dude! this has nothing to do with thread. move on already.
Probably a bad idea to bring up ID, then.
besides, strongest material known to man is considered to be a spider's web.
You must have heard that spider silk is stronger than steel. We all want to believe that there are wonder materials in nature that are far superior to human-made ones. But the problem with statements that sound too good to be true is that they usually are.
Spider silk is not stronger than steel. But that shouldn't stop us from studying it, or from thinking of it as a wonder material.
At best, spider silk might compare to steel when it comes to tensile strength, which is the largest stress that a material can withstand before breaking. For one variety of spider silk the value of tensile strength is just above 1 GPa, a unit of measuring force per unit area. That equates to a mid-range value for steel, where strengths range from 0.2 GPa to nearly 2 GPa.
in your own statement , scientists are trying to mimic natural world to create what they themselves otherwise are unable to make.
Yep. Evolution works better than design. God's smarter than a lot of people think He is.
Now try to stay on topic, um?