Lefties - Should We Declare War On Russia?

The Barbarian

(Sod wants to know what would make some one our enemy)

Barbarian observes:
Trying to rig our presidential election to put a weak and incompetent Donald Trump in the WH would suffice.

not for the purposes of meeting the specific language of the Constitution wrt "treason"

It's true. We executed the Rosenbergs for aiding the Russians pretty much as Trump has done. But not for treason.

We know that Putin did this with the goal of undermining American confidence in our system of government.

no we don't

We do. There's no doubt whatsoever that he did. Even Trump backed up and admitted it.

we might in the future after the investigations play out, but right now all we have are doubts and suspicions

Right now, it's a matter of finding out who, if anyone was cooperating with Putin in his attempt to get Trump elected president.

that's pure speculation on your part

Nope. CIA has recordings of Russian officials congratulating each other after Trump won. And as you just learned, one does not have to commit treason to be criminally responsible for helping our enemies.

and we have to meet those terms in the traditional sense, in order for any impeachment to proceed

Ethyl and Julius learned otherwise. Trump didn't have to commit treason to be impeached.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
We executed the Rosenbergs for aiding the Russians pretty much as Trump has done. But not for treason.


that's the most insane thing you've said today! :first:

Well, let's take a look...

First, you've been confused as Trump was, when he made this hairbrained statement:
And I think what’s happening is, as usual, the Democrats have played their card too hard on the Russia thing, because people aren’t believing it. It’s a witch hunt and they understand that. When they say “treason”—you know what treason is? That’s Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for giving the atomic bomb, OK?

Aside from the fact that they didn't give the Russians "the bomb", he's also wrong about treason. It's disloyal and criminal to give classified information to an foreign power, even if they aren't at war with us, but it's not treason. Notice also that an American was sentenced to life in prison for handing classified information over to an ally of the United States, so there's no need to have the crime associated with a declared enemy.

The Espionage act makes it a criminal offense to do so to any other nation.

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.


Since Trump can declassify anything he wishes, if he had declassified this highly important information, it wouldn't have been criminal to hand it over to another nation. If.

If this puzzles you, perhaps you'd do better if you looked it up one step at a time, so as not to get yourself confused with all the new information.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You've contacted your senators and congressional reps and shared with them your assessment that trump should be dealt with like the Rosenbergs?

How did that conversation go?

Did you get a visit from those nice young men in their clean white coats? :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
People make the mistake of assuming that just because a person is not your enemy, it makes them your friend. Heck, even our allies are not true friends. The only friends we have had in the last 40 years are Margaret Thatcher and Bebi Netanyahu.

canada's usually been a good friend, more so with harper than with either trudeau

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
still looking for an answer to this one:

... if Putin is held to account.

in what way could Putin be "held to account"?

looking for specifics

for example:

1. send him to bed without his supper
2. tell him he was a very naughty boy and shouldn't ever do that again
3. draw a red line in the sand and dare him to step over it
4. promise not to vote for him in 2020
5. threaten to hack hillary's servers during the next russian presidential election


Many of you are determined to paint Putin and Russia as our "enemies" so that you'll have some traction in a trump impeachment bid.

Should we just declare war on Russia and let the ICBMs fly?

Nah. "TheWall" should keep 'em at bay!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
dint they do that in the simpsons movie?



Well-known member
still looking for an answer to this one:

Oh, I dunno. Maybe by FOLLOWING THE GAME PLAN laid out by Trumps hand selected "intelligentsia"?

You do realize that what trump did was in diametric opposition to the advice given by almost every single Trump advisor within the circle that planned that conference :doh:

And please, in the future, be so kind as to quote me in context!

And the right is incapable of imagining anything short of nuclear war if Putin is held to account.

A statement that you seem hell bent to prove.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
still looking for an answer to this one:

in what way could Putin be "held to account"?

looking for specifics

for example:

1. send him to bed without his supper
2. tell him he was a very naughty boy and shouldn't ever do that again
3. draw a red line in the sand and dare him to step over it
4. promise not to vote for him in 2020
5. threaten to hack hillary's servers during the next russian presidential election

ima go with 5

Give him a taste of his own medicine

The Barbarian

You've contacted your senators and congressional reps and shared with them your assessment that trump should be dealt with like the Rosenbergs?

As I told you, Trump can merely declassify any secrets he might want to pass on to our enemies. And it's perfectly legal. He's the president.

Disloyal, unpatriotic, even despicable. But it's legal, if he chooses to make it so.