Knight, you look like a cigar smoking Las Vegas night club owner, change your image


New member
Hall of Fame
Happ Easter. Knight: you are saying what is evil about a cigar smoking grey haired older gentleman, to that I say absolutely nothing. There is context and there is content behind everything that we say and present. Content is the literal translation of the words, context is the dynamic full throttle intentent which includes more than words. Pictures are worth a thousand words and yours, as the poster child for everything the Father of lights gives to his children, is not from my opinion very Godly. The Lord says to walk in the light while it is still day (but your trigger happy chronies will only see this one statement and twist the intent of it to say I think nothing done in the night can be good. I'm not, you have to take all the dynamics together) So, we have the night time, the bright lights of what looks like "the strip", the whole suit and cigar together give the high roller cast all to the wind gambler attitude because we only have one life to live, take all you can. I'm sorry if that offends, it is my opinion and I fell as a leader you need to be held to a higher standard. Maybe it is my deep seeded hatred for a dad that loved his money more than me, so all people in positions of authority are scrutinized on a much higher standard but personally I think it is a conglomeration, of "be in the world and not of the world"; "to whom much is given much is required"; "wise as serpents gentle as doves"; "friends of the world is not a friend of mine"; "walk in the light as I am in the light". I can't think of anymore scripture at the moment, but probably something else will come by the end of church. Oh, and all the body is the temple of the holy spirit thought provoking material. Call me rigid but I don't think our deacons and elders should be portraying to the youth that smoking and drinking is cool.
And the trigger happy yesmen refers to all the jabs that people took at me personally and didn't, trying the spirit, attack the validity of the truth of what I said nor did very many of them use the word to do so. Don't tell me someone is good, tell me what about them that makes them acceptable, because as we all know there is none good, no not one. Gotta go church starting.

Get. Over. Yourself.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Happ Easter. Knight: you are saying what is evil about a cigar smoking grey haired older gentleman, to that I say absolutely nothing.
And repeatedly. :plain:

There is context and there is content behind everything that we say and present.
And sometimes a cigar smoking old guy is just a cigar smoking old guy.

Pictures are worth a thousand words and yours, as the poster child for everything the Father of lights gives to his children, is not from my opinion very Godly.
Only because, ironically, you're out of its context. :D

Or, by all means continue to tell us why that elephant is very much like a snake. :e4e:

And the trigger happy yesmen refers to all the jabs that people took at me personally and didn't, trying the spirit, attack the validity of the truth of what I said nor did very many of them use the word to do so.
Because the alternative, that you're being a bit self important and thin skinned and that people were having fun with that while you flailed away at a misimpression, couldn't be the problem, eh? :rolleyes:

Relax. Give yourself time to understand the language and culture of a new place and you'll be amazed at how much more interesting and fun your vacation will be.


Nathon Detroit

Pictures are worth a thousand words and yours, as the poster child for everything the Father of lights gives to his children, is not from my opinion very Godly.
You are skirting the question. You keep saying that my avatar represents evil. I want to know what is evil about a gray haired bearded man that smokes a cigar.

Is gray hair evil?
Is smoking cigars evil?
Are beards evil?

personally I think it is a conglomeration, of "be in the world and not of the world"; "to whom much is given much is required"; "wise as serpents gentle as doves"; "friends of the world is not a friend of mine"; "walk in the light as I am in the light". I can't think of anymore scripture at the moment, but probably something else will come by the end of church.
Here is one that you might consider...

“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” - John 7:24


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Happ Easter. Knight: you are saying what is evil about a cigar smoking grey haired older gentleman, to that I say absolutely nothing. There is context and there is content behind everything that we say and present. Content is the literal translation of the words, context is the dynamic full throttle intentent which includes more than words. Pictures are worth a thousand words and yours, as the poster child for everything the Father of lights gives to his children, is not from my opinion very Godly. The Lord says to walk in the light while it is still day (but your trigger happy chronies will only see this one statement and twist the intent of it to say I think nothing done in the night can be good. I'm not, you have to take all the dynamics together) So, we have the night time, the bright lights of what looks like "the strip", the whole suit and cigar together give the high roller cast all to the wind gambler attitude because we only have one life to live, take all you can. I'm sorry if that offends, it is my opinion and I fell as a leader you need to be held to a higher standard. Maybe it is my deep seeded hatred for a dad that loved his money more than me, so all people in positions of authority are scrutinized on a much higher standard but personally I think it is a conglomeration, of "be in the world and not of the world"; "to whom much is given much is required"; "wise as serpents gentle as doves"; "friends of the world is not a friend of mine"; "walk in the light as I am in the light". I can't think of anymore scripture at the moment, but probably something else will come by the end of church. Oh, and all the body is the temple of the holy spirit thought provoking material. Call me rigid but I don't think our deacons and elders should be portraying to the youth that smoking and drinking is cool.
And the trigger happy yesmen refers to all the jabs that people took at me personally and didn't, trying the spirit, attack the validity of the truth of what I said nor did very many of them use the word to do so. Don't tell me someone is good, tell me what about them that makes them acceptable, because as we all know there is none good, no not one. Gotta go church starting.




New member
Call me rigid but I don't think our deacons and elders should be portraying to the youth that smoking and drinking is cool.

The Bible lists a number of sins, but smoking and drinking are not among them.
If you want to add new sins to the list in the Bible, first support all the ones currently in the Bible.
Here is a start:

Acts 15:29
That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.​

Exodus 20
1And God spake all these words, saying,
2I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
7Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
13Thou shalt not kill.
14Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15Thou shalt not steal.
16Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ***, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.​



TOL Subscriber
Maybe it is my deep seeded hatred for a dad that loved his money more than me.

Maybe it is time to grow up and realize;

1. Appearances can be deceiving.

2. Knight is not your father.

3. Simply by looking like another does not make them the same as.

4. Geographical location has nothing to do with the heart of a man/woman.

I have heard many Christians here at TOL say that Christianity is a relationship with Christ. Maybe you should pray about your deep seated hatreds?


New member
Happ Easter. Knight: you are saying what is evil about a cigar smoking grey haired older gentleman, to that I say absolutely nothing. There is context and there is content behind everything that we say and present. Content is the literal translation of the words, context is the dynamic full throttle intentent which includes more than words.
It’s not the beard or the cigar, it’s the cufflinks that are evil I think.
Pictures are worth a thousand words and yours, as the poster child for everything the Father of lights gives to his children, is not from my opinion very Godly. The Lord says to walk in the light while it is still day (but your trigger happy chronies will only see this one statement and twist the intent of it to say I think nothing done in the night can be good. I'm not, you have to take all the dynamics together) So, we have the night time, the bright lights of what looks like "the strip", the whole suit and cigar together give the high roller cast all to the wind gambler attitude because we only have one life to live, take all you can.
Yes, an obvious un-godly atheistic attitude for all to see if you ask me. Dracula too was probably un-godly and preferred the night, and cufflinks?

I'm sorry if that offends, it is my opinion and I fell as a leader you need to be held to a higher standard. Maybe it is my deep seeded hatred for a dad that loved his money more than me, so all people in positions of authority are scrutinized on a much higher standard but personally I think it is a conglomeration, of "be in the world and not of the world"; "to whom much is given much is required"; "wise as serpents gentle as doves"; "friends of the world is not a friend of mine"; "walk in the light as I am in the light". I can't think of anymore scripture at the moment, but probably something else will come by the end of church.
Are you texting from church?
You’re not wearing cufflinks I hope?

Oh, and all the body is the temple of the holy spirit thought provoking material. Call me rigid but I don't think our deacons and elders should be portraying to the youth that smoking and drinking is cool.
The wearing of hair shirts is cool I suppose, without cufflinks obviously.
And the trigger happy yesmen refers to all the jabs that people took at me personally and didn't, trying the spirit, attack the validity of the truth of what I said nor did very many of them use the word to do so. Don't tell me someone is good, tell me what about them that makes them acceptable, because as we all know there is none good, no not one. Gotta go church starting.
You are texting from church!:jawdrop:
Sorry about your dad btw but unfortunately real life is not fair or nice all the time and some people don’t even have any money to worry about. :(


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have to admit now that I've thought about it that the cuff links are a little weird.
I mean, why not just have buttons and be done with it?
If you lose a cuff link then your sleeves are loose? No back up plan?
And what if you want to take off your coat and roll your sleeves up? Do you put the cuff links in you pocket? Don't they poke you in you pocket? Or do you put them in you coat and if you do aren't you worried they'll fall out?


New member
I have to admit now that I've thought about it that the cuff links are a little weird.
I mean, why not just have buttons and be done with it?
If you lose a cuff link then your sleeves are loose? No back up plan?
And what if you want to take off your coat and roll your sleeves up? Do you put the cuff links in you pocket? Don't they poke you in you pocket? Or do you put them in you coat and if you do aren't you worried they'll fall out?
One gives them to one's man-servant or chauffeur of course. :crackup: :limey:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I have to admit now that I've thought about it that the cuff links are a little weird.
I mean, why not just have buttons and be done with it?
If you lose a cuff link then your sleeves are loose? No back up plan?
And what if you want to take off your coat and roll your sleeves up? Do you put the cuff links in you pocket? Don't they poke you in you pocket? Or do you put them in you coat and if you do aren't you worried they'll fall out?

:think: Actually, French cuffs are superior. Generally, when wearing a sport/suit jacket, ones shirt cuffs never stay where they are supposed to be in relation to the jacket cuffs (exactly one half inch beyond) unless French cuffs are used.

Gentlemen do not "lose" cufflinks.

Gentlemen do not "roll up" their sleeves.

Just sayin' :plain:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
:think: Actually, French cuffs are superior. Generally, when wearing a sport/suit jacket, ones shirt cuffs never stay where they are supposed to be in relation to the jacket cuffs (exactly one half inch beyond) unless French cuffs are used.

Gentlemen do not "lose" cufflinks.

Gentlemen do not "roll up" their sleeves.

Just sayin' :plain:

Which kind is Knight's avatar wearing and where does his unbuttoned shirt and lack of tie fall in the sleeves cufflinks spectrum?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Which kind is Knight's avatar wearing and where does his unbuttoned shirt and lack of tie fall in the sleeves cufflinks spectrum?

:plain: The type of cuff which requires cuff links is a French cuff.This is as opposed to the barrel-button cuff which is found on most shirts. The French cuff enables the shirtmaker/wearer to tailor the outer circumference of the shirt cuff to snug up in the inner cuff of the jacket thus fixing it's position within the jacket cuff.

The top two buttons unbuttoned on a tie-less shirt w/jacket is usually (99.9% of time) acceptable (this assumes one has a chest and it is evening...not acceptable for business) at a formal restaurant/casino (note: I say restaurant/casino not occasion....a formal occasion requires a tux.)

*edit* Oh, & BTW... the "tie with no jacket" is perfectly acceptable if you are going for the "grocery store manager" look. :plain:
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New member
Appearances of evil is also the responsibility of those "to whom much is given much is required" and if you are going to represent the Lord why do you want to look like the enemy.

Food for thought, I agree now that I've thought about it.

Trying to look cool is "of this world"