Kerry Spanked Israel


You do know he isn't even in office yet, don't you? :chuckle:

Of course, just wondering what the time frame for the wall construction might be and how will he collect from Mexico. It was one of his big selling points, would have expected someone who might be almost as smart as V.Putin to let us know what his specific plans are. After all he is a builder by trade, he should have had his staff cost it out and draw up plans already. Money is not getting any cheaper, unless of course he intends to default on some US obligations and use that cash. He is well versed in bankruptcy law. Except he has proposed his bankruptcy lawyer to be the ambassador to Israel so maybe that is delaying him.


Well-known member
My point is what made the Jews more important than the nomads?

Oh, merely the fact that they had been slaughtered by Hitler and wanted one tiny little piece of their homeland. The nomads don't have a claim, but the Jews do. Did you know you can see across the country it is so small. Doesn't an entire race of people deserve a place to call their own? Even a small sliver? Heck, Obama just claimed a bigger portion of so-called Indian land for the Federal Government. What are the Jews? Chopped liver?


Well-known member
Of course, just wondering what the time frame for the wall construction might be and how will he collect from Mexico. It was one of his big selling points, would have expected someone who might be almost as smart as V.Putin to let us know what his specific plans are. After all he is a builder by trade, he should have had his staff cost it out and draw up plans already. Money is not getting any cheaper, unless of course he intends to default on some US obligations and use that cash. He is well versed in bankruptcy law. Except he has proposed his bankruptcy lawyer to be the ambassador to Israel so maybe that is delaying him.

Oh, he's not busy enough for you, is that it? I'll lay odds you don't put in nearly the hours he does. As a matter of fact, there is already funding for the wall but no one has bothered to actually get it done. As far a paying for the wall, Mexico will pay for it because they will finally have to pay tariffs on their goods like the rest of us do.


Oh, merely the fact that they had been slaughtered by Hitler and wanted one tiny little piece of their homeland. The nomads don't have a claim, but the Jews do. Did you know you can see across the country it is so small. Doesn't an entire race of people deserve a place to call their own? Even a small sliver? Heck, Obama just claimed a bigger portion of so-called Indian land for the Federal Government. What are the Jews? Chopped liver?

Under your analysis, we should give Manhattan back, anyone with Inca blood should be able to throw out anyone else from Peru, Chile, Columbia etc. The Anglo-Saxons should be able to control England and the Picts Scotland.

And what is a race of people? Were the nomads not a race? What about the Palestinians who lived in one place in 1948? Why bother to give their land away? A real quick Wiki history lesson suggests that Jews illegally immigrated to Palestine right after WWII and took over, fought the Brits and the Arabs. It seems clear to me that the State of Israel was a reaction to the Holocaust, to suggest otherwise seems not historically correct. Relying on Biblical claims means nothing to me, a nonbeliever and raises the impact of history and time on the problem---thereby raising the Native American, both North and South, and their rights as against the Europeans---Give Lima back to the Inca, Mexico City back to the Aztecs etc.


Oh, he's not busy enough for you, is that it? I'll lay odds you don't put in nearly the hours he does. As a matter of fact, there is already funding for the wall but no one has bothered to actually get it done. As far a paying for the wall, Mexico will pay for it because they will finally have to pay tariffs on their goods like the rest of us do.

But he appears too busy kissing up to Vladdy to listen to intelligence briefings. He is a fraud and someday, if you are honest with yourself, you will come to realize that.

In the meantime, have a safe New Year.


Well-known member
But he appears too busy kissing up to Vladdy to listen to intelligence briefings. He is a fraud and someday, if you are honest with yourself, you will come to realize that.

In the meantime, have a safe New Year.

God, you're shallow. You swallow your kool-aid and strut off thinking you did your homework. We had to "kiss up" to Russia before when the world was at war....apparently you didn't study that in school. We are at war and Bambi is not only fiddling while Rome burns, he's setting the fires....but you libs just enjoy the music through all the smoke.


The history is this. The ancient Syrian-Phoenician land was salty until Jews arrived. Some Muslim nation sent Arabs to Palestine, and they called themselves Palestinians. The Palestinians celebrated "9/11", after it happened. Perhaps, I am shallow for not caring if there is a Muslim holocaust in Israel.


New member
As far as I'm concerned, the land is Israel's, promised by God that they shall live within the borders they first did, according to each tribes land.

God the Divine Realtor...

The Philistines {Palestinians; see the definition in the dictionary} deserve to be kicked out of the country or annihilated by Israel, as it did with ancient wars in the past.

Considering that the Philistines were a non-Semitic people, and the Palestinians are largely Semitic, I'm not sure what connection you could be trying to make.

Israel has that one strip of land and the Arabs have tons of land, and they disagree with Israel having some land!! Ha!!

You don't think people should object to being thrown out of their land so that someone else can take it over?

Look at all of the countries that are the Arabs: Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and more and more. It is atrocious that the damn Arabs won't let Israel alone.

How would you react if someone came into your home and told you that you have to move somewhere else so that someone else could have your home? It's like saying, "There are white people all over the place. Can't you go live with some of them? Sweden, Bosnia, Boulder, ... somewhere"

Long ago, God kicked out the Israelis because of their evil actions, so Palestine lived there. But God does say that, in the recent 50 years, He would give Israel back the land that He first gave them, and they shall live there forever.

In the real world, we don't give people things that belong to other people just because they claim that God wants them to have them.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In about 3 weeks John Kerry will no longer be Secretary of State, so this thread is pretty much useless

Kind of like your useless gay threads :rotfl:

Be happy ole rainbow warrior, Doanld Trump and Rex Tillerson will continue to promote the LGBTQueer agenda just as Barack Obama and John Kerry did.

But then you knew that already, or you wouldn't have voted for Trump.

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In about 3 weeks John Kerry will no longer be Secretary of State, so this thread is pretty much useless

Be happy ole rainbow warrior, Doanld Trump and Rex Tillerson will continue to promote the LGBTQueer agenda just as Barack Obama and John Kerry did.

But then you knew that already, or you wouldn't have voted for Trump.
I'm just curious how long you will have that avatar - :rotfl:


I'm just curious how long you will have that avatar - :rotfl:

Thoughts on this one?
