Knight, you look like a cigar smoking Las Vegas night club owner, change your image


Well-known member
Mornin' zoo :wave:

Pray tell...who is trying to justify Vegas? My "justification" was in the fact that I live here and cannot (at this time, anyway) leave. The Spirit is alive and well in my home, and my salvation is secure no matter where I reside.

Mornin' VC :)

My comment wasn't directed at you. And I'm not beating down Vegas, BTW... Just an observation.

Nathon Detroit

And for everybody else, again I said the avatar gave the image of . . . (read thread from begin). It was only later that I brought up appearance of evil, and that only to defend my opinion that we have to be careful (as leaders) what we present to the world. That is the last of the avatar rhetoric for me, if you truly want the truth, and not just something to tickle your ears with, then study up because there really is rejoicing in the truth.
Gsusis why wont you respond to me? You called me out in this thread... I have asked you several questions yet not even a whisper of a response in return. You seem to be somewhat responsive to others, just not me. :(


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Gsusis why wont you respond to me? You called me out in this thread... I have asked you several questions yet not even a whisper of a response in return. You seem to be somewhat responsive to others, just not me. :(

His mama taught him to never talk to the devil. :devil:

Nathon Detroit

Sry knight you must repeat your question then, I guess I have miscommunicated.
I had two questions.

1. What is evil about a cigar smoking, gray haired gentlemen with a beard?


You called folks "trigger happy" because they jumped on your case for the topic of this thread. So then I asked...

2. Is it possible that you are the one who was "trigger happy" in the first place in creating a thread in which you wrongly thought my avatar was me and I was somehow evil.
Last edited:


New member
Hall of Fame
2. Is it possible that you are the one who was "trigger happy" in the first place in creating a thread in which you wrongly thought my avatar was me and I was somehow evil.

Prepare for some speedy backpeddling...:popcorn:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
And for everybody else, again I said the avatar gave the image of . . . (read thread from begin). It was only later that I brought up appearance of evil, and that only to defend my opinion that we have to be careful (as leaders) what we present to the world. That is the last of the avatar rhetoric for me, if you truly want the truth, and not just something to tickle your ears with, then study up because there really is rejoicing in the truth.

ITT our own preconceived prejudices masquerade as "The Truth". :plain:


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Mr Trigger happy is arguing against the evils of
1. Cigars
2. Casinos
3. Bars- maybe?

Now where in the scripture is a prohibition against these? I've read the Bible front to back and can't find any.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Yeah I forgot that Mr. Trigger Happy was that dumb.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
So here is my amended post:
Mr Trigger happy is arguing against the evils of
1. Cigars
2. Casinos
3. Bars
4. Old Guys
5. Beards

I have read my Bible through and have found no prohibition against these. What bible is he reading?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
:think: might be the cufflinks which give the evil appearance.


New member
Happ Easter. Knight: you are saying what is evil about a cigar smoking grey haired older gentleman, to that I say absolutely nothing. There is context and there is content behind everything that we say and present. Content is the literal translation of the words, context is the dynamic full throttle intentent which includes more than words. Pictures are worth a thousand words and yours, as the poster child for everything the Father of lights gives to his children, is not from my opinion very Godly. The Lord says to walk in the light while it is still day (but your trigger happy chronies will only see this one statement and twist the intent of it to say I think nothing done in the night can be good. I'm not, you have to take all the dynamics together) So, we have the night time, the bright lights of what looks like "the strip", the whole suit and cigar together give the high roller cast all to the wind gambler attitude because we only have one life to live, take all you can. I'm sorry if that offends, it is my opinion and I fell as a leader you need to be held to a higher standard. Maybe it is my deep seeded hatred for a dad that loved his money more than me, so all people in positions of authority are scrutinized on a much higher standard but personally I think it is a conglomeration, of "be in the world and not of the world"; "to whom much is given much is required"; "wise as serpents gentle as doves"; "friends of the world is not a friend of mine"; "walk in the light as I am in the light". I can't think of anymore scripture at the moment, but probably something else will come by the end of church. Oh, and all the body is the temple of the holy spirit thought provoking material. Call me rigid but I don't think our deacons and elders should be portraying to the youth that smoking and drinking is cool.
And the trigger happy yesmen refers to all the jabs that people took at me personally and didn't, trying the spirit, attack the validity of the truth of what I said nor did very many of them use the word to do so. Don't tell me someone is good, tell me what about them that makes them acceptable, because as we all know there is none good, no not one. Gotta go church starting.