Kerry Spanked Israel


John Kerry scolded Israel today - see full speech

Dear patrick jane,

Thanks so much for posting this here. I listened to quite a bit of it, but it's over an hour long, so I got out after about 10-15 minutes. As far as I'm concerned, the land is Israel's, promised by God that they shall live within the borders they first did, according to each tribes land. The Philistines {Palestinians; see the definition in the dictionary} deserve to be kicked out of the country or annihilated by Israel, as it did with ancient wars in the past. Israel has that one strip of land and the Arabs have tons of land, and they disagree with Israel having some land!! Ha!!

Look at all of the countries that are the Arabs: Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and more and more. It is atrocious that the damn Arabs won't let Israel alone. I say that the Palestinians must go because the whole West Bank belongs to the Israelis, and God determined who was to live in the Gaza Strip, though I can't recall right now, but it was one of the tribes of Israel. The Palestinians need to go!! Let them be absorbed by Turkey, or Saudi Arabia, or any of the previous Arab states that I've mentioned. Let Israel to the Jews, which are from the tribe of Judah, and also Benjamin. And also the other tribes of Israel who have come there. It's not all a land of just Jews. Some of the lost 10 tribes have come back too.

Long ago, God kicked out the Israelis because of their evil actions, so Palestine lived there. But God does say that, in the recent 50 years, He would give Israel back the land that He first gave them, and they shall live there forever. What God says is not going to be changed by any Palestinians. Palestinians are just the Philistines, who forever have warred with Israel. Look up the word Palestinians in the dictionary for yourself. It's time for that to change. David defeated Goliath long ago. The same is required now!! Kill their armies. They are a thorn in Israel's side. If something is not done, they always will be. They are killing Israelis now by stabbing them to death at random. It is ridiculous!

Well, I digress! Will get going for now. Thanks for the post, pj. Will chat again soon, I hope!

May God Bless Your Heart & Soul Always!!



Interesting, are you suggesting that the Israelies should just "annihilate" (kill) all Palestinians?

You are so special, Michael.


kerry's a retard


the palies deserve to be annihilated
Well then Okey Dopey, strap on a gun and head over there. Man up. Show your idol, The Trumpet Tweeter, that you are worthy of him.

But the real question is why? What gave the Western world the right to create a new country for the Jewish people? The Holocaust? If so, then give Manhattan back to the Injuns. Your god's word? If that is the case then all Christendom should unite in favor of Israel and kill every Muslim everywhere. Then again, if the Jews remain so special in your god's sight, everyone should convert to Judaism.

Just let us know when you leave to kill yourself some "palies". Keep tweeting us with updates.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well then Okey Dopey, strap on a gun and head over there.

why on earth would i do that? :idunno:

Man up. Show your idol, The Trumpet Tweeter, that you are worthy of him.

ah, i see

you think i idolize trump :dizzy:

tell me, how long have you been suffereing from mental retardation?

were you born retarded or did you suffer a debilitating head injury more recently?


New member
Israel is not a democracy.. its an ethno state. Pretty much like all its surrounding neighbors.

Try and live outwardly as a Christian or Jew in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan or Syria and let me know how that works out for you.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I listened to the whole speech. I thought it was quite even handed.

Spoken like a true socialist, only a socialist would think aligning themselves with murderers & terrorists from numerous nations/regions that not only do not recognize the sovereign nation of Israel but, are on record as calling for the annihilation/genocide of the Jews. There is no such place as palistine, it is figment of your imagination if you find that fact in error than prove it's existence... ever, who was the palistinian king, president, prime minister, mail man? what was the common language of this phantom country,? what was their common currency, show us some coinage of the palistinian country that ever existed? What were their borders? The fact is that the Jews have occupied this region for thousands of years, the city & walls of Jerusalem, the temple and every other ancient relic in that city is there because of the Jews. The malcontent terrorists that reside within their borders are Arabs who feel an implicit right to the land that does not belong to them, they do not want peace, never have, and the Israeli's are supposed to acquiesce to the demands of terrorists that live amongst & around them when they are dedicated to eradicating them? You liberals are complete nutjobs... as well as the complete moronic buffoons that you put forth as leaders, John Kerry is an imbecile of the first order only to be topped by the idiot in chief Obama who has led this scorched earth attack against the only democracy and ally in the region. You should be ashamed of yourself to align yourselves with murderers but, I know your not, I am ashamed for you...make no mistake that change in all this nonsense is coming Jan 20th, and hopefully the end game is the U.S. withdrawing from the irrelevant UN and sending them packing, they serve no legitimate purpose.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
But the real question is why? What gave the Western world the right to create a new country for the Jewish people?

Anti-semite much?

What gave the world the right to make a new muslim state of Arabs? Palestine does not exist. They are exiled criminals from the area.


Well-known member
Spoken like a true socialist, only a socialist would think aligning themselves with murderers & terrorists from numerous nations/regions that not only do not recognize the sovereign nation of Israel but, are on record as calling for the annihilation/genocide of the Jews.
It's obvious you didn't watch the speech. Kerry attacked the Palestinians and Arab allies for their support for terrorism and denial of Israel's right to exist. But hey why argue substance when you can call names.

Answer me this. What then is the endgame for Israel? If, as Kerry said Israel intends to annex the west bank, do you think de-facto apartheid will allow for stability in Israel? Do you want Israel to engage in genocide? Forceful removal of Palestinians from the West Bank/Gaza? Because those are the only options if Israel doesn't go with the two state solution.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Kerry is another hippy dippy type. This is all you need to know. He hates his parent's generation.


Anti-semite much?

What gave the world the right to make a new muslim state of Arabs? Palestine does not exist. They are exiled criminals from the area.

Ah, Nicky, all I did was ask a question? After WWII, before Israel was created, who lived there?