JFK Assassination

patrick jane

They said no such thing. The least you can do is stick with the head shot and its upper rear entrance, and upper right blowout.

When asked, he thought it looked like one thing. They did not do what you claim.
Which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound? At him?
It appeared to be coming at him.
And the one behind?
The nature of the wound defies the ability to describe whether it went through it from either side. I cannot tell you that. Can you, Dr. Clark?......

Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat?
The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don’t know. It could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the head. There was not time to determine this at the particular instant.
Would the bullet have to travel up from the neck wound to exit through the back?
Unless it was deviated from its course by striking bone or some other object.

And upon x-rays of the entire body,t his was discovered.

The other missile entered the right superior posterior
thorax above the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the
suprascapular and the supraclavicular portions of the base of the
right side of the neck. This missile produced contusions of the
right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the
right upper lobe of the lung. The missile contused the strap
muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and
made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck. As far as
can be ascertained, this missile struck no bony structures in its
path through the body.​

We know the throat wound. After it exited, it went into the governor.
Back, and to the left !!!!!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
They said no such thing. The least you can do is stick with the head shot and its upper rear entrance, and upper right blowout.

Mr. SPECTER. In this report, Dr. Jones, you state the following, "Previously described severe skull and brain injury was noted as well as a small hole in anterior midline of the neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound. What led you to the thought that it was a bullet entrance wound, sir?

Dr. JONES. The hole was very small and relatively clean cut, as you would see in a bullet that is entering rather than exiting from a patient. If this were an exit wound, you would think that it exited at a very low velocity to produce no more damage than this had done, and if this were a missile of high velocity, you would expect more of an explosive type of exit wound, with more tissue destruction than this appeared to have on superficial examination.

Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat?
The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct.

Also, Dr. Charles Crenshaw said that the throat wound was an entrance wound. He also said that after the body left Parkland the throat wound was tampered with and made much larger:


patrick jane

Mr. SPECTER. In this report, Dr. Jones, you state the following, "Previously described severe skull and brain injury was noted as well as a small hole in anterior midline of the neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound. What led you to the thought that it was a bullet entrance wound, sir?

Dr. JONES. The hole was very small and relatively clean cut, as you would see in a bullet that is entering rather than exiting from a patient. If this were an exit wound, you would think that it exited at a very low velocity to produce no more damage than this had done, and if this were a missile of high velocity, you would expect more of an explosive type of exit wound, with more tissue destruction than this appeared to have on superficial examination.

Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat?
The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct.

Also, Dr. Charles Crenshaw said that the throat wound was an entrance wound. He also said that after the body left Parkland the throat wound was tampered with and made much larger:

Jerry, there's a JFK special on the History channel tonight and tomorrow. I think it's only 2 episodes based on new information gleaned from the newly released documents.



Donald Trump Accuses Ted Cruz’s Father Of Role In JFK Assassination

The Donald Trump allied National Enquirer ran a ludicrous story a short while ago claiming that Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, was linked to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy:

The only real evidence is this image which purports to show someone which the National Enquirer says is Rafael Cruz next to Lee Harvey Oswald.

And, of course, the National Enquirer claims this link is mentioned in the Warren Commission report.

Keep in mind that the National Enquirer has been functioning as an extension of the Trump campaign. It was that tabloid, run by Donald Trump’s butt buddy, a guy ominously named David Pecker, that ran a scurrilous hit piece on Cruz… all the while ignoring Trump’s alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl, his close friendship with proven pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and his demonstrated pedophilic and incestuous leanings.

This is crazy pants country, in other words, it is the native domain of Donald Trump.

“His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous,” Trump said Tuesday during a phone interview with Fox News. “What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up. They don’t even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it.”

“I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?” Trump continued. “It’s horrible.”

Naturally, Trump made this claim on FoxNews and naturally, no one said anything:

“Crazy!” said Brian Kilmeade cluelessly before moving on, while Trump was unchallenged by any of the show’s hosts on the bonkers claim.

There are only two explanations for Trump’s behavior… an only one for FoxNews’. Trump either believes virtually every conspiracy theory that he encounters, which makes him unqualified for living outside a mental institution, or he knows a significant number of his followers believe it which makes him a poltroon and should make his followers ineligible to vote.



Are we discussing the same JFK that "The Donald" accused the father of Ted Cruz as being part of a conspiracy with Lee Harvey Oswald?

Its at this point that our conservative "friends2 demand that I be removed from the thread because in "Trumpworld," they find it much more preferable to "shoot the messenger" rather than admit that the person to whom they entrusted the nuclear codes is "not playing with a full deck!"

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patrick jane



Are we discussing the same JFK that "The Donald" accused the father of Ted Cruz as being part of a conspiracy with Lee Harvey Oswald?

Its at this point that our conservative friends demand that I be removed from the thread because in "Trumpworld" our conservative "friends" find it much more preferable to "shoot the messenger" rather than admit that the person to whom they entrusted the nuclear codes is "not playing with a full deck!"

:rotfl: jgarbage is lashing out because Trump Is Winning !!!


Well-known member
What really happened? Was it really one shooter? Thirty years ago, I read a book called Contract On America, by the end of the book I was convinced that it was the mafia or the shadow government, or both. There was simply too much evidence of a conspiracy. I'm sure there was a thread about this before but I saw Town and Jerry discussing it in another thread. Many Americans believe it was a conspiracy involving more than one person.

This is comprehensive:


New member
i think the shadow government sends us off on these turkey shoots asking if there was more than one shooter, the guy on the grassy knoll, umbrella man, etc, etc. so what if one was to prove any of these things. why are there so few that ask why was JFK killed? he obviously had powerful enemies, what were those enemies trying to to keep hidden by killing the president?



:rotfl: jgarbage is lashing out because Trump Is Winning !!!

If "The Donald" actually thought that "Lyin'" Ted Cruz's father was a part of the JFK assassination would it not be part of his constitutional duty, as President, to ensure that he is investigated?

If Trump doesn't believe Cruz's father is implicated in the assassination, what does that have to say about his credibility?