Katrina Damage


Gerald said:
Just out curiosity, how about some examples?

There are all sorts of scientific truths that I have not personally experienced yet they remain a reality. I have never experienced war, but I'm pretty sure it has happened once or twice. I have a suspician that men have walked on the moon, however I have not experienced that...and so on.....


New member
PureX said:
You say that you don't attach any fear to skin color, and that your fear of black people is based only on the actual threat they present, but I'm not sure I really believe you.

And you shouldn't because I didn't say that. We must make decisions based on probability. There is a higher probability that a black man in hiphop clothes is going to be loud in a movie theater than a white guy wearing Tommy Hilfiger. There is also a higher probability of a black man in hiphop clothes being louder in a theater than a black man wearing Tommy Hilfiger.

We have limited information. We take that information and process it according to our opinion of probabilities. So no, it's not about "actual threat" it's about my perceived probability of a threat.

Hopefully, my probability perception is accurate but again, we have limited information so it probably isn't.

PureX said:
That's because you think "acting black" means acting bad. You are racist.

Not bad, but different from me and not something I want to be around. Has nothing to do with their race.

But you are again insisting on calling me racist simply because I prefer to spend time with people who act like me regardless of their race.

I'm done with you. :shut:


New member
BillyBob said:
There are all sorts of scientific truths that I have not personally experienced yet they remain a reality. I have never experienced war, but I'm pretty sure it has happened once or twice. I have a suspician that men have walked on the moon, however I have not experienced that...and so on.....

Waits for the member who will state emphatically that men have NEVER walked on the moon. :juggle:


New member
HisLight said:
Waits for the member who will state emphatically that men have NEVER walked on the moon. :juggle:

That probably won't happen. Every knows men have walked on the moon. Not in 1969 like the government wants to pretend but in 1253 when the creators of the Moai on Easter Island visited the moon and then came back and celebrated by making large statues of them in their spacesuits.



New member
Gaviidae said:
That probably won't happen. Every knows men have walked on the moon. Not in 1969 like the government wants to pretend but in 1253 when the creators of the Moai on Easter Island visited the moon and then came back and celebrated by making large statues of them in their spacesuits.


C'mon - everyone knows that it's been scientifically proven that Stonehenge is an blast dispersal zone for an early moonshot! Those darn Celts beat the Maori's by centuries! :D

Then the Anglo-Saxons just about stomped them out! Do you need any more reasons to hate the English?


Well-known member
Gaviidae said:
And you shouldn't because I didn't say that. We must make decisions based on probability. There is a higher probability that a black man in hiphop clothes is going to be loud in a movie theater than a white guy wearing Tommy Hilfiger. There is also a higher probability of a black man in hiphop clothes being louder in a theater than a black man wearing Tommy Hilfiger.
That has nothing to do with racism, nor this discussion.
Gaviidae said:
We have limited information. We take that information and process it according to our opinion of probabilities. So no, it's not about "actual threat" it's about my perceived probability of a threat.
This is still not racism. This is prejudice based on ignorance, but you haven't attached it to race, yet.
Gaviidae said:
Hopefully, my probability perception is accurate but again, we have limited information so it probably isn't.
And because it isn't you are probably unjustly harming other people when you practice such "safety measures" based on ignorance and prejudice.
Gaviidae said:
But you are again insisting on calling me racist simply because I prefer to spend time with people who act like me regardless of their race.
You wrote this:
What you describe is stereotyping but it is not racism. Racism is blacks are bad because they are black. Stereotyping is assuming a black is bad until you get to know them. The second has nothing to do with race it has to do with limited information.
But the second has everything to do with race. You said so yourself: "...assuming a black is bad until you get to know them..."

I was using your own definition of racism, and pointing out that you are racist by your own definition: "black = bad". Now you're trying to say that "probably black will = bad, so it's OK and not really racism, it's just steriotyping". It's still prejudice based on race. Note the "pre" in the word prejudice. It's still prejudging, and pre-condemning people based on their race. And when you act on such pre-judgments, you hurt people.


New member
koban said:
C'mon - everyone knows that it's been scientifically proven that Stonehenge is an blast dispersal zone for an early moonshot! Those darn Celts beat the Maori's by centuries! :D

Then the Anglo-Saxons just about stomped them out! Do you need any more reasons to hate the English?

Those darn Celts even planted a colony over here in Washington state. Maryhill Stonehenge

Still, as long as the English hate the French I'm a fan of the English. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. :p


New member
Gaviidae said:
Those darn Celts even planted a colony over here in Washington state. Maryhill Stonehenge

Still, as long as the English hate the French I'm a fan of the English. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. :p

Yeah, I was just being sarcastical.

I love the English.

Except for those whiny Euro-trash types who wonder why everybody hates them :rotfl:


New member
See what I don't understand is.. they were told to evacuate i don't know how long before the hurricane hit and a lot of people just said "We'll just wait it out." Now you have however many people dead and I don't know about you but I found this quite confusing.:doh:


New member
Livingthelife4e said:
See what I don't understand is.. they were told to evacuate i don't know how long before the hurricane hit and a lot of people just said "We'll just wait it out." Now you have however many people dead and I don't know about you but I found this quite confusing.:doh:

As Chris Rock said:

"We've all heard the question, why didn't these people just leave when they had the chance? But now we realize that not everybody can just jump into their SUVs and drive to a nice hotel.

These people depend on public transportation, and these people can't afford a nice hotel, because some of them work there..."


Yep, liberals continue making excuses for their lack of self reliance and personal responsibility.

Any able person who relies on the government to take care of him deserves what he gets.


I'm watching a black man being interviewed who is commenting on the dems accusation that Bush held back on disaster relief because the recipients were black. :doh:

He says they're full of :cow: