Just When you Thought Democrats Could not get any more STUPID

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Not really. Though I agree with Wizard of Oz's views on Nuclear power as a clean energy source.

me too - that should be our focus until solar tech is developed to a higher degree, including energy storage schemes

The very idea of even considering the 'green new deal' is sheer folly.

it's pie in the sky thinking, which is always easier to do with someone else's money


Well-known member
We could build a monorail system to have a stop at every single door in the world, build houses for everyone, even if they don't feel like working and do it all with imaginary money, imaginary labor and imaginary technology... but only in a cartoon world where whatever you dream up is possible. With advancing technology we do improve our quality of life as time goes by, but this snowflake is just taking way too much for granted and not thinking about what they're proposing. How someone this daft ever got elected is a serious indictment against the American voter... which goes back to our broken education system.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How someone this daft ever got elected is a serious indictment against the American voter...

she's photogenic and speaks well - the same qualities that brought obama to the national eye - a shiny bauble to dangle in front of the easily distracted general public
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Just When you Thought Democrats Could not get any more STUPID

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
― H.L. Mencken

The Horn

There is absolutely nothing "crazy " or "stupid " about what the Democrats are proposing, and many of the claims cited here misconstrue their actual goals .
Fossil fuel is not unlimited and it's also extremely harmful to the world . America and the world have got to find better alternatives, and the green alternative , while it may be difficult to implement, is a very good idea . Fossil fuel is responsible for the mass damage to the environment which exists today , and something MUST be done about pollution by sewage, toxic chemicals and discarded plastic refuse .
There is a giant mass of discarded plastic refuse floating in the Pacific , and it is the size of TEXAS . The entire world is at grave risk of losing clean air, water and food , and America is a major contributor to the environmental problems plaguing the world .
What I am saying here is neither conservative nor liberal, merely fact . Even if you don't believe in global warming, you SHOULD be very concerned about the catastrophic effects of toxic waste , chemicals etc on the world, including the US . The Republican party couldn't care less about these grave environmental problems , because the are a bunch of greedy , irresponsible idiots , and Trump is our greedy , irresponsible idiot-in-chief who has been deregulating absolutely essential laws regulating the environment for safety . The Republicans are in the pay of greedy,superrich and ruthless industrialists who are out for maximum profit and could not care about all the harm they are doing to the environment . All they want is maximum profits .
America is the only major industrialized country in the world without universal health care . It's the only major industrialized country where you risk dying if you need medical care which is too expensive, and the only country where even if you aren't poor, you risk going bankrupt to get medical care . And the only country where you can lose your home if you lose your job .
And we're the only major country where the cost of a university education is too high for most young people and there isn't enough financial aid . The only country where young people go into debt to pay for their college loans and are stuck with it many years after they graduate .
We're the only country where wages are too low and the cost of living is too high . Something has got to be done about this ! We CAN solve these problems and if our government handled its finances right we COULD make college and health care affordable , as well as food and housing etc .
People who equate this with "Marxism, socialism and communism " are totally uninformed .


Well-known member
There is absolutely nothing "crazy " or "stupid " about what the Democrats are proposing, and many of the claims cited here misconstrue their actual goals .
The very idea of thinking for one minute that what Ocasio-Cortez proposes is the LEAST bit worthy of even being considered is completely ridiculous.
Fossil fuel is not unlimited and it's also extremely harmful to the world .
If you have an alternative in mind, we're listening. All you've done so far is make it worse with the advent of electric cars which are far worse (so far) with the manufacturing processes and resources needed to charge them producing more pollution than their internal combustion counterparts.
America and the world have got to find better alternatives, and the green alternative , while it may be difficult to implement, is a very good idea .
On the surface it is a very good idea, indeed; but we simply don't have the technology yet to make use of solar or other clean energy to eliminate fossil fuels altogether.
Fossil fuel is responsible for the mass damage to the environment which exists today , and something MUST be done about pollution by sewage, toxic chemicals and discarded plastic refuse .
Indeed, fossil fuel is a contributing factor, but not responsible alone for what we've done to the environment. We're going to change sources of energy, but not overnight.
There is a giant mass of discarded plastic refuse floating in the Pacific , and it is the size of TEXAS .
Yup. It gets bigger every day.
The entire world is at grave risk of losing clean air, water and food , and America is a major contributor to the environmental problems plaguing the world .
I dare say we're one of the cleanest, per capita, in the world. There are countries who are far less responsible than the USA. We have more population than many countries and more of the population is actually working than most countries. We produce what the world needs. It makes pollution, though not as bad as countries that just dump everything right into the ground or water sources.
What I am saying here is neither conservative nor liberal, merely fact .
No, it's mostly opinion and that: not very educated. You're hypnotized by the media, obviously.
Even if you don't believe in global warming, you SHOULD be very concerned about the catastrophic effects of toxic waste , chemicals etc on the world, including the US . The Republican party couldn't care less about these grave environmental problems , because the are a bunch of greedy , irresponsible idiots , and (President) Trump is our greedy , irresponsible (commander)-in-chief who has been deregulating absolutely essential laws regulating the environment for safety .
The idea that he's made industries less safe is completely ridiculous. He's made our country a major player in the world market, as we should have been for the last 50 or so years. You haven't yet begun to see the effects of what he's doing, you're merely parroting your party line.
The Republicans are in the pay of greedy, superrich and ruthless industrialists who are out for maximum profit and could not care about all the harm they are doing to the environment . All they want is maximum profits .
America is the only major industrialized country in the world without universal health care .
Is there a country that has centralized healthcare that really works?
It's the only major industrialized country where you risk dying if you need medical care which is too expensive, and the only country where even if you aren't poor, you risk going bankrupt to get medical care .
Obviously you don't realize that President Trump has enacted legislation that changed what you just hit on: the Affordable Care Act allows everyone access to the healthcare needed.
And we're the only major country where the cost of a university education is too high for most young people and there isn't enough financial aid .
There's more available in the USA than any other country. Most of what you've said in your whole post simply isn't true at all.
The only country where young people go into debt to pay for their college loans and are stuck with it many years after they graduate .
Well, the possibility to get an education is available to all, unlike most countries in the world.
We're the only country where wages are too low and the cost of living is too high .
Something has got to be done about this ! We CAN solve these problems and if our government handled its finances right we COULD make college and health care affordable , as well as food and housing etc . People who equate this with "Marxism, socialism and communism " are totally uninformed .
Well, if it walks like a duck...


New member
fool is a contractor - rebuilding doesn't mean "raze the existing structure and pour a new foundation"
- it usually means "gut the interior and replace with new stuff"

But no one was talking about rebuilding. The term certainly did't originate with the Green New Deal document. It originated with the chicken littles screaming about the sky falling.

And, the document is specifically talking about the energy efficiency of buildings. So, my guess is they would be providing tax cuts or mandates etc for green technology regarding the energy systems of buildings. I don't think that would require rebuilding but it would require some....:idea:....upgrading.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But no one was talking about rebuilding. The term certainly did't originate with the Green New Deal document.

the term used in the document is "upgrade"

And, the document is specifically talking about the energy efficiency of buildings. So, my guess is they would be providing tax cuts or mandates etc for green technology regarding the energy systems of buildings. I don't think that would require rebuilding but it would require some....:idea:....upgrading.

research what they're doing in germany - you gut the inside of an existing building, install high efficiency vapor barriers and insulation on all the exterior walls, replace all the windows with triple paned, halogen filled, neon/argon glazed, blablabla (read:really really expensive). Then all the plumbing, in and out. Then all of the HVAC equipment, including the now necessary air exchanger with heat recovery capability.

and you're right about guessing - you're guesses are as good as anyone else's, including those you call chicken littles

if the GND is all about offering incentives, that's fine

do you think that's all it will be about?

or will it force compliance with negative incentives?


New member
the term used in the document is "upgrade"

My point.

research what they're doing in germany - you gut the inside of an existing building, install high efficiency vapor barriers and insulation on all the exterior walls, replace all the windows with triple paned, halogen filled, neon/argon glazed, blablabla (read:really really expensive). Then all the plumbing, in and out. Then all of the HVAC equipment, including the now necessary air exchanger with heat recovery capability.

and you're right about guessing - you're guesses are as good as anyone else's, including those you call chicken littles

The difference is that they are saying that is says things that it does not say. They are not saying 'it could be interpreted to mean' or 'it's insinuated'. They are telling their viewers or followers that the document says things that it does not.

Just look at the OP if you need an example

if the GND is all about offering incentives, that's fine

do you think that's all it will be about?

or will it force compliance with negative incentives?

Who knows? I don't really understand why anyone gives a rather vague vision from a freshman rep any credence. It's not going to go anywhere. They're making this woman much more important than she actually is.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My point.

The difference is that they are saying that is says things that it does not say. They are not saying 'it could be interpreted to mean' or 'it's insinuated'. They are telling their viewers or followers that the document says things that it does not.

Just look at the OP if you need an example

Who knows? I don't really understand why anyone gives a rather vague vision from a freshman rep any credence. It's not going to go anywhere. They're making this woman much more important than she actually is.

apparently there's a "fact sheet" that accompanied the bill?

as well, those who pay attention (i don't) have reams of information from AOC etal, speeches, position papers, interviews, campaign promises, etc, on which to base reasonable expectations


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
But no one was talking about rebuilding. The term certainly did't originate with the Green New Deal document. It originated with the chicken littles screaming about the sky falling.

And, the document is specifically talking about the energy efficiency of buildings. So, my guess is they would be providing tax cuts or mandates etc for green technology regarding the energy systems of buildings. I don't think that would require rebuilding but it would require some....:idea:....upgrading.

Who cares what it's called, it will cost money. Stacks and Stacks of money.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the term used in the document is "upgrade"

research what they're doing in germany - you gut the inside of an existing building, install high efficiency vapor barriers and insulation on all the exterior walls, replace all the windows with triple paned, halogen filled, neon/argon glazed, blablabla (read:really really expensive). Then all the plumbing, in and out. Then all of the HVAC equipment, including the now necessary air exchanger with heat recovery capability.

and you're right about guessing - you're guesses are as good as anyone else's, including those you call chicken littles

if the GND is all about offering incentives, that's fine

do you think that's all it will be about?

or will it force compliance with negative incentives?

Probably both.


Just When you Thought Democrats Could not get any more STUPID

1 The Democrats weren't "stupid enough" to promise that Mexico would pay for "THE WALL" and then wait for the Republicans to lose their majority in the House before deciding to get Congress to pay for it!

2 The Democrats weren't stupid enough to close the federal government down for 35 days, announce to the public that they would shoulder the blame and then forced to reopen it with absolutely no "WALL" funding to show for it!

3 Now the President will receive even less funding than he would have had in December.
Republicans in Congress will refuse to indulge him in another government "shutdown," the conservative media is in open revolt concerning his failure to deliver and the Democrats will tie him up in the courts indefinitely over constitutional issues, if he attempts to declare a "national emergency" or diverts money from other sources!

The Horn

Amiel , we have a pretty clean country now . But this is changing under Trump. He is allowing massive amounts of toxic waste and chemicals to be proud into our rivers, lakes, streams and reservoirs . If Trump is not stopped soon, we ARE at grave risk of losing the clean and safe water, food and air we enjoy . He doesn't give a you-know-what about the safety and welfare of the eAmerican people. All he's interested is his own profit .