content continue to advocate that [whoever] be jailed or even executed while others are denied a chance of living this life in a way that suits them, even though you are fallible and could well be wrong.
What is not presumptuous about that, twit?
It's presumptuous to advocate for jailing or executing people who do 'x'? Or is it presumptuous only when x=homosexual fornication?
And 'living this life in a way that suits them'? Again, presumptuous to deny others this chance only in the case of homosexual fornication or does this apply to all the other myriad instances where we deny people such a 'chance'?
Assuming you're not willing to call having a criminal justice system of any sort presumptuous, then I can only interpret this as being limited exclusively to homosexual fornication.
I wonder if you can discern the hypocrisy here. :think: