It seems that the demonrats will block Kate's Law. At least they stick together in voting, unlike the Republicans.
It seems that the demonrats will block Kate's Law. At least they stick together in voting, unlike the Republicans.
The fact that they are here illegally makes them criminals.
Either do away with immigration laws (open borders for everyone) or enforce them.
Regarding your bold faced lie about illegal aliens not posing a big threat:
George Clooney is moving away from his English countryside mansion and back to LA where it is safer without muslims.
It seems that the demonrats will block Kate's Law. At least they stick together in voting, unlike the Republicans.
Isn't he a muslim too?
Speaking of, you're not going to believe this. Or maybe you will...Canada...
God won't tolerate this lawlessness forever.
Read today that on top of commanding abortions on demand for anyone, Oregon is going to decriminalize possession of small amounts of the hardest drugs.
God won't tolerate this lawlessness forever.
By the way, I read today an interesting fact. Most of the heads of the EU, who are bent on allowing in as many Mohammedans as possible, do not have children of their own.