Biden would have quite a clean-up, wouldn't he? Just removing the swamp slime from the WH house would be a major project.
Biden would have quite a clean-up, wouldn't he? Just removing the swamp slime from the WH house would be a major project.
As well he should be ... BIDEN/HARRIS 2020!
Indeed ... but he would do it because he actually loves our country and would never condone such abuse of children.
Really none too bright are ya intojoy? They're photoshopped you dopey crank. The originals:
The woman’s body language is one of horror. She’s terrified of where Uncle joezabub has put his hands expecting he may start thrusting into her. Very disturbing of #joeBfiendin’ #metoo
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Hillary/Bill 2020! :banana:
Harris/Yates 2020!