Kate's Law

patrick jane

It seems that the demonrats will block Kate's Law. At least they stick together in voting, unlike the Republicans.

The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that most immigrants are less inclined to criminal behavior than the average native-born American)

The fact that they are here illegally makes them criminals.

Nope. Common misconception. It's not a crime to be here illegally. Maybe it should be, but it's not. It's a civil violation, not a crime.

Either do away with immigration laws (open borders for everyone) or enforce them.

That's actually pretty reasonable for you, Connie. But there's a third way; have immigration laws that wouldn't harm the United States if they were rigorously enforced.

Regarding your bold faced lie about illegal aliens not posing a big threat:

It's just a fact, Connie. As you learned, in Texas where there's a huge illegal alien population, there is disproportionately small number of illegal aliens in Texas prisons. They don't do crimes as often as natives.

Would you like me to show you that, again?

And as you learned, the report from which you're extrapolating those numbers says that they are less of a threat.

Would you like me to show you that, again?

"Kate's Law", since it only increases the penalty for laws already on the books, really won't do much of anything but increase prison populations (which the private prison lobby is particularly interested in doing, since Congress moved to equalize drug laws.

It's a showpiece which everyone knows is really not going to do anything. If there's anything we know about laws, it's that increasing the severity of punishment isn't a very good deterrent.
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Well-known member
Read today that on top of commanding abortions on demand for anyone, Oregon is going to decriminalize possession of small amounts of the hardest drugs.


New member
Hall of Fame
Read today that on top of commanding abortions on demand for anyone, Oregon is going to decriminalize possession of small amounts of the hardest drugs.

yeah, the liberals care so much about women and children like they claim.

Rev 9:21 they did not repent of their murders, their drugs,their sexual sins and their thefts



New member
Hall of Fame
God won't tolerate this lawlessness forever.

Matthew 24:3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”......

...Matthew 24:12

12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.


Well-known member
By the way, I read today an interesting fact. Most of the heads of the EU, who are bent on allowing in as many Mohammedans as possible, do not have children of their own.