Believe the woman.
It's the bottom line of #MeToo.
It's orders of magnitude more difficult now to steal merchandise from retails stores than it used to be, before surveillance generally everywhere. It's more difficult to rob liquor stores because of the same reality. So people can't do what they used to do so easily due to video cameras.
With these matters in the OP, there are no cameras involved, the 'video evidence' is the victim herself, or the child, or the man. While video evidence is usually definitive and unambiguous as to investigators, juries, and individuals being able to accurately determine the facts, the supposed victim's testimony is a different type of evidence, but 'Believe the Woman' does capture the essence of how we are changing as a society, we are not dismissing these testimonies out of hand or with diminished effort.
Has Dr. Ford been 'believed' in this case, by our elected officials; has the supposed victim been given a fair opportunity to deliver her testimony, the closest thing that any of us has to 'video footage;' have they dismissed her testimony out of hand, or given only diminished effort to establishing the facts?
Now, due to this process, we've come to learn more about Judge Kavanaugh personally, and how he handles himself under some duress, either being falsely accused of a thing, or of hoping to survive a just accusation, and so he may not make it through, for a different reason than why we might have thought, back at the beginning of this seeming debacle.
I'm not sure that testiness is troubling in a Supreme Court justice, myself. Their decisions are never made 'in the moment,' and plus there are nine of them, and I believe that perhaps these nine people provide an impressive mix of both self-modulation and internal competition when fashioning a ruling. So I don't think his temper is something to rule out his confirmation here.
I think that our elected officials have been given a fair chance to determine their final decision, and I think the forthcoming FBI report on their additional investigation is being even more than fair also, so I'll support whatever they decide, given their closer proximity to the thing.
I just need to see a justice who intends to read the Second Amendment as it's written and largely as it's been authoritatively interpreted, that the right of the people to keep and bear all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding, shall not be infringed. If it's not Kavanaugh, it can be someone else.