john w has become a Pentecostal


Well-known member
Jesus will not return, the one single prerequisite to the second coming is that Israel must ask Him to return first. Until they do there will be no second coming. Get some healin on that kid

yep, first she is going to go on a "blind date" John 5:43 KJV and then she will realize that she's made a big mistake in choosing a husband. Then she will realize who is the correct choice and give him a call.

patrick jane

Jesus will not return, the one single prerequisite to the second coming is that Israel must ask Him to return first. Until they do there will be no second coming. Get some healin on that kid

ROTFL !! - What is that supposed to mean ? All the Jesus hating Jews must ask Jesus to return ? Yeah right. :carryon:


Did the Holy Ghost fall on you in the same way that He fell on Cornelius and his household?

...He fell on me like that. What I have I got by experience....I learned about it after. Nor was it a separate experience from my salvation, but I can tell from other Christians it is distinct.

God will give you what you ask Him for according to scripture.

Or let me akse it another way

Do you believe the church is walking in the same power now as it did during the 18th century revival?

The unregenerates won't ask God for anything since they don't care like the rest of mankind.
The spirit falls on those God drew long before the big bang of the big bang that caused the the big bang.

The church always had power that never gets weak nor die.

You experienced the kundulini engeries which anyone can have in any religion. You just happened to be worshipping or praising God when you awakened it. Pentecostalism can cause mental illness. That's why they ask not to converse with other denominations. Now you know the truth and your stuck with the idea that the Christians might be right. Investigate.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
...My grandpops lived in the Catholic sector of Belfast during the time when they were blowing each other up. He was Catholic down to his toenails. He came to England after the war to escape from being caught up in the violence.

When he was a soldier in Palestine he visited the church of the Resurrection, while he was there he said a great and marvellous peace came over him, and in that moment he said "I KNEW that our Lord was arisen and I have never doubted it since"....
" . . . faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


Dan Emanuel

Active member
Take the case of John Wesley [the other john w] he was a stone cold Anglican right? no different to a Catholic...
The difference between Anglican and Catholic is the same difference as between all Christian non-Catholic's and Catholic's --the pope/papacy/successor of Peter. Only Catholic's accept Peters office as supreme pastorship of the Church of Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18 KJV, Acts 8:3 KJV, 1 Corinthians 15:9 KJV, Galatians 1:13 KJV). Anglican's are just as different from Catholic's as everybody else who is a Christian yet who reject's our Lords gift of a perpetual shepherd (John 21:15-17 KJV).
...But after a long struggle and a lot of witnessing by some dissenting brethren at a certain prayer meeting he came into an awareness that Christ had indeed pardoned his sin, he was born again and spent the rest of his life preaching the new birth to the multitudes...but he remained an Anglican priest as did Whitefield.
Catholic's are reminded of this every Mass.


Dan Emanuel

Active member
Amen. In fact, those in many a church are saved in spite of the church. So many believers have been saved when a member of the body of Christ shares the gospel with them. I was saved when we went to help an old couple shovel snow off their roof, and the lady shared the Gospel with me while the men were outside. Actually, preachers are rarely found behind a pulpit.
They're are too many "ex-Catholic's" around here for me to believe its only coincidental that they are saved, and not rather because of there upbringing in the Catholic Church. :idunno:


patrick jane

This is news to me. Is they're a source?


no, i was exaggerating. you could look up AG (Assembly Of God). There are also many Pentecostal churches outside of AG. Every church is different and some are highly charismatic (tongues, thrashing). Fake

patrick jane

They're are too many "ex-Catholic's" around here for me to believe its only coincidental that they are saved, and not rather because of there upbringing in the Catholic Church. :idunno:


it doesn't bother me about your use of apostrophes wrongly, but I would like to help. any contraction (combining of two words) has a ' in it. When you say there are - there is no apostrophe. You are combining they are which is they're. But over there is just there. and if something belongs to others it's theirs or their things (possessive).

Your writing is good so I know you can get this, you spell great too. Let me know if anybody can help you with that here, many others are better at teaching than I am

Dan Emanuel

Active member
it doesn't bother me about your use of apostrophes wrongly, but I would like to help. any contraction (combining of two words) has a ' in it. When you say there are - there is no apostrophe. You are combining they are which is they're. But over there is just there. and if something belongs to others it's theirs or their things (possessive).

Your writing is good so I know you can get this, you spell great too. Let me know if anybody can help you with that here, many others are better at teaching than I am

I am aware of my problem. My thought is, I just don't see fit to change. I would have to learn something in my advanced age, and I don't think its worth it because I think everybody can understand what I'm saying anyway. I don't get the impression that people are reading me and scratching there head at what I'm saying because I don't use the right their/there/they're. I rather think that people either read me very plainly, or they get hung up on a grammatical error. I really can't concern myself with those people, not because I don't care, but because I've got limited resource's, like we all do. I'm making a judgment call. An executive decision.

Its not like I'm dropping censored bomb's . . . I'm misusing apostophe's. I probably just did it again.

If their's anyway that I can further the kingdom of God without learning the right way to use apostrophe's, thats what I want to do.



patrick jane


I am aware of my problem. My thought is, I just don't see fit to change. I would have to learn something in my advanced age, and I don't think its worth it because I think everybody can understand what I'm saying anyway. I don't get the impression that people are reading me and scratching there head at what I'm saying because I don't use the right their/there/they're. I rather think that people either read me very plainly, or they get hung up on a grammatical error. I really can't concern myself with those people, not because I don't care, but because I've got limited resource's, like we all do. I'm making a judgment call. An executive decision.

Its not like I'm dropping censored bomb's . . . I'm misusing apostophe's. I probably just did it again.

If their's anyway that I can further the kingdom of God without learning the right way to use apostrophe's, thats what I want to do.



Suit yourself. I don't really take your posts serious because of it. Just me

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Jesus will not return, the one single prerequisite to the second coming is that Israel must ask Him to return first. Until they do there will be no second coming. Get some healin on that kid

I'm not that far away from that, though I never can believe that any initiative begins with men. Zach says they will look upon Him who they have pierced and mourn for Him as for a firstborn son...ALL Israel will mourn for Him every single family, every household.

There is a considerable amount of longing, of yearning, of asking, of repentance there...but first they will see Him who they have peirced.

The Type is Joseph when he revealed himself to his brothers who of course was all Israel...they were considerably dismayed and abashed in his presence, but Joseph fell on their necks and wept.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
They're are too many "ex-Catholic's" around here for me to believe its only coincidental that they are saved, and not rather because of there upbringing in the Catholic Church. :idunno:


I was raised Catholic, salvation is as far different to Catholicism as the east is to the west.

Catholics do not come to Christ...they come to the sacrament, they come to the priest but to Christ they do not come.