People with lupus?Only in this country do we see idiots say he's trying to kill people with his recommendations.
People with lupus?Only in this country do we see idiots say he's trying to kill people with his recommendations.
And you wouldn't say you have an emotional attachment to calling SARS-CoV-2 (or the COVID-19 virus) the Chinese virus?he seems to have an emotional attachment to the idea that this (the Chinese Virus) is going to be the end of the world
Was HIV-1 the Cameroonian virus?
Well it's refreshing to learn that your bigotry is flexible to the demands of the day. But of course that was a misnomer as well.The gay plague
I wasn't aware of the origins of Lyme disease. Thanks for the pointer.And you forgot Lyme disease and all the attendant racism that those poor poor people from Connecticut have to endure.
Did you call SARS-CoV-1 the Chinese virus? Did you call MERS-CoV the Saudi virus? Was HIV-1 the Cameroonian virus?
Of course not. It's only the moronic populist rhetoric of Mr. Trump that encourages you to name the virus Chinese in 2020.
I don'y get the basic idea. There's a super-cure to the coronavirus that the press and medical community are ignoring? Is that it? Why are they ignoring it?
6. Please give a date by which time the USA will be clear of Covid-19 or at least controlling it
that would be today, thanks to U.S. President Donald Trump
Today's data shows a continuing decline in "Daily New Cases in the United States"
see for yourself:
I don'y get the basic idea. There's a super-cure to the coronavirus that the press and medical community are ignoring? Is that it? Why are they ignoring it?
People with lupus?
And you wouldn't say you have an emotional attachment to calling SARS-CoV-2 (or the COVID-19 virus) the Chinese virus?
Did you call SARS-CoV-1 the Chinese virus? Did you call MERS-CoV the Saudi virus? Was HIV-1 the Cameroonian virus?
Of course not. It's only the moronic populist rhetoric of Mr. Trump that encourages you to name the virus Chinese in 2020.
Why not call it the bat virus? That's one fewer syllable for you to cope with.
And doing that would play a part in reducing racism against Asian people.
Possibly for the same reasons that the rest of the World is ignoring it. :rotfl:
as it happens, they're not
some countries like Spain are actively using it as a therapeutic regimen with great success
and there are too many ongoing studies to count, in more countries than you could count
but you just keep safe in your little irrational obsessive bubble of Trump-hate and chuckle madly to yourself while the world passes you by :wave2:
when you're ready to leave your comfortable little cocoon, you might start here:
Dramatic political and social decisions are being made across the United States and around the world on what emergency quarantine measures and other steps must be taken. In many cases the radical and severe measures, such as shutting down the world economy, are being justified by COVID-19 case projections of morbidity into the future. If there is one person who is the face of the current strategy of dealing with the coronavirus in Washington it is the Director of the US National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the NIH, Dr. Tony Fauci. What major media conveniently leave out in discussing Fauci’s role is his highly controversial and conflicted history since he first joined NIAID in 1984 during the beginnings of the AIDS panic. His role then sheds valuable light on his remarkable and highly controversial actions today.
Tony Fauci, a leading member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, is being promoted by major US media such as CNN, MSNBC or the New York Times as the great expert on all related to the Covid19 outbreak. He had dismissed the President’s efforts to promote a known malaria medication as treatment for severe corona patients as “anecdotal,” even though seven years before he backed the same drug. He has publicly taken projections from an institute created in Washington State by the Gates Foundation, the same foundation that virtually owns the WHO and owns major stakes in the leading vaccine makers, to claim that up to 200,000 Americans could die from COVID19. Fauci stated that COVID19 is “probably about 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu,” which would mean 300-600,000 coronavirus deaths this year, at the same time in a respected medical journal he compared Covid-19 as similar to seasonal flu in morbidity. When questioned how long the shutdown of much of the US economy must last, Fauci replied only when there is zero new covid19 positive tested cases, something impossible given the defective testing. He has also backed direct human tests of novel vaccines with no prior animal tests, including with radical non-tested mRNA gene-edited vaccines.
Fauci has more influence over US national policy on the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic than anyone, including the President. Much of media treats him with awe as an unimpeachable scientist, one of the world’s finest. A closer look at Anthony Fauci’s career gives a starkly different picture, a very alarming one in fact.
Anyone remember the story of the preacher who was arrested for saying zinc is the cure for the coronavirus because of the falsity of his claim? This doctor's statements are verification for the preacher's claim.
the MSM would rather eat broken glass than admit that Trump was right
all the more so as the whole country is starting to realize that Biden is unelectable
My mind is boggled that politics even need to be discussed in a virus thread :dizzy:
My mind is boggled that politics even need to be discussed in a virus thread :dizzy:
this is what the left is about Lon - I get a scroll across the top of my Yahoo Account just now - Sign this petition to force Congress to impeach Brett Kavanaugh!
And there's a constant drumbeat of calls from the left to impeach Trump again, i kid you not
I don't remember that arrest story, but the reason Zicam and Zinkies are given for colds, is because zinc binds to the tendrils of viruses and causes them to become brittle. They cannot reproduce so zinc products can guarantee that the cold (virus) will die off.
I'm yet hopeful that Chloroquine and zinc will produce the promised desired results. I have a friend that takes zinc regularly. He doesn't seem to be suffering any ill effects. I read my bottle of zinc and daily vitamins: there is no warning regarding the intake of zinc :think:
My mind is boggled that politics even need to be discussed in a virus thread :dizzy: