Letsargue's Thread for Bashing AMR

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New member
You are evasive regarding the fact that ONLY God has the right to be angry. God has called YOU to PEACE!

God has not called me to anything!! - That is your false teaching for the Time!!!

I DON’T CLAIM TO BE “IN YOUR WORLD”!!! – I CLAIM HEAVEN, AND ALL THAT GOES WITH “IT”!!!! – I am not under your foolish rules and laws. – You’re on earth and I’m NOT!!! ----- AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN!!!! – 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 KJV – “He” that is Spiritual judgeth all things, yet “HE HIMSELF” IS JUDGED OF NO MAN”. -----//-- Either you have Faith in that Word also, or you have no Faith in any of God’s Word!! – I don’t care if you believe God or not, “He said it anyhow”!!! – You can stay foolish as for as I care!!!

Paul – 041212


New member
So, I take it by your response you don't attend any visible church, nor covenant your membership with one. Is it difficult for you to just simply answer a question without all the additional streams of consciousness? :idunno:


AGAIN, - my dwelling or life is in the Word / the Truth / Christ, and my assembly is with the Spirits in Heavenly Places!! ---- Hebrews 12:22-24 KJV ----//----
However, it seems that my answer is too much for you, so let me say the same thing a different way!!

“IF” I said that I am sit down at the Lord’s Table with all the old Saints of God, and I’m clothed with the wedding garment!! – That I am feasting on the fruits and drink that the Lord has sat before us, and I have brought treasures that the Lord has given me, and I am sharing them with my fellow servants!! --- And we dwell in the House that He has prepared for us!! BECAUSE, the Lord has said, -- “( COME, and dine with me at my wedding feast, and I will make of you My Family, I will be your Father, and you will be my Sons, and you will dwell in my House for ever more )”. ------- But AMR, I see none of you here!! – Have you rejected the wedding, or just failed to have light enough to see your way to the Door!!

AMR!! – What say you to that, or is it too far beneath your wisdom!!

Paul – 041212

Wile E. Coyote

New member
God has not called me to anything!! - That is your false teaching for the Time!!!

Paul said that anger is of the flesh and that those who are angry shall "NOT inherit the kingdom of God" (Galatians 5:19-21). If you claimed heaven as you say you would display the fruit of the Spirit and conduct yourself like a child of peace (Galatians 5:22-23).


New member
Paul said that anger is of the flesh and that those who are angry shall "NOT inherit the kingdom of God" (Galatians 5:19-21). If you claimed heaven as you say you would display the fruit of the Spirit and conduct yourself like a child of peace (Galatians 5:22-23).

Paul is speaking to Christians, about Christians, - not to you and any other foolish minded unlearned faithless person!!!!!
Christians are not to be “ANGRY” with other brother “CHRISTIANS”!!! – Paul is not talking about being angry with FOOLS, - the people who don’t care what ALL / “ALL THAT GOD AND JESUS “SAID”!!!! – There is no person on earth or in Heaven MORE ANGRY THAN JESUS IS ANGRY AT THE FOOLS ON EARTH LIKE YOU WHO SAY THAT WE ARE NOT TO “HATE” / “HATE” EVIL AND THE POWERS OF EVIL LIKE FOOLS!!! --- We LOVE the Brethren!!

Paul – 041312

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Paul is speaking to Christians, about Christians, - not to you and any other foolish minded unlearned faithless person!!!!!
Christians are not to be “ANGRY” with other brother “CHRISTIANS”!!! – Paul is not talking about being angry with FOOLS, - the people who don’t care what ALL / “ALL THAT GOD AND JESUS “SAID”!!!! – There is no person on earth or in Heaven MORE ANGRY THAN JESUS IS ANGRY AT THE FOOLS ON EARTH LIKE YOU WHO SAY THAT WE ARE NOT TO “HATE” / “HATE” EVIL AND THE POWERS OF EVIL LIKE FOOLS!!! --- We LOVE the Brethren!!

Paul – 041312
What's the next step for you, out of curiosity...wholesale capitalization followed by? Increasing the font size? Law of diminishing returns, I'd expect. :plain:


New member
What's the next step for you, out of curiosity...wholesale capitalization followed by? Increasing the font size? Law of diminishing returns, I'd expect. :plain:

The next thing that you will ever experience –(( OF THE POWER OF GOD ))-, -- if you know what that is, and I doubt it, ---- is that you will stand before “ME” FACE TO FACE IN “YOUR” JUDGMENT!!!! -- Do you believe this!!! --- Revelation 14:17-19 KJV -----//--- "REMEMBER"!!

Paul – 041312


New member
Realizing that is not a question of wisdom, I'll have to answer it the best way I can!!! -- You know not what "HOUR", - but it's Heaven or Hell!!!

Paul -- 041312

Wisdom can be simple. Make it simple so we won't have to go all over the place in your response to AMR. Less abstract is wiser

If we ask you about Adam and Eve, we all get this from you:


We have to stop and read in between the lines of your responses.

Can you paint a better picture of your responses that looks a little more photographic like normal that fits our society and culture of today?


New member
Wisdom can be simple. Make it simple so we won't have to go all over the place in your response to AMR. Less abstract is wiser

If we ask you about Adam and Eve, we all get this from you:


We have to stop and read in between the lines of your responses.

Can you paint a better picture of your responses that looks a little more photographic like normal that fits our society and culture of today?

Your society and culture is already in Hell, but just too blind to SEE IT!! – There is nothing that I can bring out of the Truth where Christ is, that any of you will accept, neither did Jesus and Paul!! – It’s just not what you all have ever heard or care to hear!! – Paul spoke of mysteries and gave you a few, but not all by far!! – I am of the same mind as I was then and I am still trying to give you mysteries that none of you have ever seen, but you all are stiff-necked and will not see anything NEW!! That is not my calling, but the Gospel is the Calling of Christ, and you all have rejected HIM!!

Paul – 041612

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The next thing that you will ever experience –(( OF THE POWER OF GOD ))-, -- if you know what that is, and I doubt it, ---- is that you will stand before “ME” FACE TO FACE IN “YOUR” JUDGMENT!!!! -- Do you believe this!!! --- Revelation 14:17-19 KJV -----//--- "REMEMBER"!!

Paul – 041312
No. I don't believe I will, Paul. In fact, I just had an experience that was entirely other than that. As for judgment, Christ has mine. But I appreciate the lessening of the whole capitalization business.


New member
No. I don't believe I will, Paul. In fact, I just had an experience that was entirely other than that. As for judgment, Christ has mine. But I appreciate the lessening of the whole capitalization business.

Would you listen to your own nonsense!! - That's the only way any of you can respond to anything I say!! -- Real SMART, ain't you!!! - And the world could see your snotty responses, void of ANY real Truth; just pure hatefull trash!! - And you call yourself Christian, how quaint!!

Paul -- 041612

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Would you listen to your own nonsense!! -
I suppose it's inevitable. :think:

That's the only way any of you can respond to anything I say!!
Only because half the time I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate. You get in too big of a hurry, I guess. Take your time. Talk to me as though it mattered whether or not I understood.

-- Real SMART, ain't you!!!
Yep. I test out toward the top of the food chain. So if I don't get you the chances are it isn't my grasp that's at the root of the problem.

- And the world could see your snotty responses, void of ANY real Truth; just pure hatefull trash!! - And you call yourself Christian, how quaint!!

Paul -- 041612
Okay Paul. Just keep yelling out what suits you. It's your dime. :e4e:


New member
I suppose it's inevitable. :think:

Only because half the time I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate. You get in too big of a hurry, I guess. Take your time. Talk to me as though it mattered whether or not I understood.

Yep. I test out toward the top of the food chain. So if I don't get you the chances are it isn't my grasp that's at the root of the problem.

Okay Paul. Just keep yelling out what suits you. It's your dime. :e4e:

Ok from the beginning.

All you guys who claim to be Christian, say that you do not teach false doctrine. However, you all do.

Tell me, if God ever said, or ever mean anything such as, - “Just ask Jesus to come into your heart and He will save you”? – All you guys teach that, and that is straight from hell if it is not written in the Truth of God as Truth, or anything meaning that lie? That is as far from the Truth as Hell itself.

Now prove me wrong, using the Word that is written In the Book of Truth and Faith, called the Scriptures.

AMR and I started out just like this, and He has hidden again like all cowards always do.

Paul – 041612

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Ok from the beginning.

All you guys who claim to be Christian, say that you do not teach false doctrine. However, you all do.

Tell me, if God ever said, or ever mean anything such as, - “Just ask Jesus to come into your heart and He will save you”? – All you guys teach that, and that is straight from hell if it is not written in the Truth of God as Truth, or anything meaning that lie? That is as far from the Truth as Hell itself.

Now prove me wrong, using the Word that is written In the Book of Truth and Faith, called the Scriptures.

AMR and I started out just like this, and He has hidden again like all cowards always do.

Paul – 041612
A better approach. I've never taught the heart business. The following is my best response: John 3:16; John 3:18; Luke 13:3; Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 22:37-40; 1 John 3:14.


New member
A better approach. I've never taught the heart business. The following is my best response: John 3:16; John 3:18; Luke 13:3; Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 22:37-40; 1 John 3:14.

John 3:16 KJV is the only Scripture that is useable there. All the others, even a Mormon can use them, and that nonsense.

If you are a Christian, you must show me, - (who is lost) – Jesus Christ. – None of you can do that. You must say that Jesus walked among them historically, and He did not. – Only according to the Scriptures. – There is absolutely no physical evidence that Jesus ever existed in History, only according to the Scripture, which is “TRUTH”, and not “necessarily” “TRUE”, only “TRUTH”.

Paul – 041612


New member
A better approach. I've never taught the heart business. The following is my best response: John 3:16; John 3:18; Luke 13:3; Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 22:37-40; 1 John 3:14.

You who just call yourselves "Christian" must also show me (who is lost), that being Baptized of the Holy Spirit / Ghost is really what the Lord said it is. If the Truth about the Holy Spirit / Ghost is the Spirit of Truth , and He dwells in the Christian also, then show us the Truth that the Spirit of Truth is guiding you in. Not just vain talk, but new mystries and secrets that have "never" neen revealed before, that also, none of you can do.

Where was the Garden of Eden, for one thing that is very, very simple for the Spirit of Truth to show a Christian, but not a nonchristian.

Paul -- 041612


New member
A better approach. I've never taught the heart business. The following is my best response: John 3:16; John 3:18; Luke 13:3; Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 22:37-40; 1 John 3:14.

You, being filled with the Holy Spirit / Ghost, (?), are you having to study like AMR does to answer a simple question?

I have never STUDIED yet since the beginning of the Creation, prove otherwise.

Paul -- 041612


New member
Your society and culture is already in Hell, but just too blind to SEE IT!! – There is nothing that I can bring out of the Truth where Christ is, that any of you will accept, neither did Jesus and Paul!! – It’s just not what you all have ever heard or care to hear!! – Paul spoke of mysteries and gave you a few, but not all by far!! – I am of the same mind as I was then and I am still trying to give you mysteries that none of you have ever seen, but you all are stiff-necked and will not see anything NEW!! That is not my calling, but the Gospel is the Calling of Christ, and you all have rejected HIM!!

Paul – 041612
Will your answers line up with my questions and will my answers line up to your questions? Where are the crossroads where our conversations might make sense?
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