Lets argue

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Eclectic Theosophist
beyond forms into essence.............

beyond forms into essence.............

99% right!
The Gnostics were the Christians that fled as Jesus said. - It was the Church that left Judah, and it was the Gnostics that was the Church continued without inspiration; being not the Church but Gnostics. -- The Lord’s work was over.

Not sure where you're getting this from. Gnostics existed from the earliest communions of the Lord's following, becoming more pronounced in the 2nd/3rd centuries...and they carried the esoteric teachings of the Master, and their apostolic succession. There is the 'interior' church, in contrast to the 'exterior' church-state that was forming and becoming more dogmatic with time. The Lord's work is never over. :rolleyes: "The Spirit of the Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps".

The Gnostics / church without inspiration, - continued with only the knowledge already gained from Christ while being the Church; - that continues till now. --

Thats your 'assumption', assuming that the RCC and her protestant offspring are 'gnostics', which isnt the case in general. Remember,..inspiration is always available to those open to the Spirit.
Perhaps an education in Gnosticism in general might illumine you.

However it’s Christ’s inspiration that counts, and it takes a Christian, not a Gnostic. SORRY! – Hope I’m not making you angry with this.

Paul – 093010

Yes,...it is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Every true gnostic in the Christian tradition affirms this. Lets not get caught up in labels though and our misappropriations of such if you call yourself ('Christian', 'gnostic', 'spiritualist', 'follower of the Way', 'Nazarene', 'Ebionite', 'Essene' or whatever). Those who follow Jesus and recognize the Christ within, engendering their own Christhood, are 'christians'. (part of the Sonship). We have One Father/Mother.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...You love the idea that other sinners are going to a place that you call hell.
I love the thought that you're going to a place we call BANNED. Okay, it's more state than place, but a rose by any other...

Now back to you, AB:

No. :plain:


New member
Not sure where you're getting this from. Gnostics existed from the earliest communions of the Lord's following, becoming more pronounced in the 2nd/3rd centuries...and they carried the esoteric teachings of the Master, and their apostolic succession. There is the 'interior' church, in contrast to the 'exterior' church-state that was forming and becoming more dogmatic with time. The Lord's work is never over. :rolleyes: "The Spirit of the Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps".

Thats your 'assumption', assuming that the RCC and her protestant offspring are 'gnostics', which isnt the case in general. Remember,..inspiration is always available to those open to the Spirit.
Perhaps an education in Gnosticism in general might illumine you.

Yes,...it is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Every true gnostic in the Christian tradition affirms this. Lets not get caught up in labels though and our misappropriations of such if you call yourself ('Christian', 'gnostic', 'spiritualist', 'follower of the Way', 'Nazarene', 'Ebionite', 'Essene' or whatever). Those who follow Jesus and recognize the Christ within, engendering their own Christhood, are 'christians'. (part of the Sonship). We have One Father/Mother.


I gather from what you said that even the Catholic, (the first ?off-shoot from Christian), is also justified by Christ in their worship. --?

The Gnostics may have functioned for some time even during Christ and the Apostles, but not as true Christians. The falling away Paul spoke of was most likely where many Gnostics had their start, and insperation ended to them.

When there was no more Apostes left, that ended insperation of Christ completely. In fact John received the last in the Revelation, so anyone after that could have thought they were of God and had to call themselves something, but not Christians. Only the Catholic had the gaul to refer to themselves as Christians without insperation, or do you think insperation continued?

Can anyone be Christian, and Mormon, or JW? -- How about being three or four diffrent church members at the same time. - OR is it just one, Christian, the Lord's Church?

Paul 093010


Eclectic Theosophist


I gather from what you said that even the Catholic, (the first ?off-shoot from Christian), is also justified by Christ in their worship. --?

All who worship the Father in spirit and truth, satisfy the Lord.

The Gnostics may have functioned for some time even during Christ and the Apostles, but not as true Christians.

And why ought I believe your 'opinion' over more informed ones?

The falling away Paul spoke of was most likely where many Gnostics had their start, and insperation ended to them.

Why assume inspiration ended to gnostics who follow after the Spirit and value the 'experiential knowledge' of 'God'? (or anyone for that matter). A 'gnostic' is one who values and strives after the knowledge of God. Get over the 'name' and get to the heart of the matter. The 'description' itself is not the real 'thing'. - just pointers and relay-symbols.

When there was no more Apostes left, that ended insperation of Christ completely.

Why is that figured? Did the Holy Spirit go 'poof ' ?

In fact John received the last in the Revelation, so anyone after that could have thought they were of God and had to call themselves something, but not Christians.

John's Revelation is poetic imagery, some of it received from the lower astral realms and quite misinterpreted by many fundies who thrive on 'eternal hellfire and brimstone'. Barely made it into the canon. It has its wonderful parts, sure.

Only the Catholic had the gaul to refer to themselves as Christians without insperation, or do you think insperation continued?

The RCC and Orthodox traditions have their treasuries, and so do more liberal catholic, theosophic and gnostic traditions :) - survey all, and employ that which has value and efficacy. Such will vary from person to person,...we are one body with many members, One Spirit, many functions. God is One.

Can anyone be Christian, and Mormon, or JW? -- How about being three or four diffrent church members at the same time. - OR is it just one, Christian, the Lord's Church?

:hammer: - frankly, I'm amazed I've gone this far with 'Lets Argue' on a thread entitled by the same name. Most peculiar. Life gets funny like that sometimes :)



New member
All who worship the Father in spirit and truth, satisfy the Lord.

And why ought I believe your 'opinion' over more informed ones?

Why assume inspiration ended to gnostics who follow after the Spirit and value the 'experiential knowledge' of 'God'? (or anyone for that matter). A 'gnostic' is one who values and strives after the knowledge of God. Get over the 'name' and get to the heart of the matter. The 'description' itself is not the real 'thing'. - just pointers and relay-symbols.

Why is that figured? Did the Holy Spirit go 'poof ' ?

John's Revelation is poetic imagery, some of it received from the lower astral realms and quite misinterpreted by many fundies who thrive on 'eternal hellfire and brimstone'. Barely made it into the canon. It has its wonderful parts, sure.

The RCC and Orthodox traditions have their treasuries, and so do more liberal catholic, theosophic and gnostic traditions :) - survey all, and employ that which has value and efficacy. Such will vary from person to person,...we are one body with many members, One Spirit, many functions. God is One.

:hammer: - frankly, I'm amazed I've gone this far with 'Lets Argue' on a thread entitled by the same name. Most peculiar. Life gets funny like that sometimes :)


SORRY! -- But that's without Scrip'ture, and just philosophy.

Paul -- 100110
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