ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
THE HYPOCRISY - the Trump Administration awash with 29 million doses of hydroxychyloroquine purchased based on Dr. Donald's medical opinion that "what do you have to lose" - countered by the FDA expressed concern for its seriously side effects!
After 3 1/2 years in office, this President is still shifting the blame for his Administration's total lack of preparation onto the Obama Administration, the WHO and the Governors for not maintaining the adequate supplies of medical supplies - despite his repeated assertions that:
- there was absolutely nothing to worry about
- this was all part of of a "hoax" in an election year invented by the Democrats
- the Trump Administration had isolated cases under control
- airport screening and travel bans would provide a "firewall" to limit the spread
- millions of tests will be available next week. next week, next week ........
- anyone requesting a test will be given one .......
- the President is "calling the shots" irrespective of the Constitution
- the President is "calling the shots" but he is delegating that authority to the Governors
- it will all miraculously disappear in April
- this will all be behind us by Easter
- "miracle cures" like hydroxychyloroquine, injecting disinfectants, ultra-violet light, heat
To mask the Trump Administration's lack of preparation, this President simply shifted the responsibility for competing for a dwindling world supply of ventilators and PPEs onto the backs of individuals states and territories, but they can all take comfort in having unlimited access to millions of hydroxychyloroquine tablets prescribed by Dr. Donald, that his own FDA doesn't want them to use!
I would strongly recommend that you not vote for Trump in November.
I would also strongly recommend that you stock up on benzo's and SSRI's so your head doesn't explode when Trump wins re-election