JFK Assassination

patrick jane

What really happened? Was it really one shooter? Thirty years ago, I read a book called Contract On America, by the end of the book I was convinced that it was the mafia or the shadow government, or both. There was simply too much evidence of a conspiracy. I'm sure there was a thread about this before but I saw Town and Jerry discussing it in another thread. Many Americans believe it was a conspiracy involving more than one person.

patrick jane

What really happened? Was it really one shooter? Thirty years ago, I read a book called Contract On America, by the end of the book I was convinced that it was the mafia or the shadow government, or both. There was simply too much evidence of a conspiracy. I'm sure there was a thread about this before but I saw Town and Jerry discussing it in another thread. Many Americans believe it was a conspiracy involving more than one person.
@Jerry Shugart

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
What really happened?

The first evidence which I saw that convinced me that there was actually a conspiracy to assassinate JFK was the testimony of those who first saw the head wound, the doctors and nurses from Parkland Hospital in Dallas. They described an exit wound in the back of the head, meaning that the shot came from the front and not from the back:


Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who was in the back of the car with JFK after the fatal shot and on the way to Parkland also described the exit wound as being in the back of the head before the Warren Commission:

“The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car."

"Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head."

In the following video Clint Hill locates the exit wound as being in the rear of the head:


All of that is strong evidence that the fatal shot came from the front and not the rear, as the Warren Commission reported. This evidence proves that there was indeed a conspiracy.

Does anyone have anything to say about this evidence which indicates that the exit wound was in the back of the head?



New member
No way [MENTION=6141]Nick M[/MENTION] - it was a conspiracy, there was definitely more than one bullet and shooter

All evidence, and lack thereof, points to multiple bullets.

A study of ballistics, gun mechanics, shooting, etc leave no question in there being different bullets. A study of shooting, combined with the layout of the plaza leaves no question on the inability of Oswald to be able to make the killing shot.

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patrick jane

All evidence, and lack thereof, points to multiple bullets.

A study of ballistics, gun mechanics, shooting, etc leave no question in there being different bullets. A study of shooting, combined with the layout of the plaza leaves no question on the inability of Oswald to be able to make the killing shot.

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Finally, something we agree on. Oh wait, I thought you were [MENTION=16750]Jonahdog[/MENTION]

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
All evidence, and lack thereof, points to multiple bullets.

A study of ballistics, gun mechanics, shooting, etc leave no question in there being different bullets. A study of shooting, combined with the layout of the plaza leaves no question on the inability of Oswald to be able to make the killing shot.

Yes, in order to say that there was only one shooter the Warren Commission had to argue that one bullet entered the back of JFK and came out at his throat and then entered Connally's torso and thigh and wrist and ended up in almost pristine condition. As pictured here:




Well-known member
Yes, in order to say that there was only one shooter the Warren Commission had to argue that one bullet entered the back of JFK and came out at his throat and then entered Connally's torso and thigh and wrist and ended up in almost pristine condition. As pictured here:



It's been years since I've read or watched anything about this, but if memory serves, no one paid much attention to the bullet until they got to Parkland. When the focus came to the bullet, no one could find it - at first. And then when they finally did find it (after a short period of searching), it just happened to be sitting nicely on the stretcher next to Kennedy's head. In perfect condition.

I can't see how that chain of evidence could hold up in court.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I can't see how that chain of evidence could hold up in court.

Yes, and Jack Ruby made sure that it would never make it to court.

Richard Nixon said that "it's a hell of a thing. I actually knew this Jack Ruby fella. Murray Chotiner brought him in back in '47. Went by the name of Rubinstein. An informant. Murray said he was one of Lyndon Johnson's boys..." (Roger Stone, The Man Who Killed Kennedy; The Case Against LBJ, p.18).

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Go ahead and show it.

The evidence is all around you but before you can see it you must first open your eyes.

In order to say that there was only one shooter the Warren Commission had to argue that one bullet entered the back of JFK and came out at his throat and then entered Connally's torso and thigh and wrist and ended up in almost pristine condition. As pictured here:


That idea of the Warren Commission is called the MAGIC bullet theory and you probably bought into it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Th CIA hated Kennedy, as well, the military did not like him. The Vietnam war was what industrialists wanted. The mob had little to do with it; they were hunters, snipers.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The world is flat too, right?

That guy is a fool or he is being paid by the CIA.

He said that we should look at the Zapruder film in detail but he didn't do that in regard to the fatal shot. Take a look at the Zapruder film in slow motion and according to what we see an explosion appeared on the right side of the face of JFK about the area of the cheek bone (about 52 seconds):


But when we look at the autopsy photos there is no damage at all in that area of the face:


It is clear that the Zapruder film was tampered with.

Besides that, what do you say about the evidence in regard to the fact that the doctors and nurses at Parkland placed the exit wound in the back of the head as did Secret Service agent Clint Hill who was in the car with JFK shortly after the head shot?

patrick jane

That guy is a fool or he is being paid by the CIA.

He said that we should look at the Zapruder film in detail but he didn't do that in regard to the fatal shot. Take a look at the Zapruder film in slow motion and according to what we see an explosion appeared on the right side of the face of JFK about the area of the cheek bone (about 52 seconds):


But when we look at the autopsy photos there is no damage at all in that area of the face:


It is clear that the Zapruder film was tampered with.
Yes, the front of his head was clearly blown off