JFK Assassination

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
So you have nothing to refute. You immediately go to an insult.

Did you not look at the slow-motion Zapruder film and see where there was an explosion on the right side of the face around the area of the cheek bone?

The autopsy photos show no injury at all to that part of the face. That can only mean that the Zapruder film was altered.

You must think that all the doctors and nurses at Parkland were in error because they described the exit would in the back of the head. You must also think that Secret Service agent Clint Hill was wrong because he also described the exit wound as being in the back of the head and he was in the backseatof the car with JFK.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Nick, you should read the book Contract On America by David E. Scheim.

I already know what they say. I grew up thinking it was a conspiracy because almost every body says so. But there is no evidence, and the evidence is to the contrary. Did you look at what I sent you? Why not? That was stupid of you.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I already know what they say. I grew up thinking it was a conspiracy because almost every body says so. But there is no evidence, and the evidence is to the contrary.

You talk about others being dumb but you have reached new heights in that category!

According to your preconceived ideas the testimony of the nurses and doctors at Parkland who described an exit womb in the back of the head must have been wrong. And according to your dumb ideas the testimony of Secret Service agent Clint Hill, who was in the back seat with JFK after the fatal shot, cannot be trusted because he also said that the exit wound was in the back of the head!

patrick jane

I already know what they say. I grew up thinking it was a conspiracy because almost every body says so. But there is no evidence, and the evidence is to the contrary. Did you look at what I sent you? Why not? That was stupid of you.
I watched it, but it can't explain the shot from the grassy knoll

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I watched it, but it can't explain the shot from the grassy knoll

What shot?

I sent a link to the matter of fact evidence. Show me what is fake or false. Just the big stuff, the easy stuff. I'll wait.

When you watch the ultimate conspiracy theory video, keep in mind where they were in the car and their orientation. For example, the governor's seat was inbound and lower than the President, and his body was turned to see because of the shot they heard behind them (depository).

The people who are promoting the conspiracy, that you have shamefully swallowed, know how false the video in the movie is. Yet the tell it anyway.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Here is the "pristine bullet". The stripes, are the rifling marks of a bullet that has been fired.


This is the same bullet, on its side.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The people who are promoting the conspiracy, that you have shamefully swallowed, know how false the video in the movie is. Yet the tell it anyway.

Were all the doctors and nurses at Parkland promoting a conspiracy when they described the exit wound as being in the back of the head? Click on the following site and tell me which of those doctors and which of the nurses were promoting a conspiracy:


And what about Secret Service agent Clint Hill who was in the back seat with JFK after the fatal shot and he said that the exit wound was in the back of the head? Was he promoting a conspiracy?

You are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy!

The Berean

Well-known member
I remember reading that after JFK was removed from his car at the hospital some unknown person wiped down and cleaned the interior of the car thus destroying all forensic evidence?

Sent from my SM-G920V using TOL mobile app

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Here is the "pristine bullet". The stripes, are the rifling marks of a bullet that has been fired.


This is the same bullet, on its side.


The doctors at Parkland described the wound in the throat as an entry wound. And none of the nurses or doctors even noticed the supposed entry wound in the back of JFK.

It just miraculously appeared when the body got to the Naval Military Hospital in Bethesda Maryland. Just like the bullet which just miraculously appeared on what might or might not have been Connolly's gurney at Parkland.


Well-known member
Yes, in order to say that there was only one shooter the Warren Commission had to argue that one bullet entered the back of JFK and came out at his throat and then entered Connally's torso and thigh and wrist and ended up in almost pristine condition. As pictured here:



I was home watching tv the day it happened, and, of course, the tapes show he grabs for his throat...then his head is slammed backward. None of that fits with the "magic bullet" idea. And, I can remember the early news reports talking about the large head wound in the back. What did they do....delete all that?

Now, seeing what the CIA and deep state are capable of today, it makes a lot more sense than it did back when I respected our covert operation people.


Well-known member
Did you not look at the slow-motion Zapruder film and see where there was an explosion on the right side of the face around the area of the cheek bone?

The autopsy photos show no injury at all to that part of the face. That can only mean that the Zapruder film was altered.

You must think that all the doctors and nurses at Parkland were in error because they described the exit would in the back of the head. You must also think that Secret Service agent Clint Hill was wrong because he also described the exit wound as being in the back of the head and he was in the backseatof the car with JFK.

There was clearly an explosion.....after he grabbed his neck and started to fall forward. The shot had to have come from fairly low and close which is why the manhole cover and vent opening makes sense. What else would make that bright flash and cause him to pitch back and to the side.

It's interesting, too, that the secret service agent, Clint Hill, said Mrs. Kennedy was not reaching for him as many had assumed. She was reaching for something that came off the president. As I watched the film after hearing that, I think she was in such a state of shock that when she saw brain tissue and bone being blown off the back of his head, she was wanting to gather what she could in hopes they could put it back. That is exactly how someone would think in that circumstance. It's like she was desperate to collect something.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The doctors at Parkland described the wound in the throat as an entry wound.

They said no such thing. The least you can do is stick with the head shot and its upper rear entrance, and upper right blowout.

When asked, he thought it looked like one thing. They did not do what you claim.

Which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound? At him?
It appeared to be coming at him.
And the one behind?
The nature of the wound defies the ability to describe whether it went through it from either side. I cannot tell you that. Can you, Dr. Clark?......

Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat?
The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don’t know. It could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the head. There was not time to determine this at the particular instant.
Would the bullet have to travel up from the neck wound to exit through the back?
Unless it was deviated from its course by striking bone or some other object.

And upon x-rays of the entire body,t his was discovered.

The other missile entered the right superior posterior
thorax above the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the
suprascapular and the supraclavicular portions of the base of the
right side of the neck. This missile produced contusions of the
right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the
right upper lobe of the lung. The missile contused the strap
muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and
made its exit through the anterior surface of the neck. As far as
can be ascertained, this missile struck no bony structures in its
path through the body.​

We know the throat wound. After it exited, it went into the governor.