just like those backward conservatives! They are so unyielding, stubborn and contentious and don't play nice with others" using the statistics to 'prove' their point.
And I'm saying that none of that is essentially true in terms of what matters which is causality between ideology and that framework. Actually, the professor from Virginia who studied it for a decade is saying it. I'm mostly noting the article along with my lack of faith in the earlier version or later version of the gotcha attempt.

By the study, Conservatives are better at taking on social concerns.
By what standard and litmus? Who decides what's better and how?

Why? Imho, because it isn't as much political and contrived, it is organic and family driven
No contract is organic. Coupling is, as is procreation, as is companionship. You see variations of that in nature and in man.

Because I'm a Christian, and because I'm a father in an organic family, I say I am the one to say what is fringe.
You mean you're your kind of Christian. You've already established that you hold other kinds suspect and do. And there it is, Lon. When we decide that our subjective valuations place us in a superior position and put us rightly as the arbiter of that for others we've lost the rational thread. By all means decide for yourself, but don't tell me it's an objectively true estimation, because it isn't more than a good window into how you or the next guy feels about it.

Look at the liberal agenda, it is nearly always about individual rights instead of group and societal thinking.
A group is comprised of individuals.

It is true that we'd then ignore some groups by emphasis, but we are ever inviting those into our neighborhoods and culture.
Are "we"? Or are the liberals doing that for the most part? If conservatism means status quo the answer would be clear as Representative Steve King on how "our" civilization won't be supported by "somebody else's babies." To the credit of the party, it rebuked the sentiment. But he represents a strident and not insignificant strand of that party's base.

For me, politics tends to be something not as natural to our values as living in functional family units. Somehow, I'm to be in the world, but not of it.
Well, you can be in TOL and hold disparate beliefs from most of the voices sounding out. Set a different example. Or you can let some of the loudest elements move your envelope. I think that's the point, after a fashion. Christ could spend his time among the sinners and reprobates he came to heal without taking on their likeness. But it's dangerous for anyone, especially absent serious preparation and constant self-monitoring.

The urban legend is the half of marriages bit. Here's a piece that might shed light:

Harvard-trained social researcher and author Shaunti Feldhahn, in her book The Good News About Marriagesays that the data reveals a different story about the divorce rate. Feldhahn states that the “50 percent” figure was not based on hard data; rather, the number came from projections of what researchers thought the divorce rate would become after states passed no-fault divorce laws. “We’ve never hit those numbers. We’ve never gotten close,” she writes. According to her study, the overall divorce rate is around 33 percent.

Partnering with George Barna, Feldhahn reexamined the data pertaining to the divorce rate among Christians and found that the numbers were based on survey-takers who identified as “Christian” rather than some other religion. Under that broad classification, respondents were as likely as anyone else to have been divorced. The “Christian” category included people who profess a belief system but do not live a committed lifestyle. However, for those who were active in their church, the divorce rate was 27 to 50 percent lower than for non-churchgoers. Nominal Christians—those who simply call themselves “Christians” but do not actively engage with the faith—are actually 20 percent more likely than the general population to get divorced.

Dr. Brad Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project, states that “‘active conservative protestants’ who attend church regularly are actually 35% less likely to divorce than those who have no religious preferences” (quoted by Stetzer, Ed. “The Exchange.” Christianity Today. “Marriage, Divorce, and the Church: What do the stats say, and can marriage be happy?” Feb. 14, 2014. WEB. Oct. 26, 2015). In her studies, Feldhahn found that 72 percent of all married people were still married to their first spouse. And of those marriages, four out of five are happy.

Because family values ARE conservative values.
Why, I ask? Because they ARE, you answer. Okay. No, they aren't. They're values shared by conservative families. Not by all conservative families, to be fair. Some conservatives have multiple affairs, leave wives by text, etc. Some of them become president. And they're values shared by many a liberally leaning family, if not by all.

Look again at those links and regarding the one that shows a much lower rate among political conservatives vs. Liberal politicians. It IS true.
Wait, did you just tell me to compare regular people with politicians? Might as well have asked me to compare them to prisoners. :D

Conservatives, as families, aren't the ones marching in streets
About which issue? Or are you saying that the relationship between conservatism and obesity is causal? :eek:

When we do? We bring our strollers. It is different and observably so.
Maybe. Or maybe you see what you look for to some extent. Maybe you have an impression of the other that's been cherry picked and presented to you by those with their own agenda. It's worth considering.

I disagree. Families are organic and nature. Anything else? Artificial. Between you and I, we understand that the church is organic, as well as our faith. This won't be seen as organic to others in this political thread. It is 'why' imho, you are not a liberal. I honestly believe it would be very difficult for you to be a political liberal, as a family man and Christian man.
It would be difficult to support either ideology wholly, or either party that claims to represent the two. I find much in liberal (without getting into the bog of a classical/non distinction) advance admirable and the same is true for conservative principle. And I find the odious present as well. It would be harder to identify as a democrat because of abortion. That said, I recognize there is a pro life wing in that party, just as there is a pro abortion rights element in the Republican ranks.

I'm not a liberal because it's just not an honest assessment of my ideological foundation. It's complicated, as I suspect is true for most people, but less true as you progress toward the fringe, among the ardent Tea Party members and socialists, by way of.

And perhaps the only one who actually can, imo. I don't know of many liberals on this site that could be honest as you will be concerning the conversation, and I welcome it.
I appreciate the vote of confidence and I'd suggest maybe the problem is that you wouldn't be inclined to trust the liberal's honesty. I'm not sure who identifies as what at every point. Is Rexlunae a self-identified liberal? If so he's one who can have an honest conversation and difference. But I have a day or so before school catches up to me again and it's rained a lot here...and Jack has the big screen converted to a Minecraft symposium.

They couldn't ask for a better representative when it comes to trying to discuss something in a meaningful way. On top of that, I think you also understand your wife well. It makes you a strong candidate for huckleberry imho.
It's funny, but she helps me understand that side of the coin, even if a good bit of it has me shaking my head or wanting to pull some of the mane out.

Well, yes, there is that too. Sometimes, as I remember, you can use some of this to help with some of your school work. It'd be worth a couple of threads, I think, to occasionally have feedback in discussion and debate regarding school-politics etc. -Lon
Could be fun. :cheers: