Lets argue

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New member
ok, argue on this...i fundamentally believe that faith steps beyond the realms of knowledge and is therefore unsafe and illogical. Christianity rests, therefore, on ignorance...?


New member
ok, argue on this...i fundamentally believe that faith steps beyond the realms of knowledge and is therefore unsafe and illogical. Christianity rests, therefore, on ignorance...?

NO! -- You're wrong as all you guys always are!

FAITH was NEVER to be the way of the Christian after one is justified / saved, -- NEVER! -- Faith is only to bring one into Christ. The walk of faith is before the conversion.

The lost soul walks by faith into Christ lost and "BLIND" not seeing where he is going, but by faith, and not by knowledge. (He was in darkness where there is no knowledge, like yourself).

After the conversion, it becomes KNOWLEDGE, and not by faith. Knowledge GIVEN the converted by the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Sure you can't believe this, but neither can those of your enemy, calling themselves Christians.

Paul -- 092310


New member
Ok fine I take your point, well worded!! But the hole in your logiic is thus...acts of faith...standing up for your belief relies on this faith beyond knowledge, faith past the point where the known capacities of universal truth exist...hence...'Act of FAITH'...


Eclectic Theosophist
Luminous Being

Luminous Being

ok, argue on this...i fundamentally believe that faith steps beyond the realms of knowledge and is therefore unsafe and illogical. Christianity rests, therefore, on ignorance...?

A Gnostic view -

Faith is a 'preface' or 'pre-cognant facilitator' leading to real knowledge, which is the 'experiential knowledge' of 'Spirit-reality' or 'God' :)

So faith has its place in the adventure.

There is a wisdom of 'ignorance' or 'unkowing(agnosis)' in that one simply abides in the Reality that is always Being, not knowing what anything is, but 'realizing' that all phenomena is arising in this Ocean of Awareness. There is this that is. Surrending to the ISness is all that one need do, not knowing anything, but just 'knowing' that one is.



New member
Ok fine I take your point, well worded!! But the hole in your logiic is thus...acts of faith...standing up for your belief relies on this faith beyond knowledge, faith past the point where the known capacities of universal truth exist...hence...'Act of FAITH'...

Wrong again!

Faith is not our Faith, but that which is given us by Christ; it's his Faith That was our Faith given. The belief is the Faith, that which is given by Christ's calling will guide us to Salvation through the door into his house / Church / the Body of Christ / that Holy City. We walked in his Faith / Light from afar-off.

There is no universal truth. It's just TRUTH. There is a universal lie that is given the Lost by the Devil their father.

Paul -- 092310

The Word

New member
THE FALSE GOSPEL of universalism :D

I see you would rather have God kill most of his creation for your selfish thinking. You love the idea that other sinners are going to a place that you call hell. Do you really believe God would do that for sinners who call themselves Christians?


Eclectic Theosophist


I see you would rather have God kill most of his creation for your selfish thinking. You love the idea that other sinners are going to a place that you call hell. Do you really believe God would do that for sinners who call themselves Christians?

It is more beautifully empowering and hopeful to see that LOVE ultimately triumphs - by its very nature and will.



New member
I see you would rather have God kill most of his creation for your selfish thinking. You love the idea that other sinners are going to a place that you call hell. Do you really believe God would do that for sinners who call themselves Christians?

We got a proud one on our hands here. :devil:


New member
A Gnostic view -

Faith is a 'preface' or 'pre-cognant facilitator' leading to real knowledge, which is the 'experiential knowledge' of 'Spirit-reality' or 'God' :)

So faith has its place in the adventure.

There is a wisdom of 'ignorance' or 'unkowing(agnosis)' in that one simply abides in the Reality that is always Being, not knowing what anything is, but 'realizing' that all phenomena is arising in this Ocean of Awareness. There is this that is. Surrending to the ISness is all that one need do, not knowing anything, but just 'knowing' that one is.


A Gnostic view. -- Are you saying you're a Gnostic? -- That's not Christian, however, it's still a handfull. --- Are you sure?

Paul -- 092910


Eclectic Theosophist


A Gnostic view. -- Are you saying you're a Gnostic?

Where have you been hibernating? lol

Gnostic Cosmology

Esoteric School of Gnostic Wisdom

I take a generally 'gnostic' path that relates and values 'knowledge'. Eclectic, liberal, spiritualist. - many schools within Gnosticism exist, yet they share at least some fundamental precepts.

-- That's not Christian, however, it's still a handfull. --- Are you sure?

The earliest gnostics certainly were 'christians'(define that as you wish) in the truest sense since they loved their Lord and to them he shared the mysteries of the kingdom :) - modern day gnostics carry on the older traditions and customs. The experience of 'gnosis' however is intimately personal, and each must taste the divine for himself.

Handfulls are allowed,...just be sure to sift thru the gravel to obtain the gold.



New member
Where have you been hibernating? lol

Gnostic Cosmology

Esoteric School of Gnostic Wisdom

I take a generally 'gnostic' path that relates and values 'knowledge'. Eclectic, liberal, spiritualist. - many schools within Gnosticism exist, yet they share at least some fundamental precepts.

The earliest gnostics certainly were 'christians'(define that as you wish) in the truest sense since they loved their Lord and to them he shared the mysteries of the kingdom :) - modern day gnostics carry on the older traditions and customs. The experience of 'gnosis' however is intimately personal, and each must taste the divine for himself.

Handfulls are allowed,...just be sure to sift thru the gravel to obtain the gold.


I have the knowledge laid up, you can keep the gold.

You seem to leave out what happened in AD-70. – The Church was scattered through the earth without another word from God to anyone. - The Christians were gone in just a few years from the lack of ther Word. – The Only thing that survived is the Catholic Church, given, or allowed to take control of the earth, SATEN WISE. There has not existed a True Church of the Lord for nearly Two thousand years. -- Man cannot build the Lord's Church; it must be rebuilt, or re-founded by Christ and his Angels FROM THE PAST. Nothing has changed in Heaven.
Gnostics only continued what was "ended" by the Lord at the destruction of the Old City and Temple. There is a New Temple in a New City if it is accepted. – Now the Lord is giving the world another chance to be sanctified, which is just a continuing salvation. If rejected, - after this the Judgment without the end.

Paul – 093010


Eclectic Theosophist


I have the knowledge laid up, you can keep the gold.

You seem to leave out what happened in AD-70. – The Church was scattered through the earth without another word from God to anyone. - The Christians were gone in just a few years from the lack of ther Word. – The Only thing that survived is the Catholic Church, given, or allowed to take control of the earth, SATEN WISE. There has not existed a True Church of the Lord for nearly Two thousand years. -- Man cannot build the Lord's Church; it must be rebuilt, or re-founded by Christ and his Angels FROM THE PAST. Nothing has changed in Heaven.
Gnostics only continued what was "ended" by the Lord at the destruction of the Old City and Temple. There is a New Temple in a New City if it is accepted. – Now the Lord is giving the world another chance to be sanctified, which is just a continuing salvation. If rejected, - after this the Judgment without the end.

Paul – 093001

The true light of knowledge is resonant in the Spirit NOW. Each can have the experience of 'gnosis' because its ever-available, - its about making the contact. Truth never left, for it cannot leave,...only mans perception and lack of receptivity can make 'seperation' appear to be real,...but God is ever-present.

The New Jerusalem is here, yes....accessible to he who has the keys and can appropriate such to 'enter' into the holy city. We are His Temple.



New member
The true light of knowledge is resonant in the Spirit NOW. Each can have the experience of 'gnosis' because its ever-available, - its about making the contact. Truth never left, for it cannot leave,...only mans perception and lack of receptivity can make 'seperation' appear to be real,...but God is ever-present.

The New Jerusalem is here, yes....accessible to he who has the keys and can appropriate such to 'enter' into the holy city. We are His Temple.


99% right!
The Gnostics were the Christians that fled as Jesus said. - It was the Church that left Judah, and it was the Gnostics that was the Church continued without inspiration; being not the Church but Gnostics. -- The Lord’s work was over.

The Gnostics / church without inspiration, - continued with only the knowledge already gained from Christ while being the Church; - that continues till now. -- However it’s Christ’s inspiration that counts, and it takes a Christian, not a Gnostic. SORRY! – Hope I’m not making you angry with this.

Paul – 093010
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